Being Published

Feb 20, 2016 12:37

This is going to be a long post. I know it's been awhile, journal. I've been pretty busy. With what, you ask?

With this:

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livejournal, telepathic space pirates, writing

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Comments 19

peartreealley February 20 2016, 22:35:39 UTC
Beautiful cover! I'm glad you're finally moving forward with your telepathic space pirates ^_^


rhienelleth February 21 2016, 16:56:56 UTC
Thank you! Me too. :)


queenoftheskies February 21 2016, 02:09:34 UTC
Congratulations! That is a beautiful cover!


rhienelleth February 21 2016, 16:57:32 UTC
Thanks. It is - the one for Nemesis is even better!


kayjayuu February 21 2016, 03:47:38 UTC
How exciting! Finally!


rhienelleth February 21 2016, 16:57:50 UTC
It does seem like it has been a long journey, that is for sure. :)


quiet_rebel February 21 2016, 06:46:10 UTC
Yay!! I saw your post on Facebook, but I had to say congrats on Livejournal. It's just more fitting ;) I'm so happy "telepathic space pirates" found a home! And you're so right about the LJ fanfic community and how we found so much support from each other!

That cover is so beautiful! Congrats again!!


rhienelleth February 21 2016, 16:59:37 UTC
Thank you! LOL - it does seem more fitting! And I KNEW I was forgetting to tag someone on FB. I miss the old fanfic community every day. I'm so glad to still be keeping up with so many.


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rhienelleth February 21 2016, 17:01:04 UTC
Thank you! Sometimes it feels surreal.


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