JE Fanfic: The Taguchi Method of Falling in Love

Jan 14, 2009 19:10

Disclaimer: This is pure fiction.
Pairing: Taguchi Junnosuke / Nishikido Ryo
Rating: G (all audiences)
Word count: Slightly over 5,000 words; written for the fanfic-a-thon at iridetaguchi.
Note: The Taguchi methods are statistical test methods used to analyze and optimize the quality of products, processes and systems. However, this story is not about them ( Read more... )

jpop, fanfic, junno

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Comments 90

solo January 14 2009, 18:11:43 UTC

I had to.


rheasilvia January 14 2009, 20:37:30 UTC
A car shrimp icon!! Cool. :-))

And also, indeed, you are the first. *g*


(The comment has been removed)

rheasilvia January 15 2009, 00:35:26 UTC
"Cute" and "awesome" are very nice words to hear in this context! :-)

It's my first posted JE fanfic, and I'm still a little nervous about it all - so I'm really happy to hear you enjoyed the story.

Thank you for commenting!


firehead41 January 14 2009, 21:36:03 UTC
That was really, really interesting and fun to read. It was so Junno-like, and I luved it! =D


rheasilvia January 15 2009, 00:52:27 UTC
Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed the story - and especially that it was both fun to read and Junno-like. :-)It's my first time writing Junno's POV, and it's great to hear that this version of him rang true to you!


happy_gogogo January 14 2009, 21:40:48 UTC
AWWWW Junno! *hugs* I thought it was very interesting look at love using both his POV and the songs.

Great job!


rheasilvia January 15 2009, 00:49:25 UTC
Thank you! :-) It's great to hear that you enjoyed the story, and particularly that you liked Junno's views on falling in love and romance and all that. *g*

Using song titles was part of the iridetaguchi fanfic challenge I originally wrote this for. I'm very glad that what I did with the idea worked for you!

AWWWW Junno! *hugs*

He needs more love!!

Also, I love your icon. :-)


girlearthless January 14 2009, 23:12:36 UTC
I...need a Junno/Ryo icon now.

I really loved reading this! It was so Junno, and I could see those jumbled and bungling thought processes playing out in his mind, if that makes sense.

This was really sweet and funny and awkward, like him, I suppose.

♥ ♥ ♥!


rheasilvia January 15 2009, 01:10:07 UTC
I...need a Junno/Ryo icon now.

Oooh, that's a wonderful compliment! Thank you very much - it's really great the story could convince you of the pairing's charm. :-) I honestly think they'd do well together, even though the combination may not be the first to spring to mind...

(And I still need a Junno/Ryo icon too... I should definitely get on that, one of these days. *g*)

It's also great that Junno's voice rang so true to you. One of the most important things to me was to make the story authentically Junno, so I'm really happy that worked for you. :-)

sweet and funny and awkward, like him

Yes, he is all that, isn't he! :-)

Thank you for your feedback!


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