Choices, choices... a.k.a. The Icon Dilemma

Apr 16, 2011 23:22

I want to switch out some of my icons, but there is a slight problem. I have 11 icon spaces to (re)fill - and 50 icons to do it with.

Help me, Obi-wan Kenobi friendslist! Please?

Many icons of sparkly dancing boys under the cut... )

blogging, gip

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Comments 20

imifumei April 16 2011, 22:23:18 UTC
I tend to choose (by which I mean make) icons that help me get across a message while posting, usually comments. To that end, I would choose the ones that you think are most likely to come in useful in matching with certain things you will probably say in your posts or comments.

The ones that seem most expressive to me are:

and 45

That said. . . what's not to like about all of them? Pretty~.


rheasilvia April 16 2011, 22:44:04 UTC
I know, they're all so pretty! So hard to choose...

You have a very good point about choosing expressive icons. That *is* extremely useful! I try to pick icons like that, too, but very often get sidetracked by the pretty. Must keep my mind on the job. ;-)

Thank you for your input!! I am so blinded by the sparkly love it's very very useful to get a second opinion.


rheasilvia April 16 2011, 22:44:23 UTC
BTW - your icon? Pure genius. ;-)


krysyuy April 16 2011, 22:29:56 UTC
Fun~ (I love icons... lol.) Let's see... :3 I'd go with 7, 8, 10, 18, 23, 1, 28, 34, 36, 47, 50. I'm particularly fond of 8 (Ryo's expression~ haha) and 47 (I just love it for some reason - Junno looks fabulous in that costume. My favorite from NMP con.).

Off-topic, but have you started watching Ryo's drama yet? Very surreal to me as a dad, but so, so adorable. :)


rheasilvia April 16 2011, 22:50:54 UTC
8 is hilarious! :-) Ryo does "gah!" so well. I am totally with you on 47, too. Yumm. (Like 36. Double yumm.)

Cool, you like 34 too? I don't even know why I am so fond of that blond silliness. I think it's the Junno icon I've been using for longest, mostly for "silliness" comments.

50 - I don't actually know when I'd use this, but it looks so nice...

have you started watching Ryo's drama yet?

No, so far I haven't - just read a synopsis and looked at some pics. Junno and Ryo both look great - I am forever grateful for the drama people for making Junno cut his hair - but to be honest the drama itself seems rather... errr... boring.

I definitely will watch it, though. How can I not? ;-)


krysyuy April 16 2011, 23:33:33 UTC
Yeah, a lot of the time sometimes I choose icons based on prettiness alone. xD And I can never resist blond!Junno now. (Before KT, I was very @.@;; when I saw blond!Junno.) And in 34, w/ the sunglasses and his head tilted back... lol. Silly indeed~ ♥

For me, 50's an icon I'd probably use for a short while simply because I like the crop of it w/ the focus being Junno's hand and arm. (I'm assuming it's Junno from BtR photobook? If it isn't, I fail as a Junno fan. lol)

I am forever grateful for the drama people for making Junno cut his hair
THIS, so much. (Short hair on Junno is my absolute favorite ever.)

but to be honest the drama itself seems rather... errr... boring.
LOL, I said the same thing. XD I'm watching the series for Junno and I'll be doing a picspam/review every week w/ focus on Hotta Katsuhiko (his character). Forgive my pimping... OTL

I definitely will watch it, though.
The things we do for our bias(es)~ lol. ;) Hopefully, the drama picks up! :D


rheasilvia April 17 2011, 12:02:51 UTC
The prettiness trap! I am the same, I just pick the pretty ones and then never find occasion to use them. Sigh!

About #50: You don't fail as a Junno fan! ;-)

I am SO WITH YOU about the short hair on Junno. Short and spiky is better still, but this is already very nice. And I also like the "serious with glasses"-look they seem to have going for him in a professsional capacity. Hope to see a lot more of that. :-)


glitterburn April 17 2011, 06:20:05 UTC
So much pretty! I would pick: 3, 6, 13, 21, 22, 24, 26, 36, 37, 39, 41, 43, 44, 47, 49... oh that's more than 11 icons LOL but those pics are my faves :D


rheasilvia April 17 2011, 12:08:41 UTC
I know, it's so hard to choose between all the pretty! :-))

Thank you for your help! I think I am narrowing down my selection now. Decisions, decisions...


girlearthless April 17 2011, 07:42:29 UTC
1, 4, 7 and 15 are my faves for Ryo *_* (his cute smiles, and the one with his hand up his shirt, ahem).

I can't pick between the Junno ones ;_; I LOVE 44 (WHERE IS THAT FROM?) and 46 a lot, and 29 makes me ♥_♥ (I need to find that picture now a;lsdkfja;lsjdf)


rheasilvia April 17 2011, 12:12:24 UTC
I love that you picked 1 as a favorite for Ryo. ;-) He does Junno so well! (Sorry, sorry, couldn't resist! Maybe I am getting better at really bad puns, what do you think? *g*)

Isn't 44 adorable? I love it to bits, but I don't know when I'd use it!! If only I shared pics more often...

I don't know where it's from, sadly. I'm pretty sure it must have been one of those small pics in photo spreads that are easy not to pay enough attention to... just like 1, which I also only learned to fully appreciate in icon form.

Thank you for helping me choose! This is really helping me narrow down my selection. :-)


girlearthless April 17 2011, 16:24:55 UTC
I think you've been writing a lot of Junno (which I fully approve and support *_*), love it XD I cannot pun for my life ;_;

I also just noticed 40 right now, the dork ♥


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rheasilvia April 17 2011, 12:16:20 UTC
Das ist auf jeden Fall eine gute Strategie - ich habe zwar auch meist diesen Vorsatz, lasse mich dann aber doch von dem Pretty blenden. ;-) Allerdings finde ich es auch sehr klasse, dass du deine Interpretationen gleich dazu geschrieben hast, denn das zeigt mir, wie weit Interpretationen sich unterscheiden können...

13 benutze ich zB in der Bedeutung "love this"...

15 hatte ich als "love!" in Betracht gezogen, aber jetzt werde ich etwas unsicher ob des Verwirrungspotenzials. *g*

24 - LOL! Ja, jetzt wo dus sagst: das ist as "drama!!" icon perfekt. :-)

Danke dir! :-) Das hilft mir sehr weiter. Ach ja, wer die Wahl hat...


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rheasilvia April 17 2011, 17:44:14 UTC
Kannst ja mal nachfragen! Bei 15 wäre ich jedenfalls wirklich nicht auf "so not serious" gekommen. Und 13 ist für mich einfach nur niedlich, daher hätte ich nicht Richtung "addiction" gedacht...


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