The Vam Rec List

Aug 14, 2011 15:35

Greatest Love Songs Vol. 666
    A rec list entirely for VAM

This is the first version of the rec list, hopefully over time we might add some more. I had bigger plans for this, including more callouts and reminders for vammers to submit but uni caught up with me and I must work hard for my graduation L so I might revise it and callout for more at the end of the year!
As it is, this is the rec list of dedicated to the (perhaps fictional) love of Ville Valo and Bam Margera.

Its separated into three catagories:
           AU            -these are outright AU stories, no way based in the REAL world of the boys.
 ‘Canon’   - for lack of a better word I am falling back on well-established Fanfiction Terms, Canon is real world fics in this case, if it slots in before, after or during real world events it’s in here.
 VAMpire  -enough said.

AU Recs

Title-   The Shop
  Author-   coricomile (Friend-ing needed, I think)
  Rating-   NC-17
  Author's Summary  - Bam's the cool, 25 year old that hangs around in the streets. Ville's the innocent 17 year old kid. That works in his father's sex shop.

Here's the link to the first chapter. You can find the rest at archivevam.

Title- American Dream
  Author  - rebbolia
  Rating  - R to NC-17
  Author's Summary  - He's Bam Margera...and he cleans toilets for a living. Yet, what happens when a certain Finnish icon stays at the swanky hotel he works in? Does money matter to Ville Valo? We'll soon find out...

I've honestly reread this about three times all the way through. I love it. Bam is such an underdog, and Ville being a fucking hero! Lauri's characterization seemed to ring true. There's never an instance where you don't root for Bam

Link- Link to the last chapter. Links to previous chapters at the top of the page.

Title: The Tattoo Parlor
  Author  :  bluespire
  Rating  : NC-17 
  Pairing  : Vam, Ville/Kat Von D, Ville/various others referenced
  Author's Summary  : AU, Ville is a tattoo artist. Bam wants a lot of things and one of them is a tattoo. 
Friending needed.

Bam's young and lost, and Ville helps him to put himself together, and Ville even ends up finding himself again. It actually inspired me to get a tattoo (though I never told the author and I'm super embarrassed that she might see this now XD).


Title- And Love Said No (Work in Progress OR Abandoned)
  Author  - ville_drool
  Rating  - R to NC-17
  Author's Summary  - HIM are going on tour with the 69 Eyes, and a certain pouting, blue eyed boy. Things are not what they seem!

This is one of the saddest instances of a seemingly abandoned fic ever. I am a hardcore lover of mpreg, and unfortunately my kink is filled to the brim with nothing but shit writing. It's virtually impossible to find a story wherein the mpreg itself is believable, the characters are not caricatures of gay men or women, and the characters are adults (mpreg communities are overrun with stories of perfectly capable teenagers). Forget finding a fic where the child is not some Mary-Sure prodigy. ville_drool gets fifty interwebs for writing the best mpreg I have ever come across. Ville and Bam are characterized to a T, the writing is sensitive and realistic no matter what subject matter she's on, and Dani Valo is easily the most greatest OC ever inserted into any fandom ever. Her updates took forever and she had me on the edge of my seat every time. Unfortunately I don't think it will be finished in the forseeable future. If mpreg is your thing, you will love this. If mpreg makes you queasy, read this and see if there isn't some hope in this kink. I seriously revisit this fic at least once a year.

Link  - Link to the last chapter. Keep going back through each chapter via link or go to archivevam to find them all.

Title: Two a.m.
  Author  :  hardrock69 (Friending required)
Pairing: Ville/Bam
  Rating  : NC 17
Author's Summary: Laundr-O-Mat. Wash with like colours. Hot water. Gentle cycle.

This is just a hot little one-shot that's very well-written. One can only hope that one's anonymous sex adventures turn out this way.


