Title: 5 pranks Fernando Torres was sucked into performing and consequently being blamed for
Characters: Random members of La Selección
Word Count:1,226
Rating: PG; sexual references
Disclaimer: If you're stupid enough to think these are real, then you deserve to be sued. I however, don't. Kthx.
Author’s Notes: Woo, finally went over 1000! I blame
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Comments 29
“What’s wrong, gitano?”
I'm going to have to look that up, but bah, it sounds cute, so yes, Much squeeing on Rachie's part!
“That’s for hiding it in your training bag, you puta!”
ROFL. I love enraged!Cesc. Seriously. HAHAHAHA. Or rather sneaky!Cesc pretending to be enraged and blaming Nando.
Xavi’s the one that has to deal with his emo ass every day.
AHAHAHA. BEST LINE EVER. Seriously. <333333
RAÚL! Kura is going to love you so much.
And yay for random fic mention! *bounces*
The last one is seriously the saddest thing ever. Poor Íker. D:
Being CesC is one of the funniest things ever!
Maybe they can cut Carles' hair onetimes..... *lol*
Thanks! *smiles*
Love this!!!!
You broke that boy.
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