Fannish Fanfic Fragmentation

Mar 30, 2009 19:32

What is it about sparkly dancing boys? Not only have I abandoned my traditional, neatly linear style of writing - I am also fragmenting in other ways! I currently have six (in numbers: 6!) unfinished stories pending in JE fandom.

My insanity, let me show you it. There is:

  1. The Epic, which is over 100.000 words long so far but is currently resting ( Read more... )

crossover, crackfic, highlander, jpop, fanfic, au, junno

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Comments 28

solo March 30 2009, 17:48:33 UTC
Sooooo many good things! The fur!! Johnny!!! (I don't like your Jin but I guess that comes as no surprise.)

Ueda pokes Junno in the back of the head. Junno eyes him reproachfully, but doesn't say anything - it hasn't helped the first two dozen times, after all.

Heee! I can really see Ueda doing that.

And oh, poor Koki. But I can see that, too. All the way.

"Alright," Johnny amends his earlier assessment of the situation. "Very interesting. You, uhm. You!"


"It's all arranged for. Can you do kendo?"And this! Johnny has all the best lines ( ... )


rheasilvia March 30 2009, 18:21:25 UTC
(Oops, LJ swallowed part of my comment... repost!)

ooooo many good things! The fur!! Johnny!!!

:-)))) Yay! Glad you like the crack!

I don't like your Jin but I guess that comes as no surprise.

Ack, sorry... I don't really have much of a handle on Jin. What would *your* Jin do? *g*

Johnny has all the best lines!*g* It's only fitting ( ... )


solo March 30 2009, 19:32:02 UTC
What would *your* Jin do?

Dunno... see if this intriguing revenant's puns are still as boring as the real guy's? Check that he's okay and not secretly mourning his (always dubious) normalcy? Speculate about the amazing stuff and immortal team member can do in variety shows? I'm not sure, just... it's *Taguchi*... :-)


rheasilvia March 30 2009, 22:41:59 UTC
No doubt Jin will do all of that once he's gotten over his (very understandable) shock...

But hey, next time I will consult you first. You can be my official Jin Consultant. :-) (It's an honorary position, I'm afraid, but the hours are good. *g*)


girlearthless March 30 2009, 22:48:15 UTC
THIS WAS AWESOMESAUCE ♥__♥ So funny and cracky and I love how Junno is just oblivious to it all and very nonchalant.

Koki breaks into a renewed attack of sobs, sounding like an asthmatic walrus. Junno tries not to be too obvious about gently extracting his hand from Koki's vise-like grip and carefully wiping off the tears and the snot

BAWLING. Oh, Koki ♥♥♥ The softie.

And yes, he does have long legs *_____*


rheasilvia March 30 2009, 23:32:38 UTC
Heh, crackiness for the win. :-) Thank you! I am very glad that this is cracky in a good and funny way... I always find it hard to judge what only works for me and what will actually work for others too.

Junno strikes me as a very pragmatic guy; of course in this case, he's also still in shock, or he wouldn't be quite so nonchalant. But I do think he will manage this a LOT better than most people would. He won't angst his little heart out, he'll just deal and make the best of it. And take a lot of kendo lessons. :-)

Koki! Oh, he's going to deathly embarrassed once he catches himself. There is serious, serious work on his tough guy image in his future.

(I bet he'll also be very touchy-feely with Junno for a while. Should make the fans happy. *g*)

he does have long legs

He so does! Hhrrrrmmm. :-)


gagulan April 1 2009, 13:17:51 UTC
FunnY & surprised~
Twisted his Neck? WOW! o_O
They go on with the concert w/o him~

But the most i love is when he came out & said "Hey, guys - what's going on?"
& everyone reactions after that was speechless~


rheasilvia April 1 2009, 22:43:52 UTC
Twisted his Neck

Snapped it like a twig - he never felt a thing. :-) Actually a pretty good way to die! Though the bit where it happened on stage in the middle of a concert was rather unfortunate, of course. *g*

