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Comments 7

xkatjafx January 13 2007, 10:43:39 UTC
OMG! Sam is the Twin Star!! Everything makes so much sense now. :-) *

Wow, yes, that would make an *awesome* plotline! (Regardless of who is Kamui and who is the Twin Star because it would really work both ways.)

Hey, you wouldn't consider to write fanfic about that, would you? *g*


rheasilvia January 13 2007, 16:56:08 UTC
Wow, yes, that would make an *awesome* plotline!

Kinda scary how well that would fit, isn't it? *g* Even that the mothers are a kind of sacrifice fits. Except that no swords were born in the process, at least as far as we know.

There is that peculiar magical gun that suddenly turned up, of course. Maybe John's been guarding it all these years, like a good husband, father of the Twin Star and priest - errr - hunter should, until the time was right!

Hey, you wouldn't consider to write fanfic about that, would you?

Nah, I'm trying not to become inspired at the moment due to lack of time. ;-) But that hasn't kept me from beginning to compile lists of the key players of the approaching apocalypse. Some are already known, after all...

Dragons of Heaven
Kamui (Dean)
Gordon, possibly

And the bonus seer/dreamgazer: Missouri

Dragons of Earth
Kamui (Sam)

And... hey, Lenore could be the Sakurazukamori! :-) She's got to work on the whole cherry blossom thing, but she has the blood part down pat.


xkatjafx January 13 2007, 17:36:29 UTC
And the bonus seer/dreamgazer: Missouri

lol. To bad that they have more than enough seers *g*

Hey, Ash could be the computer chick *g* Even though he's kinda on the wrong side then.

And... hey, Lenore could be the Sakurazukamori! :-) She's got to work on the whole cherry blossom thing, but she has the blood part down pat.

lol. Or, since you probably should shorten the cast anyway, you simply stick with groups of three or four - and integrate some of the good Subaru/Seishirou things into Sam/Dean. Somebody could totally lose an eye...


rheasilvia January 14 2007, 15:18:44 UTC
To bad that they have more than enough seers *g*

At least way too many on the side of the Angels! The Seals could really use a dreamgazer, considering visions come to Ava and Sam in their sleep...

Or, since you probably should shorten the cast anyway, you simply stick with groups of three or four - and integrate some of the good Subaru/Seishirou things into Sam/Dean.

Really don't think that would work. Nah - Lenore and Gordon could do it more effectively, if Lenore was the one who turned Gordon's sister into a vampire, back before she went on the bloodless diet.

Somebody could totally lose an eye...

If it's Sam, nobody would notice - we hardly ever see his eyes anyway. *g* Though come to think of it, once Destiny takes over, he'll be obliged to become cool and fashionable, meaning he will get a haircut, aquire black and red trenchcoats with lots of buckles, and find a pair of hyper-fashionable sunglasses. *g*


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