Game of Thrones 4x10: The Children

Jun 18, 2014 00:42

My thoughts and opinions on various characters and developments.

Spoilers for ep 4x10! )

game of thrones, episode commentary

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Comments 4

setsuna_jiba July 31 2014, 11:45:22 UTC
I haven’t watched the latest season yet (but since I read the books I didn’t think this would spoil and I was curious on your opinions). I still haven’t taken the time because I got a bit tired with it, but
I’ll probably watch it soon.

I know you don’t want spoilers, but did you want to know about Shae in the books?

BTW, there were sooo many GoT cosplayers at the convention I went to last weekend. Some of them were really good! ^^


rheasilvia July 31 2014, 22:23:53 UTC
Sadly, in many respects the series has been seriously declining in terms of quality -- this season was somewhat of a low point in regards to the characterization of several characters. Completely inexplicable choices for Jaimie and Tyrion+Shae...

Yes, please do tell me about book!Shae! I don't consider that a spoiler because it is, after all, in the past of the series, too. I've already heard that the books handled this quite differently, which makes it all the more frustrating that the series chose to go down a way more stupid road and risk destroying the character of Tyrion.

Oooh, I can imagine! GoT is so popular, and I imagine you can make really good groups.


setsuna_jiba August 1 2014, 11:07:09 UTC
I agree. I loved the beginning of the series, but lost interest along the way. Same with the books. I loved at first how they seemed to have cut down on some of the boring parts of the books, but now it’s just as bad. At this point I figured I’m just gonna watch the series instead of reading ( ... )


rheasilvia August 1 2014, 15:45:23 UTC
Ah, I see... thank you for telling me. Yeah, that sounds like the series thought it would up the ante on Shae by making her more mysterious and giving her more of an emotional bond to Tyrion - entirely without considering that they would have to bring the relationship to a close at the same point the books do. They should have changed things at the end so that they made sense with their earlier changes - and they should not have thrown the red herring of Shae being a noble by birth out there if they were never going to do anything with it. That's a cheap, cheap trick.

I don't know if you've heard about the Jaime Lannister problem the series has introduced in direct opposition to the books, but it's a real problem, and the series seems entirely unaware of it. :-/


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