Fandom nostalgia

Jun 14, 2011 00:12

An attack of inexplicable fannish nostalgia has me in its grip.

X-Files was my first real slash fandom, Mulder/Krycek my first OTP. )

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Comments 30

TL;DR answer glitterburn June 14 2011, 06:13:43 UTC
I honestly don't know why I didn't watch X-Files when it was on. David Duchovny never did anything for me but the guy who plays Krycek looks rather yummy. I never saw Twin Peaks either, nor many, many other US shows. My TV viewing was very strictly regulated when I was a child so consequently I've grown up not being that bothered about TV shows; even now if I miss a couple of eps of something I usually follow, I tend to lose interest in it rather than catch up with it ( ... )


rheasilvia June 14 2011, 11:43:27 UTC
I honestly don't know why I didn't watch X-Files when it was on. David Duchovny never did anything for me but the guy who plays Krycek looks rather yummy.

Krycek has a very interesting face... he can be amazingly pretty from one angle, look like a brutal thug from another, and then be something else again from a different perspective. And that fits in so well with the character that it's almost absurd. :-)

I never saw Twin Peaks either, nor many, many other US shows.

I have a confession to make: Most often, I don't watch the shows, like them and then look for the slash. I read the slash, like it and then watch the shows. :-) For me, the shows themselves almost always stay strictly secondary to the slash in importance, as well. That's how it worked with XF, too - I'd heard of it before, of course, but had never been interested in watching it before coming across M/K slash, and being intrigued by the characters' dynamic.

I'm a slash fan more than a media fan. Psst, don't tell. ;-)

I haven't really had a new fandom that's really ( ... )


glitterburn June 14 2011, 13:08:32 UTC
I read the slash, like it and then watch the shows.

This has happened for me a couple of times, usually if I've beta'd something for a friend and I'm intrigued enough to give the show a try. But it doesn't happen very often, partly due to that 'can't be bothered with TV' thing.

One of the problems I have getting deeply invested in a fandom is lack of trust in the canon

Mm, I'm in complete agreement there. I was never into HP but quite a few friends were, and the amount of angst they suffered when things didn't pan out the way they thought, it was painful to watch. I suppose that's one of the great things about being in an RPF fandom, there's no plot arc that can jump the shark!

Hopefully, a decent-sized fandom for both of us will come along. :-) (And it'd really be cool if we could both be in one fandom!)

That would be so much fun! :D *waits for that fandom*

What's interesting for me about this is that it seems your burnout can heal fairly quickly - at least in considerably less time than ten years - when something happens to ( ... )


rheasilvia June 14 2011, 16:42:25 UTC
I was never into HP but quite a few friends were, and the amount of angst they suffered when things didn't pan out the way they thought, it was painful to watch.

Yeah, HP was a classic case, because to me it was obvious from the start that JKR just isn't a good author when it comes to plot and characterization. Her strength is in description and details, in the world-building. And that, of course, can't carry the kind of series she was writing to a satisfactory close. IMNSHO, of course...

That said, I was so elated after she'd killed off the mysterious main character that she'd announced she was going to kill off, because it turned out to be the one I had always hated. Which is, of cpourse, again something I put down to her lack of good characterization, because he was meant to be highly sympathetic - but it worked well for me, in that case. ;-)

I suppose that's one of the great things about being in an RPF fandom, there's no plot arc that can jump the shark!But so many other things can go wrong! In the sparkly dancing boys fandom ( ... )


ravyn_ashling June 14 2011, 08:16:50 UTC
i didn't even know there was another guy in the x-files, but stupid-ass haircuts are always amusing! 8D as for fandoms i've burned out from, i've only had two prior to my multi-fanwhoring ways (but, really, i'm only hyperactive in merlin) and i've pretty much burned out from both of them. i still read harry/draco and my favourite je pairings + genfic once in a while, though, and those always leave a lovely feeling. ♥


rheasilvia June 14 2011, 11:53:01 UTC
i didn't even know there was another guy in the x-files, but stupid-ass haircuts are always amusing! 8D

Then you missed out on some of the best bits of XF! Including the stupid-ass haircut (which is actually a lot less stupid-ass than the previous one... an it's surprising that a so-called enemy comments on this at all *g*). And some really explosive chemistry. And a canon m/m kiss. :-)

as for fandoms i've burned out from, i've only had two prior to my multi-fanwhoring ways

But you do feel you burned out on them, rather than just drifting gently off or losing interest? I've gradually lost interest in many fandoms that I can still read fic in, but the XF burnout is something different...

