Sneaky streptococcus

Nov 28, 2013 11:53

Second bout of tonsilitis in six weeks; like the last one, it is smart enough to pretend not to be bacterial so the doctor won't prescribe antibiotics. Undercover bacteria masquerading as a viral infection... the wonders of evolution. Last time, the critters' cover was blown in the end - the antibiotics did the job when I finally got them. So this ( Read more... )

writing, real life

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Comments 9

ellensmithee November 28 2013, 10:56:59 UTC
rheasilvia November 28 2013, 11:10:48 UTC
I went to two doctors last time (mostly because it was the weekend, but I was glad for the second opinion), and they both said the same thing: It doesn't look bacterial, so antibiotics won't help...

They did help when my doctor prescribed them at last, though. Not sure why she did, because she still thought it was viral; maybe she just decided that the unnecessary stress the antibiotics would put on my system was worth it for the placebo effect.

Yeah, at some point I probably will have to get a tonsillectomy. I've been putting it off because it isn't totally necessary, and for adults, the procedure itself can be risky.


ellensmithee November 28 2013, 11:14:24 UTC
rheasilvia November 28 2013, 11:25:36 UTC
Yes, they are a bit more careful these days, because tonsils do serve a function and so are a good thing to have in principle. Apart from the fact that no operation is entirely without risks and so purely prophylactic operations are always dodgy, people should keep their tonsils unless there's actually a problem with them. ;-)

However, while removing kids' tonsils is a very low-risk procedure, the same is not quite true for adults.


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rheasilvia November 28 2013, 11:34:43 UTC
Thank you, I hope so, too! :-)

It's encouraging that most people don't appear to think the very slow start to my m/m romance is a problem. *g* Here's hoping it doesn't unbalance the story to have it start up so late in the game.


geekslave November 29 2013, 07:13:54 UTC
Sorry you're having throat issues. Hope you get answers soon.



rheasilvia November 29 2013, 14:03:09 UTC
Thank you! I hope so, too... and that it isn't "it's viral, bad luck for you". Especially because I am certain it *isn't* viral.


twelve_pastels December 1 2013, 19:44:22 UTC
Oh dear! Take care of yourself! That sort of thing is nasty to try and treat.


rheasilvia December 3 2013, 22:29:47 UTC
Thank youi! It's getting better now, but yeah. Not fun.


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