Greatest Love Stories Vol. 666 CALLOUT

Jul 03, 2011 19:22

This is a call out for recs for:

The Greatest Love Stories vol. 666
A rec list exclusively for Vam Fiction

I have set myself a task for the next little while to compile a list of the MUST READ Vam fics.
The problem? I have read very few Vam’s outside of Vamble this year (in an attempt to be a good student and finish my degree… we’ll see how that goes.)

So, my task for you is to comment on this post with your favourite fics.
I want golden oldies! Sparkling new ones! and those that seemed to have passed by unnoticed.

Post favourites from all Vam communities, _Vam, Vamidays, Daily_Vam and any others I may perhaps be unaware of.
And don't forget archivevam for the largest grouping of fics! 
It’s about time our fandom had a rec list like all the others! So that newbies can share the loved stories they
may not have been around for and old-timers can reminisce.

How to Post Your Favourites

All Recs MUST include the following:
Name of fic
Authors summery -if none provided, write one yourself :P
A brief comment on why you feel this fic should be included
Link to the fic

Rec as many as you like!


Title -God Complex
Author -melindajane  (Friend-ing required to read)
Rating -R
Authors Summery -After Bam gets into a car accident he has a strange dream that makes him reevaluate his life. While he's making a transition Ville asks him a series of questions that make him uncomfortable, but end up being important to his recovery.

Rec'ed by riastarstruck 
One of my all time favourites, God Complex is one of those fics that stays with you long after you've finished it and left your comment. Its dark, witty, sometimes painful and gives a fascinating new look at the much used plot of Bam and Ville refinding themselves and each other. 
Melindajane's Ville is (as always) scathingly hot and fantastically dark and reading this fic makes me think of falling deeper down the rabbit hole, a well written, beautifully crafted fascinating rabbit hole.


Try to be succinct when giving your rec, the point is to say why you like it and hopefully inspire someone else to give it ago, not to write a book report or fawn over friends.

The Rules
1. if you see a fic already posted, don’t make it one of yours share another favourite instead.
    though feel free to comment and make your own feelings felt.
2. only completed fics at this point
    This’ll just makes it neater, a lot of fics get abandoned or what not
    if a fic HAS been abandoned already but you feel It CANNOT be not recced, then leave a convincing enough post and we’ll see how it goes :P
3. Rating must be included, as well as other pairings that feature prominently or MAIN character death and if Friend-ing is required to read

Start your reccing!

callout, vam

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