I'm glad you still read JE, though! :-)


ravyn_ashling June 15 2011, 02:04:32 UTC
ah, probably only HP then actually. i didn't even finish reading the 7th book when i got it and had to withdraw from fan projects because i suddenly just didn't give a shit anymore, and for a while i was just fandomless and rather reminiscent of an empty formerly rainbow-filled shell. with JE it's more like a struggle to still keep up but finding very little satisfaction when i do. i'll always love the boys, though, and like with HP the love and the fact that they shaped me so much are still very much there. i'm just having more fun in my new fandom atm.


rheasilvia June 15 2011, 23:13:13 UTC
i didn't even finish reading the 7th book when i got it

Yeah, well. No loss there. :-)

I was lucky in that I didn't expect much from the books, so I wasn't disappointed. But if I'd been a fan, yikes, the suckiness of the 7th book would have really hit hard.

reminiscent of an empty formerly rainbow-filled shell

I really love this image. Beautifully put!

like with HP the love and the fact that they shaped me so much are still very much there. i'm just having more fun in my new fandom atm.

That doesn't sound like a burnout to me in either case, then. :-) Which is good! This way is much more fun. You'll still be able to go back and enjoy things in your old fandoms, if there are things to enjoy. (I just started rereading some Smallville favorites. Oh, there were such excellent stories in that fandom... it'd be so sad not to be able to enjoy them anymore.)


beltenebra June 14 2011, 13:16:48 UTC
I had a huge collective crush on the Lone Gunmen. I got to meet Dean Haglund when I was 16 and still an uber fan. He came to do a one-man show at a local comedy club and he signed my super crappy X-Files novel. Which I TOTALLY still have in a box somewhere. :3

Although I was leaning in the direction of slash back then I was a hard core Mulder and Scully shipper all the way. I am still pissed at the show for mishandling their relationship. But I'm trying to move on. (clearly has unresolved issues ;)


rheasilvia June 14 2011, 20:28:16 UTC
The Lone Gunmen were indeed very cool. :-) And was that an XF novel you wrote yourself...?? Because if so, share! :-)

God, yes, the Mulder and Scully relationship suffered horribly in the crash-and-burn... like just about everything else that made XF fun and interesting. Honestly, they could hardly have done worse if they'd actively tried. I doubt anyone who was an XF fan doesn't have unresolved issues.


krysyuy June 14 2011, 18:17:35 UTC
I've burned out definitely from the Ouran Koukou Host Club and Smallville fandoms. Ah, also the Prince of Tennis Musicals. For Ouran, I was/am in charge of a major website. For SV and Tenimyu, I had enough of the awful fans. For others - like BtVS/AtS, Prince of Tennis, etc - it's more like my love faded away. Mostly because there was no new stuff to look forward to. lol

Fandom nostalgia, though... always gets me. xD


rheasilvia June 14 2011, 20:35:11 UTC
Nostalgia can be a wonderful thing! :-)

Of the fandoms you mention, I only know SV - and yikes, yes, they started wanking awfully at some point, didn't they. But I didn't burn out on SV, despite that and the horrible canon developments - I still love to read good CLex stories! I did stop watching the show itself in time to prevent the worst, though. *g*


setsuna_jiba June 15 2011, 09:59:24 UTC
You really are awesome at inspiring people to think and I was having so much fun just reading the post and everyone elses comments that I forgot what I wanted to write myself. So I thought I'd just let you know that I this was a really interesting read. And I keep checking back for more. ^^


rheasilvia June 15 2011, 23:16:20 UTC
I thought I'd just let you know that I this was a really interesting read. And I keep checking back for more.

I love discussing this kind of thing - and I'm glad you're interested, too. :-) It's always so fascinating what the similarities and differences between peoples' experiences of fandom are.

But if you remember what you wanted to write yourself at any point, do let me (and possibly other readers of the thread!) know! :-)


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