WIP Amnesty

Feb 06, 2004 20:35

In the honor of WIP Amnesty Day, I present one of the unfinished WIPs that have been languishing on my harddrive for years. I realize that it will never be finished anyway... *sigh*

Once a Thief WIP )

once a thief, fanfic, wip amnesty

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Re: rheasilvia February 6 2004, 13:00:01 UTC
WIP Amnesty Day? O_O

Yep - meaning, as far as I know, that you will be forgiven for posting bits and pieces of stories that will never be finished, just so they have a chance to see the light of day.

OaT Fanfic - aaah, da hab ich ich mich seinerzeit auch durchgeackert. Krycek forevva! *g*

Ich gebe zu, dass ich über XF in OAT gerutscht bin... aber hängen geblieben bin ich wegen OAT selbst. *g* Leider war es ein viel zu kleines Fandom... *seufz*


Re: liriel_ February 6 2004, 13:12:43 UTC

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