Title- Firefly Eyes
  Author  :  hardrock69 (Friending of Wicked_Smiles required to read most of this fic)
  Rating  : PG to NC-17
  Summary  : Bam is seventeen year old in highschool. After a very promising job offer, Bam's dad decides to take the whole family to Finland. Like any teenager, Bam hates it. But when he meets a certain boy, he soon forgets exactly why he didn't want to be in Finland.

Easiest way to get to all the chapters is through archivevam.
This is one of the longest vam stories I've read. The beginning is a little rushed and some parts get a little repetitive but it's cute and generally well-written.


Title- Lights Of Home, The
  Author  : requiemoflove
  Rating  : N/A
  Summary  : N/A

Another long vam story. It has a similar start as Firefly Eyes but this story is angstier and follows the boys much longer into their lives. It's not as well written as Firefly Eyes either, but I read this when I was new to the fandom and just loved it.


Title: Paparazzi (1/8)
  Author  : melindajane (friend-ing required to read)
  Rating  : Totally NC-17.
  Author's Summary:   A celebrity gossip reporter finds his world turned upside-down when he meets Ville Valo.

rec'ed by bluespire
Another one of my favorites from MelindaJane, maybe my #1 favorite. This is a chaptered AU told in first person from Bam's perspective through journal entries that his therapist makes him keep. He's a celebrity stalker/tabloid whole à la Perez Hilton, very good at it, very messed up. Ville is a target but unlike anyone Bam's met before who quickly becomes much more. Bam's voice courtesy of MJ's amazing writing permeates this piece in a way that is delightful to the reader. He's a disaster but wonderfully loveable, a diamond in the rough... and Ville is the one to uncover that precious gem.


Title: Stairwell
Author:  silver_sixpence 
Rating: R
Author's Summary: You wanted to break the monotony of your life. You got your wish when you found him standing there, waiting for you in that grungy stairwell.

This one-shot is the perfect blend of hot, beautiful, and dirty. Most people will never experience something like this but I think most of us in the Vam community wouldn't say no to walking in on the scene that Silver paints.

REC2: a stunningly written oneshot, it takes you inside the mind of the narrator, wraps you up in it and twists the world into this hot, filthy, beautiful creation that fucks with you a little and leaves you reeling at times


Title: Dyatlov Pass. 
Author:  x_carnivale_x 
Pairing: Ville/Bam.
Rating: R/NC-17 [character death]
Authors Summary: The causes of the accident are still unknown. Neither the official inquest, nor attempts by enthusiastic unofficial investigations have solved the mystery.

Rec'ed by shamone666
 This is a really intense story originally based off a real event, but of course with a vam twist. It’s a mysterious thriller that leaves you guessing, shocked and curious to the last word. It’s really well written and manages to include beautifully tender moments amongst an otherwise electrifying story.

Link   to Last chapter (previous chapters linked)-

Title: Haunted Series
Author: Hergerbabe
Pairing: Vam (also Lindunn later on)
Rating: R
Authors Summary: No Summery given.

Rec'ed by Riastarstruck
 When I first joined the vam fandom this seemed to be the story *everybody* had read, already long finished by then it was the ‘epic au’ that seemed to be a mandatory read. In it, Bam is curious about the ‘haunted house’ in town, when he breaks in he finds a strange boy living there, their relationship develops and with Bam's help Ville confronts the past that has left him friendless in a foreign country with only his mother for company, until Bam.
It’s been a loooong time since I read it, but I remember being completely absorbed and loving every chapter and every interlude (of which there are many).


Title: Too Much Of Not Enough (work in progress)
Author:  musicophilia aka ecstatic_agony
Rating: PG-13 through to NC-17
Author's Summary: Ville is driving himself down the path to destruction and Bam is scared, but will his reaction drive them apart... Or closer? [The alternative tale of Ville's rehabilitation.]

Rec'ed by messandlore
It was probably the first Vam story I've read, and it's still as amazing as the first time. And the author is determined to finish it, so I'd say it's definitely worth the wait.


