[FIC] Patchwork Heroes

Aug 22, 2009 01:14

Title: Patchwork Heroes -Chapter Two
Author:  RiaStarStruck (me!)
Rating: R
Pairing: VAM
Summary:  They were just two regular teenagers for the most part, but when they meet each other they have to start dealing with the demons that lurk in their shadows, and also each others’ while discovering love along the way.
Disclaimer: I don’t own anything connected to HIM, Ville Valo, or Bam Margera except some DVDs and CDs. I don’t mean to offend anyone by this, it’s written purely for my own entertainment.
Warnings: abuse, Ref to child abuse, violence, angst. Unbeta’ed.
Authors Notes: Sadly I’ve had no internet for the past week (what a nightmare that was! I swear I was beginning to go through withdrawal and isn’t that a little pathetic?!) This is my least favourite chapter, but it holds many of the important things that get this story rolling. Please comment once you’ve read, as it makes me update earlier and makes me happy!

Prologue, Chapter One 

Chapter Two

As the crowd pressed close and the small hand in his clung to him as it pulled him through the crowded space Bam worried about his hold, was he holding it too tight? Too loose? Was his hand sweaty? Too calloused? He ground his teeth together as he listened to some terrible band scream into the microphone in an imitation of singing. Missy tugged his arm and they finally exited the main part of the crowd and found a table to lean against.
She was pretty, small and thin and delicate, with dark hair and wide brown eyes, she was smiling wide and talked quickly about nothing much at all. Bam had known her since preschool, they had gone to the same schools for all their lives but before now they hadn’t really spoken; a few friendly greeting and smiles in the corridor between classes had been the extent of their interactions for a few years.
Missy flicked her hair out of her face and smiled as she took a sip of her drink and Bam wondered how he had gotten into this situation. He smiled back and vaguely blamed Raab and wondered if he should thank him, or strangle him. He contemplated spitting in his lunch on Monday just to be safe.

Raab had broached the subject in maths class on Wednesday and here he was, Friday night in a club he’d never been in before, listening to crappy live music with a beautiful girl.“Missy Rothwell and Jeremy Simons broke up because she found him getting it on with Stacy; apparently he did it coz she wouldn’t put out.” Raab had whispered as he leant across the aisle, his chair on one leg as he ignored the teacher at the front of the room entirely.
“So?” Raab rolled his eyes and twirled a pencil around his fingers.
“So she’s available.” He slammed back down on all four legs but leaned towards him again. “I mean yeah, apparently she doesn’t put out but that aint so bad, besides who’d wanna let Simons screw them?” Bam was struck suddenly with the image of the hulking Jeremy Simons bearing down onto Raab’s small frame screaming his release as he nearly smothered the boy bellow him. He shuddered and banished the image from his mind.
“So what, you’re going to ask Missy out?” Raab stared at him blankly for a moment before shaking his head, leaning on the back legs of his chair, wobbling dangerously.
“No dipshit, I mean she’s free, as in for you.”Bam blinked at his friend confused.
“Me?” his voice raised embarrassingly in the short word and Raab rolled his eyes.
“Yes, you. We’re talking about the girl who’s had a crush on you since like... preschool.” Bam blinked slowly, frowning down at his untouched maths work.
“Preschool? What?” he looked back at Raab who was staring at him expectantly and suddenly everything clicked into place. “Oh.”
“Dude seriously, are you that thick? I mean come on, even I noticed.” Raab wobbled dangerously and Bam nodded sombrely.
“Your right, that is quite pathetic of me.” He said, before grinning wickedly at his friend.
“Arsehole!” Raab shouted, earning a reprimand from the teacher and sniggers from the rest of the class. Raab apologised flamboyantly and the teacher sighed before returning to her rounds of the class. Raab lowered his voice and leaned across the aisle again. “So you gonna ask her out?” Bam shrugged, staring down at his notebook blankly.
“Dunno dude, I guess maybe.” Out of the corner of his eye he saw Raab grin widely.
He hadn’t asked her out, but she’d slipped away from her friends at lunch and leant against his locker, biting her lip and blushing prettily.

