Normally I enjoy baking

Dec 12, 2007 15:26

...But I thought our work bake sale was next week. Turns out, it's tomorrow!!

Help, bakers on my list. I want to make something fun and creative, but not too much work (like, say, tiramisu.) Because I have to make it tonight.

Recipes, anyone? Suggestions?


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Comments 6

madlori December 12 2007, 23:43:14 UTC
This recipe for turtle bars is really great.

I've also got a ton of
Christmas cookie type recipes I made a few years ago. The peanut butter balls were a big hit. This is also when I discovered my infamous pudding sugar cookies. They are the best sugar cookies ever.


rhienelleth December 13 2007, 00:07:37 UTC
Pudding sugar cookies? Uh-oh. My husband does not like sweets as a general rule, but he is a sucker for a good sugar cookie. Thanks!


madlori December 13 2007, 00:10:13 UTC
People never believe me when I say I make the best sugar cookies ever. "Of course you do," they say, with a patronizing smile.

Then they taste them.


rhienelleth December 13 2007, 00:11:32 UTC
OMG, I just busted up laughing at that at my work desk, because I can so see that happening.

Now I have to make them for the hubby.


whiskeypants December 12 2007, 23:47:57 UTC
i can give you my pumpkin bread recipe that i have been working on for several years, now. sold like crazy at the law school bake sale. also works well as mini loaves or (i assume) cupcakes. let me know if you want it and i will email it to you.


rhienelleth December 12 2007, 23:55:58 UTC
That would be awesome! I have two mini-loaf pans. :) Thanks.


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