azicrow and I are disagreeing again, so I'm throwing open these vital questions to the floor.
Poll Randomness Also, there are people who didn't like this weeks Studio 60? *doesn't understand people*
And Heroes rocks. One day I shall do I proper post about that.
Comments 5
Also you like Stuart more than Vince? Why? Vince is a little sweetie pie and Stuart sleeps with minors.
I dunno, maybe I like the bad guys? Anyway, he's sort of pitiful and overegotistical somehow. I love Vince tooooooo!
LOL I didn't say you were weird for liking Vince cos if you remember I said wiki liked Vince best too I said you were weird for not liking Stuart. I swear you just hear what you want to.
Umm and on the second one almost the same number of people pressed ticky as pressed time and can you tell me they're not odd?
The second one was check boxes so you can press ticky as well as another option. Hence "yes" was most common and "no" got only two votes. It has been proven beyond any doubt. You are the weird one and I am sane and normal and really!
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