“I’m really happy you came Bam.” Bam tore his gaze away from the geeky looking boy on stage who was shouting brokenly into the microphone about things Bam was sure he had no actual idea about.
“Of course I came, I’m glad you asked.” She beamed at him and the lights from the stage caught her teeth and they flashed disturbingly. He took a swig of his drink and leaned back on his chair casually. “I’m just not really sure why, didn’t you just break up with Simons?” Missy sneered delicately.
“I’m better off without that arsehole. And I just... I wanted to ask you out.” They shared a grin and then sank into a conversation about nothing really. They got on well; she laughed at his stories about his friends and told him jokes and stories of her own. One band turned into another, each as bad as the predecessor in Bam's opinion but each worked well enough for mindless background music.
“So Bam, do you want to, I don’t know, go to the winter dance with me?” Bam's mind went blank, and she smiled hopefully at him, biting her lip as she eyed him hopefully.
“Dance? Um, sure.” He wasn’t sure why he agreed, he just knew he liked how her smile lit up her face.
“Really? Awesome.” He liked how open she was, how daring. She didn’t dance around the question with needless flirtations trying to get him to ask her. She came right out and asked, and Bam knew he wouldn’t be as comfortable with her if she had been like all the other girls his friends fawned over.

The music shifted and the lights dimmed suddenly. Bam's head jerked around to the stage in time to see a tall figure walk out on stage, a lit cigarette already in his hand and Bam's eyes tracked the thin figure as he strode across the small stage in a few easy steps. Bam stood up suddenly, his eyes staying on the singer as he grabbed Missy’s hand and pulled her unresisting into the crowd.
“This bands incredible, you gotta see them.” They pushed their way through the crowd towards the stage, Missy pressed close beside him and he refrained from pulling away from the close contact. The lights turned red and glowed along Ville's dark clothing and lit his hair like fire he grinned down at Bam quickly eyes flashing with recognition, his eyes lingering on Missy before he launched into their first song letting the dark melodies wash through the club cleansing it of the awkward, untalented bands that had filled the space moments before.
“The singer writes all their stuff.” He leaned close to shout in her ear and she grinned up at him but Bam was already looking back at the stage.  
One song bled seamlessly into another, Ville danced across the stage tight black leather clinging to his frame as he sang heartfelt into the awed crowd. His eyes met Bam's occasionally, a fleeting contact that made Bam's chest feel tight and his palms tingle.
“Look Bam I think I’m going to head home.” Missy leant close to shout in his ear. Bam glanced across at her, his eyes wide. He cast a quick glanced back at the stage to see Mige blow a kiss to Ville making them both laugh.
“What? Oh, sure. Do you want me to walk you home?”She watched as he swayed instinctively to the music and smiled as she shook her head.
“No, I’m fine.” Bam cast another glance back at the stage before eying her critically.
“If you’re sure...” he made a move to follow her as she stepped away, making her grin. She leant forward and planted a soft kiss on his cheek, he could feel the stick of her lip gloss against his cheek.
“See you tomorrow?” she asked hopefully.
“Yeah, sure.” On stage Ville screamed into the mic; his body shaking as he held himself up with the stand and Bam's reply got lost in the noise as Missy turned and made her way through the crowd. Bam's eyes stayed fixed on Ville as he sang, all his emotions and feelings sang out into the audience with beautiful words and images of death and love.

Ville was taller then he seemed, his thin frame bent close as he spoke over the bad music that now filled the club. He was sweaty from the show and Bam focused on how the lights caught on the moisture and made his skin glitter he was so entranced he didn’t notice how close Ville leant, how he seemed to fill the space around Bam entirely sharing breath and space.
“You guys were really great tonight.”  Bam’s head tilted back so he could look directly into shadowed green eyes which flashed blue, red, yellow and black in time with the lights.
“Thanks, Bam right?” his name sounded strange in the thick accent, like a shot, sharp and abrupt but seemed to go on for hours at the same time. It seemed weightier then it usually did when it was spat out in his friends and families drawling American accent.
“Yeah, Ville right?” he liked how Ville smiled and nodded, ducking his head behind his hair.
Bam had only known him for a handful of minutes, and exchanged a dozen words and he was already fascinated with how he shifted from his showy, pouting persona in black leather and make up which he possessed on stage to the quiet man who leaned intimately close to talk over the music and who seemed to curl in on himself, slumping down to take up less space.
The only thing Bam could see which linked the two together beside the exotic, European features was his intense eyes which watched him steadily, seeming to peel the flesh from his bones slowly as they stayed trained on his face watching him as he spoke, eyes trailing over his lips as they formed words.
“You’re the brother of one of the CKY-ers aren’t you?” Bam nodded distractedly, finding himself wanting to tuck Ville’s hair behind his ear when it fell in his face despite how ridiculously intimate the gesture was.
“Yeah, Jess.” Ville nodded slowly, eyes fixed on his.
Bam stayed hanging out with the band for a few hours more; they were an out of place group in black crowding around as small table in the trendy club. Bam watched fascinated as Ville ignored the pretty girls who smiled at him and attempts to initiate conversation, directing them instead to his band mates who led them away subtly shaking their heads at Ville's turned back.
When they finally left, Gas’ car full of their equipment while the rest of them left on foot, Ville grabbed Bam's arm tightly and pulled him along with them still talking.

