
Apr 01, 2008 14:33

I am officially over 40K on the novel.

I think this calls for a snippet.

~snippet~ )

telepathic space pirates, writing, snippet

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Comments 10

kistha April 1 2008, 22:00:14 UTC
She's catching on....


Poor baby!


rhienelleth April 1 2008, 22:47:59 UTC
Oh, yeah. Just wait til Reaper joins the conversation. Poor Mercy, indeed.


dragonsinger April 1 2008, 22:30:48 UTC
*Pops the cheap champagne* Awesome!


rhienelleth April 1 2008, 22:48:35 UTC
Yes, it seems unreal. 40K is one of those mental milestones for me, where it begins to feel like a real novel.


dragonsinger April 1 2008, 22:50:39 UTC
Man, I hope I get there...20K more to go.:)


rhienelleth April 1 2008, 22:52:17 UTC
I have faith. :) You can do it!


storydivagirl April 2 2008, 01:53:35 UTC
Congrats darling! Way to go! The snippet has me intrigued.


rhienelleth April 2 2008, 03:25:13 UTC
Thank-you! - I added the second half of that short scene above, as a 'second snippet'.

As a note, Mercy is angry at Reaper over an intensely personal matter.


quiet_elle April 2 2008, 14:20:38 UTC
i know nothing about this but im in love with it :D I will greatly be looking forward to reading.


rhienelleth April 2 2008, 16:37:42 UTC
Ah, perhaps I should do a sort of introduction post to people new to my f-list...

Outside of fandom I write and make jewelry (and work a really boring day job as a government contractor). I write books, and I query to agents in the hopes of being published, and hope to one day be able to quit my boring day job and only write and make jewelry.

Anyway, the current WIP is science fiction - actually, more space opera - and features telepathic space pirates. Which always sound horribly funny when I type it like that, when the book is not, really, as the conflicts are things like genocide and politics and survival.

I have a group of beta readers who read chapters as I write them and give feedback, and then a second group that reads the entire manuscript when I'm done and gives feedback. You are welcome to join either group, if you like.


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