Julius Caesar, bragging rights

Sep 22, 2012 17:09

I thought this was really exciting.

I had to give a speech in front of everyone for Shakespeare. (I know, nerve-wracking!) It went fantastically! My teacher gave me extra credit because I did so well! 110! *cheers* I was so happy. Anyway, I had to give Cassius Speech, Like a Colossus in Julius Caesar, and I moved. I looked at everyone in the eye, ( Read more... )

julius caesar, speech, happy, joy, ramblings, presenting, family, random, bragging rights, inspiration, shakespeare, real life, thinking, fun, classes

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Comments 9

kiramaru7 September 23 2012, 00:15:05 UTC
That's sooo awesome, Rikki!! *glomps*


rickashay1 September 23 2012, 01:51:41 UTC
Awww, thank you so much! I was so happy! *huggles*


kiramaru7 September 23 2012, 01:58:54 UTC
You're welcome! You worked hard for that A+ so you should be! *huggles*


rickashay1 September 23 2012, 18:32:07 UTC
Thank you so much! Most of it is just luck and guessing, but I've been spending two-four hours practicing that speech, so it should have paid off! ^_^ LOL, thank you so much!


misato1471 September 23 2012, 15:16:47 UTC
YAY! *hugs* XD


rickashay1 September 23 2012, 18:31:16 UTC
I was so happy! *glomps*


carddigi October 5 2012, 23:37:41 UTC
So are you taking a Shakespeare class? Or is this for acting or a speech class in general? (just wondering, I've been away for a long time)

I'm terrified of speaking in front of people. I'll do it if I have to, but I can feel myself shaking the whole time!

That's so awesome that you were so into the speech. And kudos on the grade :-)


rickashay1 October 6 2012, 19:50:17 UTC
It's pretty much all three. ^_^ I've got a great teacher that studied some acting during her college years, so we are doing it all! Papers, speech, acting, yup...

I love speaking in front of people! Especially the moment of adrenaline when you can be positively frightening!

Thank you so much! I'm really happy about it! My average is at a 99% right now, so that's really great.


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