You can trust me...

Mar 24, 2010 23:05

The vote counting has started and I am having an awesome time. queenb23more and pili204 are letting me count because no one nominated me for ANYTHING. It's not like I didn't almost win Best Kiss 5 years ago. I should have gotten some consideration. I did post that one chapter I had sitting in my computer for almost two years. I think it should have been counted ( Read more... )

voting, mod post

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Comments 3

miss_daizy March 25 2010, 04:42:06 UTC
You and I could both start writing again and split the award for Comeback Kid next year!

Speaking of bribes, oh wise numbers cruncher, I can get quite the stash of Tastykakes headed your way any time you give me the nod.


harrysmom March 25 2010, 10:31:24 UTC
You and I could both start writing again and split the award for Comeback Kid next year!
Sounds like a plan to me!

And we can definitely deal in tastykakes. What can you offer?


miss_daizy March 25 2010, 12:30:32 UTC
Oh, I'm right here in the heart of Tastykake city. I can even get the limited edition specials, although come to thik of it, you probably don't want the Eagles Green kripmets. *waggles eyebrows*


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