Title: It is You...
Pairing: Akame (more to come probably..)
Author: me~ XD
Genre: crack, fluff,
Disclaimer: None of the JE boys or their character are mine, I only dream that they are.. XD
Summary: Jin meets Kame through an accident and falls in love. But things get a little more complicated as someone else falls in love w/ Jin. (I suck at summaries
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Comments 4
KAME~ .. be strong for ur sis.. ok...
i like the update... so interesting ...
hope u don't mind but.. i noticed that the chapters order was not correct Chapters 4,5, and 6... and not just 2 mixed ...
waiting for the update...
*sigh* he will.... I think I'm making Kame to emotional.. you know.. for a guy.. XD
and unfortunately, my attempt to add a bit of laughter to this chap was a complete failure. XD
Yes, i know. unfortunately, since i was so busy with school when I put the previous chaps up, I posted it in the wrong order.. XP
I'll try to edit the posts to make it less confusing..
will try to update soon~
tnx for commenting~
this is after all an AKAME fic, ne? :D
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