The orange glow of the streetlights warmed the shadows and cast warm reflections along their faces as Ville paused and pulled Bam into a doorway so he could light a cigarette. He glanced up from the flame, eyes catching the light and turning his iris’s gold as he looked up at Bam slyly. “I thought I saw you here with a girl.” His voice was heavy with innuendo as he grinned. Bam glanced over at him, his eyes lingering the way Ville's lips pursed around the butt of his cigarette.
“Oh yeah, that’s Missy.” He shrugged disinterested, shoving his hands deeply into his pockets to ward off the chill.
“Missy ey?” Ville teased, breathing deeply into the cigarette as it finally caught alight.
“Yeah doofas, Missy.” He huffed a laugh and reaching out to ruffle Ville's hair, who let out an outraged cry and straightened his curls distractedly. Bam grinned and looked down the street to the bands’ retreating backs. “Christ its cold. I hate the cold.” He pulled his sleeves down over his hands and returned them to his pockets. He heard Ville sigh and glanced over at him.
“I miss the cold.” He studied his cigarette with a melancholy smile on his face. “Back home in Finland it was freezing for most of the year. This,” he waved his cigarette around like a wand.”This is nothing compared to some of the winters back home.” They started walking again and Bam shuddered at the thought.
“I don’t think I could live there then” Ville smiled, slinging his arm over Bam's shoulders causally.
“You get used to it, and then it becomes your favourite thing about the place.” Bam remembered the cold, remembered the burn of snow against his young skin, remembered freezing water in hot lungs, remembered icy, slick cold against his skin.
“In my experience, bad things happen in the cold.” Ville looked down at him, pulling him closer and ruffling his curls but remained silent as they headed back down the street.


He was lying across Jess’ bed, his thin torso exposed and stretched across the width of the mattress. His head was thrown back and his curls bunched around his shoulders in damp ringlets. He was haloed by the bedside lamp, skin pale and half hidden in the shadows. Bam half expected him to be lying on angels’ wings.
The doorhandle felt solid and unfamiliar clasped in Bam's hot hand and the split second it took for his brain to realise what his eyes were seeing and all the air to leave his lungs seemed both hours long as his eyes mapped everything he could see, and millennia too short to fully grasp what was in front of him.
“Shit! Sorry! I just...” he closed the door on Ville’s startled face looking up at him from his brothers’ bed. He stood in the middle of the hall staring at the wall opposite blankly the image of Ville lying half naked across the dark bed imprinted on his retina. He moved quickly door the stairs not wanting to be found lurking at the door when Ville left the room.