And... I think that at some point, they'll have to have a talk about the fact that they finished the concert in spite of the accident. (Not that Junno will be any good at making them feel guilty, but he'll at least bring it up again in a slightly sulky tone. And then fold immediately and allow the subject to be changed. *g*)

But the most i love is when he came out & said "Hey, guys - what's going on?"
& everyone reactions after that was speechless~

Heh! :-)

Glad you like!!


gagulan April 2 2009, 05:34:05 UTC
Snapped is good w/o pain~
I cant imagine if i can feel that pain of twisted neck~

I like it bcoz u made a wonderful fanfic~
Make more!!!


rheasilvia April 2 2009, 17:56:28 UTC
Make more!!!

I will!!! :-)


japanimecrazed April 10 2009, 21:32:16 UTC
This snippet is awesome. And nearly single-handedly responsible for dragging me into jpop fandom. I can't wait to read the other stories you're working on.


rheasilvia April 12 2009, 23:50:10 UTC
Hey there! :-) Wow, I am very very happy to hear that my crossover snippet had so much of an impact on you - I certainly never expected that (and I confess that I am curious as to just how I managed this feat *g*). Thank you for your wonderful feedback!

(I would also be very interested in how you found this, if you're not in jpop fandom already...? But you can also just ignore me, I'm curious by nature. *g*)

I hope the other stories won't disappoint! Though the next one up will be rather different, and certainly *way* more explicit...

I do already have one other complete story about the sparkly boys up here, if you're interested (and one more snippet, but that's, errr. really cracky *g*).


japanimecrazed April 13 2009, 01:20:32 UTC
I confess that I am curious as to just how I managed this feat

In order for me to fall in love with a fandom, it must have excellent crack. Excellent crossover crack is even better. Writers who write the excellent crack get a servant for life, partially because of the crack and possibly because their more serious work tends to be awesome too.

I would also be very interested in how you found this, if you're not in jpop fandom already...?

I have solo's journal friended because I'm waiting for her X epic, so I read her and k_julia's Akame fics. I enjoyed them, but didn't feel the need to go on a desperate search for more. Recently I was bored and thought I might be able to enjoy a reread if I knew who the sparkly boys were. I saw your comments to solo's pimp post and recognized your name (from spn, sv, and tbx, I think), so I clicked. I did some scrolling and some more clicking and stumbled across this gem which triggered my moremoremore response.

I hope the other stories won't disappoint!

They certainly won't! I loved The ( ... )


rheasilvia April 13 2009, 21:52:07 UTC
First of all, thank you for explaining just how and why I managed to hook you on the sparkly boys, and how you happened across my journal. I wholly understand your love for excellent crack of the crossover variety, and remain very flattered and happy that my crossover crack in particular appealed to you! :-) It's also really wonderful to hear you liked the other JE stories I've posted so far (and let me say that I love receiving comments on stories no matter how long it's been since I posted them, and can't really imagine any author feels differently *g*).

Hopefully it won't take much longer until the next story is ready to be posted... although I really must warn you that it's different. I kind of want to warn you about it, but, well, if you stick around, you'll find out anyway. And the crack factor is definitely there. *g*

was sad to stumble into wider fandom and learn Junno/Ryo is not a common pairingNow I feel a little guilty for getting you hooked on something that's in such short supply... but I confess, on the other hand I ( ... )


sanjihan July 26 2009, 16:43:41 UTC
ahahahaha. Awesome. The last line is pure, pure win. And the first two paragraphs are beautifully written.


rheasilvia August 9 2009, 15:35:56 UTC
*g* Glad you like! Especially since... well. Looks like I'm not going to let this story rest after all. ;-)


sanjihan August 10 2009, 03:04:57 UTC
Heehee! I'm glad to hear that news. ;) 'Cause Junno totally needs lovin' and this storyline is fascinating. :D


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