Canon Recs

Title- Our Farewell
Author- annushkazhivago
Rating- PG-13 to NC-17
Author's Summary- Bam and Ville's relationship has come to an end. On the flight back to Helsinki to take Ville home, Bam recalls both the good times and the bad that led up to the tragedy that tore them apart.

I am not one for sad romanticism in that it doesn't really move me like most people. I didn't cry at The Notebook (even though it did make me emotional) for instance. This story, however, is so beautiful and so completely heartbreaking that- I- fuck- I can't even! Some of the scenes have ingrained themselves in my head! The writing is so real, which in turn makes everyone's feelings so horribly palpable that I had to pause many times to collect myself while reading. I have a super soft spot for Ville (he's frankly my favorite in this pairing), and this pained me. Jeez, I'm getting teary-eyed right now. If you think Shakespeare had tragedy coming out his ears, then meet the Vam version of him in this fic.


Title -God Complex
Author -melindajane  (Friend-ing required to read)
Rating -R
Authors Summery -After Bam gets into a car accident he has a strange dream that makes him reevaluate his life. While he's making a transition Ville asks him a series of questions that make him uncomfortable, but end up being important to his recovery.

Rec'ed by riastarstruck

One of my all time favourites, God Complex is one of those fics that stays with you long after you've finished it and left your comment. It’s dark, witty, sometimes painful and gives a fascinating new look at the much used plot of Bam and Ville refinding themselves and each other. 
Melindajane's Ville is (as always) scathingly hot and fantastically dark and reading this fic makes me think of falling deeper down the rabbit hole, a well written, beautifully crafted fascinating rabbit hole.


Title: I'm on top! 
Author: melindajane (Friend Locked)
Rating: NC-17
Author's Summary: The evolution of Bam and Ville. Find out how they got together, how they felt about it, and who was brave enough to ask for more.

rec'ed by bluespire
 This is one of my favourites from MelindaJane. It's a struggle for power played out in the bedroom fuelled by the challenges that Ville and Bam's undeniable attraction present to these historically straight men. It's about the balancing act between how much of oneself to cling to and how much to let go of in love. Each chapter represents a new step both in the relationship and for each character in their personal development. MJ switches POV from Ville to Bam and back with each chapter, and this, combined with her never disappointing wit, undeniable talent, and unique voice, makes this a beautifully constructed and well written chaptered fic.


Title: Stepping Stones
Author: swirlsandstars
Rating: NC-17 eventually
Author's Summary: Bam and Ville's relationship had always been simple, but then something began to change. It happened gradually, through a series of steps, each one leading them somewhere that neither of them ever expected to end up.

Rec'ed by messandlore
 It's the basic tale of how relationships usually evolve from friendship to more, told in an incredibly realistic way, blending what we already know about Ville and Bam meeting through their own POVs.

Link (final chapter, where all previous ones are linked)

Title: Patient Forgiveness
Author: myforgottenpain (friending Required)
Rating: R 
Author's Summary: When Bam and Ville finally are given a chance to be together, will they be able to make the life they always wanted?

Without giving too much away, it's the story about how Bam and Ville fought to be with one another despite all the hardships, and the family tales that ensued. It was also one of my first full Vam stories I've read, and what consolidated my love for the fandom. :D


Title: Skin (1/8)
Author: melindajane
Pairing: Vam.
Rating: NC-17
Authors Summary: The true story of how Ville got under Bam’s skin…in more ways than one.

