
Sep 26, 2021 21:49

I took a few days off from LJ while my dad had surgery on his other hip. I took a few days off of work to spend time with mom while dad was having surgery, and then I spent the first night that my dad was home with them ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

ragnarok_08 September 27 2021, 02:09:40 UTC
I hope that your dad's hip surgery went well.


richaarde September 27 2021, 02:24:01 UTC
Some minor complications, but nothing terrible. He'll be back to his old self in no time.


seaivy September 27 2021, 12:57:40 UTC
you are a Good Son!!!
(i'm a mother i know about that lol)

i never saw one of those ugly creepys and i've live in those places
they can just STAY OUT!!


richaarde September 27 2021, 18:49:52 UTC
Thank you!

The spotted lanternflies have made it as far south as Virginia, but I don't know where. They might not have made it to your exact area yet, but they're coming.


kensmind September 27 2021, 18:24:06 UTC
You're a good person for being there for your parents. That's a much more important priority than Livegerbil.


richaarde September 27 2021, 18:48:08 UTC
Thank you


sleepybadger September 28 2021, 01:22:08 UTC
whaaaa about the car? Weird. But ok.

I just read an article about spotted lanternflies! Good job smooshing them!

How's your dad doing?


richaarde September 29 2021, 01:15:29 UTC
I seriously have no idea what she's thinking with her car comment. I guess I should be driving a big and manly SUV or something.

A few weeks ago I saw they found a spotted lanternfly in Nebraska. So you might start seeing them where you are sooner or later.

Dad has been doing a little better every day since the surgery. I was just down there today. He still needs a walker, but he was able to move around much more comfortably than when I was last there on Saturday.


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