He had ignored the crowd in the lounge room when he’d gotten home, instead heading straight to Jess’ room to grab his spare skate-key while he remembered he needed it. As he flew down the stairs he was kicking himself for not stopping to say hello.
Bam missed the last step on the stairs and moved across the hall in a two steps. The lounge room was crowded he noted absently when he stumbled breathlessly against the doorframe.
“Why is Ville half naked in your room?” his voice sounded strangled and high when the question exploded from him loudly. Jess choked on his drink and Linde let out a startled laugh as they turned wide eyes to him. Bam blushed deeply and straightened up.
“Oh dude you should have been there it was the funniest thing!” Bam eyes shifted to Mige who was brushing his hair in an armchair next to the door.
“Yeah, Ville was fucking incredible, you should have seen it.” Deron agreed from across the room. Bam threw himself down across the couch faux-casually; resting his head on Deron’s beer and his feet comfortably in his brothers lap.
“So what happened?” Jess pushed his feet off his lap and Bam rolled onto the ground with a grunt.
“Well, these guys came up to us after the show and kept calling us all fags and poofs, we all tried to ignore them but they just kept going at it.” Ville slunk into the room and cast a quick look at Bam. They shared a blush both quickly looked away, Bam watched out of the corner of his eye as Ville perched on the arm of Mige’s chair rolling his eyes as he listened to Jess talk. “So they followed us to the bar, and they seemed to decide Ville was the biggest queer so they kept talking shit trying to get him to react when suddenly...” here Jess paused and grinned over at Ville who rolled his eyes again. “And suddenly Ville turns around and kisses him, right on the mouth.” Bam's eyes went wide and he looked over at Ville who was blushing and studying his hands. “So then the guy obviously goes ballistic and Ville just laughs and starts acting all cosy with the guy and then one the dude’s friends starts asking him what the hell’s going on, so Ville slaps him and starts shouting that he was cheating on him, and asking him if what they had mean anything then dumps his drink on the guy and storms off.” The room was laughing now, Bam was stuck between wide eyed shock and choking on his laughter, Ville covered his face with his hands and shook his head in the corner of the room causing the room to roar with laughter even louder.
“How does that lead to a Ville being in your room?” topless Jess laughed again and Bam shot Ville a sideways glance, his cheeks were rosy as their eyes made contact and he convinced himself it was from the laughter. “We all had to get out of there pretty quick after that, and these idiots-“ he nodded over to Ville and Mige. “Crashed into a waitress with a tone of drinks and got drenched in girly drinks.” Bam looked around the room and saw various people with damp hair or borrowed clothes and wondered at how many drinks must have been spilt.
“Ville was just a wuss and waited till everyone else was done before getting changed.” Mige explained ducking Ville’s hand which tried to hit him but failed miserably because of the odd angle.
Bam could see Ville’s cheeks glowing red when he bowed his head, letting his curls bunch around his face. Bam tried to imagine kissing another guy just to piss him off but all her could imagine was his own hands clasped around Ville's angular face. He shivered and leant back against Jess’ legs.
“I’m getting a drink, anyone want one?” he climbed up from the floor and cast a glance around the room counting three raised hands as he walked backwards to the door.
He found three Cokes and one Lemonade in the fridge; he frowned down at the four cans as he closed the door, cutting off the cool breeze that floated into the room abruptly. He shifted the drinks into a line and tapped his fingers agitatedly against the counter top as he stared down at the mismatched drinks.
The yellow lemonade can seemed obnoxious beside the three red ones, it was loud and wrong and out of place. He shifted it to the front of the line than to the back but not matter where he put it, it just didn’t seem to work, standing garishly on the counter top. He pulled his hands away abruptly knocking over one of the coke cans, it echoed with a heavy thud which rang annoyingly in his ears. He tugged absently on his hair as he thought, his fist knocking against his skull as he pulled roughly on his curls staring angrily down at the drinks.
“Can I have one?” an accented voice broke through his trance and his head jerked to the side. Ville smiled; eying him curiously as he reached forward to pluck the bright yellow can from the counter where it sat. Bam didn’t want to think about how long he must have been standing there with the drinks to warrant someone coming to look for him.

Bam looked back down at the drinks and felt the agitations melt away; he grinned shakily over at Ville as he grabbed the drinks and left the room with a flourish, barging through the lounge room door and throwing the drinks around the room before settling down again at his brothers feet.
He pretended he didn’t notice when Ville and Mige swapped drinks without a word, and ignored his steady gaze as it watched him closely as he organised his M&MS absently into patterns before downing them in one mouthful. The night passed quickly, the group growing smaller as the night progressed until all too soon Ville looked at his watch worriedly and made his hurried exit, lingering at the door to say goodbye to Bam, leaning close and smiling through his curls before turning and disappearing into the night like he belonged to it.


He clasped the soft scarf in his hands, wrapping the long fabrics around his fists and running it through his fingers as he walked down the neat neighbourhood. It was on the other side of town in a less affluent area, the houses were smaller but neat and orderly, lining the streets in nearly identical lines.

The scarf had been wrapped around the head board of Jess’ bed. Bam had stared at it for a full five minutes before unwinding it slowly, letting the soft worn fabric caress his rough fingers as he imagined Ville winding it purposely around the headboard, naked torso half lit by the bedside light as his curls whispered along his shoulders as he moved.
Bam stood in front of the door, staring at the paint lines he could see in the heavy blue paint. Now that he found himself at the door, the found possession in his hands his spur of the moment decision to return it right away seemed slightly ill thought out. He barely knew the guy, he’d spent two nights in his company, wandering the streets of Westchester and sharing awkward, blushing conversations in his lounge room only two nights ago but he couldn’t help but think of how easy it was in his company, how easy it was to waste away the hours with mindless conversations about nothing and everything.