I love MJ. Everything she writes is good. Period. I can't really write an eloquent little analysis thing because it's been too long since I've read this piece but I do remember absolutely loving it. >.>


Title: Far Side of the Sun
Author: riastarstruck 
Rating: R
Author's Summary: They used to be everything to each other, their friendship was looked on with envy by all those that watched them. But then something happened, they grew apart, became separated by distance and history.
This is the story of them finding each other again, dealing with the problems that stand between them and finding more then they’d left behind.

rec'ed by bluespire
 This story is beautiful. Ria's summary is perfect so I won't even try but let me just tell you a bit about the writing. The pace is luxurious, a slow sensual Sunday morning, a lazy afternoon in the hammock, a hot bath and a glass of wine. The whole thing is made up of gorgeously written small moments as the characters awkwardly waltz around each other. And then there's the angst, it's palpable and runs throughout. You can feel it, the want and the character's inability to resolve it. Nothing is comfortable and yet as she brings the reader right along, we find that we want to go there...need to go, need to see where it leads.


Title: For The Thousandth Time 
Author:  slasher48 / bad_bad_books
Rating: NC-17. 
Pairing: Vam. Bam/Missy. Ville/Jonna. The latter two in passing. 
Authors Summary: If you see him, remember he could (still) be mine, with a sip of wine and a twist of time, except that I told him I didn't love him over a cup of coffee.

Rec'ed by shamone666
 Quite a torturous realistic story, it’s pretty sombre and full of angst but pieced together and described wonderfully. You can’t help but become emotionally involved in this one, even though it is quite short.

Link to Last chapter (previous chapters linked)-

Title: Smoking
Author: heavenlyxflames
Pairing: Vam, Villinde, Dugera, Lindunn, others.
Rating: R
Authors Summary: A story, reaching back to the beginning like a twisted, curling whisp of smoke from a slow burning fire.

Rec'ed by shamone666
So I’m not normally one interested in a story with various pairings, probably because if done incorrectly it just ends up taking away from the characters and plot. However this story is so perfectly woven that each separate storyline unravels like a coil.

REC2: its been a while since I read this one but its kinda always stuck with me. It’s a well-crafted story, the storylines intertwine beautifully and from what I remember it takes us along a  sometimes heartbreaking story. I find non VAM specific fics difficult to read with all the familiar characters, but this story seems to take that as a challenge and produce something which works fantastically

Link to Last chapter (previous chapters linked)-

VAMpire Recs

Title- Forsaken
Author- elterriblefizzy 
Rating- PG-13
Author's Summary-  Ville has been chosen by prophecy to lead the Western Vampire Coven to victory against the East, he's been in dead sleep for five years and now that he's awake, he's got to woo back the teenager that is destined to become his lover and a vampire, but he's also got to win the war.

I've gone back to reread this fic a couple times. I think the scene wherein Ville absorbs the Mother and Father is one of the sexiest things I've ever read, and it was beautiful imagery. It played just like a period film in my mind's eye. That would be the best part of this fic, for myself. In general it's a pretty rad "epic war" fic, which I find is really hard for most to do.

Link  -

Title- Ancient Wounds
Author- my_little_death
Rating- PG-13 to NC-17
Author's Summary- Prequel to my vampire fic Deepest Shadow. Ville recounts the events of his mortal life growing up in the poverty of 20th century Finland, wrought with grief, sex, romance, passion and abuse leading into his birth to darkness.
His lengthy tales are imparted to the sleepy mind of his young lover, but only in the seclusion of his own darkest thoughts does he begin to relive the greatest obsessions and deepest hurts rooted in his bygone and decadent time.

I've only had time to read it the one time. However, I followed it from the beginning, and it is easily one of the best VAMpire stories ever written. Ville's life is woefully romantic, and you can't help but cringe and fear for him. This is one of the few AU Ville's I feel was pretty close to the real Ville had he ended up in this situation. The imagery is gorgeous, the characters come alive so easily, everything about it screams "Vam Novel". The ending is just the clincher; fucking awesome, it left me with that feeling that really grand epic movies do when they close on an amazing narrator.


And thats it for now folks, i know its not all fancyfied up, but it went wacko on me so i'm seeing if this will....correct it. (is this hacking? is this what hacking feels like?!)
will return at a later time to hopefully pretty it up again

rec list, vam

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