Title: 5 items of clothing Fernando Torres gained during national duty
Characters: Random members of La Selección
Word Count: 725
Rating: PG.
Disclaimer: Not true. Don't know them, don't own them, etc, etc. You know the drill.
Author's Notes: SORRY. I know, I know. I am made of epic fail. I know I missed yesterday’s fic, but my muse was seriously
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Comments 34
Hahaha, I loved the David Villa one. And the lastest one? Amazing way of capping it all off.
Nando The Hero!!!
and #3 for the 12th prompt, awww.
but the last one. damn. that's part of why I hate watching WC matches. it's heartbreaking to see the losing team sitting on the pitch at the end of the match.
Thanks for 12 wonderful fic days! *smiles*
They were boys who had just played their hearts out for their country and had nothing to show for it.
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