This may be a little provocative...
First, two personal notes: (1) I have no objection to reading erotica generally (no matter how explicit), although (a) I think that Porn Without Plot is generally a waste of time, and (b) brutality and cruelty is always a turn-off for me. (2) I probably never will write anything NC-17 myself, in any genre,
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Comments 52
For me, it's less a question of how I feel about reading it than how I would feel about writing it. Is it unethical to read something you'd feel wrong to write? Is it unethical to praise it? I've done both.
If she hadn't made that request then I don't think I'd have any objections. And, as I say, I do read the stuff the good writers put out.
I sort of tried to keep the "lawyer" part of me out of the conversation. I couldn't help bringing up copyright, just for the sake of pointing out that the ethical argument would exist even if the law were different.
When Mary gets explicit she does it for very good thematic or character reasons, and it's beautiful. And as I've said before, if marriage is her topic then sex must be one of her devices; no way 'round it. The question for me is whether JKR's wishes matter in this regard, especially when the use of HP characters and settings is a creative choice that is truly optional. (Roger and Lisa, I think you agree, needn't have been fan fiction at all; it was essentially entirely original. The same, I think, is true of about 80% of NZC ( ... )
This is about my latest chapter, isn't it?
I also was not aware that she'd made this stipulation; it makes me feel even more self-conscious about writing the scenes that I have than I did before (although they're a far cry from NC-17 I do think they're firmly planted in R territory). Given the things that I was reading at 12 (The Mists of Avalon being the first of many novels with sexually explicit or implied scenes) with my parents' encouragement and approval I guess I have a more liberal view of what's "appropriate for children" than most folks. My parents' philosophy and the one I will use with Meg is basically that if you're mature enough to understand the concepts in context, you're probably mature enough to be reading the material (of course barring deviant sexual behavior descriptions, which are a whole other kettle of fish ( ... )
And of course original work is hard - but it'll be worth it in the end. Take all the time you want, I'll still be waiting to read what you produce.
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