He knocked on the door before he lost his nerve and waited with his hands clasped behind his back defensively as he waited for an answer. A thin, fine boned woman with wide green eyes stared up at him from the crack in the door; she was pretty, with soft brown hair and pale skin.
“Can I help you?” her voice was soft and heavily accented, her pronunciation slurred slightly and seeming thick and awkward as she stared up at him warily.
“Is Ville home?” she opened the door a fraction more and Bam caught a glimpse of a neatly kept hallway, a bunch of flowers in a cracked vase sat on a hall table catching the afternoon sunlight attractively.
“He is, but he’s... unwell. Not fit for visitors.” She made a move to close the door and Bam reached out instinctively to stop her from closing it in his face.
“I have his scarf, he left it at my house the other night...” a sound came from inside and they both shifted their gaze to the head of the stairs where Ville stood. He leant heavily on the hand rail and looked down at the pair with a curious expression on his face.
"It’s okay mama, we’ll be quick.”  The woman hesitated for a moment, staring up the stairs at her son before ducking her head and opening the door to let Bam in.

He watched Ville’s back as he led him through the house. He was moving stiffly, his hand pressed subtly against his side occasionally as he moved with slow practiced steps. His usual grace and ease was missing and he looked dwarfed by the worn oversized Band T-shirt and baggy tracksuit pants.
“Ville are you alright?” the bedroom door closed securely behind him and he glanced around the room, pretending he didn’t notice when Ville tossed some dirty laundry to the corner of the room and winced as he attempted to straighten his bed sheets subtly. Ville glanced up, tilting his head so his curls fell in his face.
“Course I am.” He held his side again as he sat back down onto the bed and Bam moved across the room, trailing his fingers across various surfaces as Ville watched him from the bed. He smiled sadly, fidgeting with his bed sheets. “I’m fine, it’s nothing serious Daddy just gets a little... angry some times.” Bam tensed, his body freezing, fingers stilling across the spines of Ville's CD collection.
“He beats you?” his voice sounded strangled and strange and he had a sudden vision of a hulking shadow baring down towards the small frame of a little boy but it disappeared just as quickly and he was staring at Ville’s down turned face again. Wide green eyes glanced up at him before darting away to trace the faces of Black Sabbaths’ members on the poster over Bam's shoulder.
“It’s not so bad really.” Bam didn’t believe him but returned to his tour of the small room before sitting down next to Ville on the soft bed. His eyes traced Ville’s pale features and watched as Ville smiled crookedly at him. “I’m doing all right.” Bam nodded and changed the subject, feeling proud when he made Ville laugh in his awkward choking way, looking at him with glittering eyes as he laughed.
Ville leaned close and Bam caught a glimpse of a sharp collarbone when Ville's oversized t-shirt slipped to the side, and Bam traced the pale skin with avid eyes before his vision was cut off by black fabric and shadows. “Come to our show on Friday.” Ville smiled widely, teeth catching on his bottom lip. “Invite some friends. You should see us again.” Bam was nodding before Ville had finished speaking. They grinned at each other before a knock came at the door and a gentle string of finish floated through the wood. Ville tensed and replied sharply standing up with jerky motions, the buoyancy of moments before gone as he smiled sadly down at him. “You should go. But I’ll see you on Friday right?” Bam rose slowly, eyes watching him steadily.
“Course, wouldn’t miss it.” He liked how Ville smiled, all the shadows disappearing suddenly and he kept that image with him as he walked back down the neat street, ignoring the way the front door had clicked ominously behind him when he left.


Ville was still riding high on the adrenaline of the show his body was tingling and he couldn’t keep still as he danced and swayed down the empty road. They were building a reputation around the clubs and bars they frequented and Bam was all too willing to become a regular patron to the shows, his reputation as the dude groupie seemed to have followed him, much to Jess’ amusement.
Ville's arm was slung casually over Bam's broader shoulders as they stumbled down the streets after their friends, seemingly without warning Ville started singing an old Rolling Stones song and soon after the group exploded into a bellowing chorus, arms flung out to their sides as their voices bounced off the wet road. Bam laughed as they made their way to Dunn’s house, stumbling over their own feet and each others, even though they weren’t drunk.
They spent most of the evening together, moving away from each other in waves, following one group of friends and drifting into another before winding up back together again, shoulders brushing; hand’s knocking against hands and eyes meeting over the tops of their friends’ heads sharing secret smiles at things nobody else seemed to noticed.

