Summer of '39

Sep 16, 2015 12:47

There has to be a Steve/Bucky fanvid to "Summer of '69", right? I mean. Can't you just SEE Bucky standing on his momma's porch in the summer of '39, promising he'd wait forever... but yeah, Steve, nothing can last forever, right? And the times, they sure are changin ( Read more... )

songvids, other fandoms

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Comments 2

theadaze September 19 2015, 02:58:12 UTC
eeeehhh, please don't suppress your Cap issues!! i'm so weak for Steve/Bucky, do you have any good fic recs? 8)) i need some distraction so that i won't drown myself in new Sebstan pics *cough*

(i don't read Stony either, meh. :P)

i'd agree with the vid idea (Bucky would have waited forever for Steve *sobs*), except every time i hear that song all i think of is dudes in cowboy clothes on a hot day by the lake -- which wait a minute how is that a problem, self?? XDD (*off to search for stucky cowboy AUs*)


rheasilvia September 20 2015, 00:00:41 UTC
But I have to suppress my Cap issues in order to read the fanfic - otherwise I will be completely creeped out and unable to enjoy it. They are not positive issues ( ... )


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