Every time this happens, someone -- usually a conservative -- objects that certain other celebrities say this kind of thing all the time. Sorry, I don't buy that Chris Rock ever said anything akin to Michael Richards's tirade. That said, I agree that there's something wrong with the more popular response.
Imus is merely repeating the mistake of the Greaseman 8-9 years ago (wow, that long?). The zeitgeist has been around a while, but perhaps it has intensified, at least in the left-wing community.
As I've said before, if it were his first offense I would have written it off as failed humor. It's not that offensive, even. But combining it with his long racist past and history of apologizing and then doing it all over again, it's plain to see that something should be done.
People should tell advertisers "hey, if you're going to pay a racist to advertise your product, I don't want to buy it." That's the proper way of getting someone off the air, speaking with your wallet.
As for people saying that Imus is just a small part of the problem, I agree whole-heartedly... but we shouldn't let him slide just because we're having difficulty taking down the others. Se should hold them all accountable for their words, including some of the race-baiters that are Imus' loudest critics (Sharpton, Jackson)
I have no idea what Imus said, I haven't been following the story, because honestly...I don't care. Someone else is going to come along and fill that void.
And since I haven't heard Stern's show since he moved to Sirius, I don't know if he's amped up the misogyny or what, but I can tell you, that's one of the main reasons I never enjoyed his show.
As for Ann Coulter, she always falls back on the ol' "grow a sense of humor" excuse if she makes a comment that is offensive. But, they keep booking her because she sells out the tickets.
I think perhaps the main positive thing to come from this is that some black leaders and spokespersons are acknowledging that the same criticisms should be thrust upon rappers and stand-up comics and filmmakers, etc... since the verbal abuse isn't solely confined to Imus'es misstep. But will people really listen?
Comments 5
Imus is merely repeating the mistake of the Greaseman 8-9 years ago (wow, that long?). The zeitgeist has been around a while, but perhaps it has intensified, at least in the left-wing community.
People should tell advertisers "hey, if you're going to pay a racist to advertise your product, I don't want to buy it." That's the proper way of getting someone off the air, speaking with your wallet.
As for people saying that Imus is just a small part of the problem, I agree whole-heartedly... but we shouldn't let him slide just because we're having difficulty taking down the others. Se should hold them all accountable for their words, including some of the race-baiters that are Imus' loudest critics (Sharpton, Jackson)
And since I haven't heard Stern's show since he moved to Sirius, I don't know if he's amped up the misogyny or what, but I can tell you, that's one of the main reasons I never enjoyed his show.
As for Ann Coulter, she always falls back on the ol' "grow a sense of humor" excuse if she makes a comment that is offensive. But, they keep booking her because she sells out the tickets.
But will people really listen?
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