Bam was surprised with the ease they had with each other. Bam usually avoided getting to know new people, wary of the unfamiliarity but with Ville it was unlike anything he’d ever experienced before. As corny as it sounded they just clicked and he felt heady with a strange weight he couldn’t distinguish and his excitement at this new found friendship which felt easier and purer then any of his other relationships. It felt like Ville already knew his every secret and didn’t mind how strange they were and how odd he acted sometimes.
It was exhilarating and Bam roamed around the room absently as Dico talked in a ridiculous accent at his side as they moved through the house eyes searching absently for the tall figure in black and red. The bathroom door clicked open under his hand and Bam walked in backwards still nodding mindlessly at whatever it was Dico was saying. A strangled sounding gasp from behind him jerked his head around and his eyes widened as he instinctively closed the door firmly in Dico’s face.
Ville was standing in the centre of the room, his red shirt off and lying on the basin as a white washcloth hung limply from his clenched fist.
“Ville! Shit dude, I’m sorry...” Bam's eyes trailed down Ville's lean torso and widened as he saw the bruises that covered his friends’ chest. His pale skin which he had only glimpsed days before was stained with deep purples and blues, the edges of a few already yellowing and the outline of his ribs looked blotchy and painful. When he’d asked if Ville's dad beat him he’d imagined a few bruises, maybe a cracked rib at worst, Bam felt sick as his eyes trailed along the multiple layers of bruised skin, overlapping each other and spreading across his chest like paint splashes.
Over Ville's shoulder Bam could see his back reflected in the mirror, zigzag lines crossed the bruised skin like lines on a map and Bam felt his vision go white. He swallowed thickly, not taking his eyes off the raised red wounds that looked hot and sore, even from half way across the room.
“You need help cleaning them?” Bam whispered finally, his eyes moving slowly from the reflection in the mirror to Ville's startled face, his eyes were wide and his face was pale, his arms had crossed protectively in front of his chest and Bam noticed his hands were shaking as he strangled the stained washcloth in his hand. Ville seemed to snap out of it at Bam's voice, his shoulders relaxed marginally and smiled sadly at Bam before reaching behind him to drop the cloth into the basin and reach for his shirt.
“Already done.” Bam watched as the red shirt slid up the long arms before closing over the bruised chest. In the mirror he saw the raw whip marks disappear under blood red cloth and shuddered.


That night he dreamt he was falling. He felt the wind rush past him wrapping around his body like an ice blanket. He saw the hard tiled ground rushing up to meet him too quickly and he saw the buildings blur past him in smears of blue, grey, brown and fiery, brilliant red which hurt to look at.
His lungs burned and he couldn’t catch air to fill them because it was rushing past him too quickly. He woke with a gasp when he made contact with the hard unyielding tiles and he saw a blur of wet red pooling on the tiles beneath him in the last second before his eyes tore open and he clawed at the darkness before the bedside light clicked on. Jess’ face was hard and Bam could see tear tracks across his cheeks when the light caught on the moisture.

The second time Bam almost died he had been eleven years old. He’d jumped from the second story roof of their house into the half filled pool fully clothed. He’d landed with a wet sounding crash and his blood had billowed out around him in the water like a cloud of dirty brown dust.
He told the doctors and his family he’d been trying out a stunt, testing a theory. But when the doctors had left, and his parents soon after and the hospital descended into darkness Bam had curled in on himself and wept, praying for the first time in his life to a god he didn’t believe in, to know why he did it, how he got up there, and why the only thing he could remember was a split second when he was up on that roof; the cool blue morning sky stretching out around him so brilliant it didn’t look real, and then nothing, nothing until he was waking up in an ambulance, Apes panicked face bearing down at him and the cool detachment of the ambos.

A/N Hope you liked it! Tell me what you think... in a lovely comment *wink wink* because comments are love and love is good!
I’m not completely satisfied with this chapter, but it must be put up to move the story along. I hope it didn’t come across as... bad.

Chapter three

slash, [fic], vam, patchwork heroes

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