PoI 3x09 - The Crossing

Nov 21, 2013 19:48

So, I haven't even seen Person of Interest 3x09 - or indeed any episode in S3 except for the first one, which so underwhelmed me that I've been putting off watching any more.

Cut for extremely vague spoilers )

person of interest

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Comments 6

astri13 November 21 2013, 20:14:50 UTC
I thought the Season 3 Premiere was a bit off but since then the Season found its stride. And while I was surprised about the development in the latest episode, I don`t consider it a show-killer. Apparently, it was the idea from the start, according to some interviews.

And the weirdest moment in the episode was ad-libbed by the actors in what I thought would have been the director`s responsibility to corral them and tell them no.

So I don`t know what responses you read but personally I don`t think this Season has been bad or that the show has changed too drastically, other than widening the ensemble. And I`m totally with you on liking the Finch/Reese aspect and the characters in general the most.


rheasilvia November 22 2013, 00:16:29 UTC
Hm, well, maybe I'll just wait until the season has run its course and then see. In cases of doubt, I prefer to have all the eps on hand. Waiting week after week for the next installment generally makes me give up on a show much sooner than if I'd had the chance to go ahead and see whether the next ep is an improvement...

So I don`t know what responses you read

Basically, I've gathered that Reese and Carter kissed, but Reese's number came up and Carter died trying to save him (or possibly just as collateral damage). Reese said something about how she'd been the one to save him and bring him back from the edge by giving him a purpose, which, uhm? She did play a very important role in the story of Reese's redemption, and her relationship with him *was* extremely important to both characters, but... that wasn't why.

Obviously I don't have all the info, but... yeah.


astri13 November 22 2013, 15:42:55 UTC
Ah, yes, the kiss was completely weird. And apparently it was the one thing added by the actors. Wasn`t in the script. Like I said, that`s when a good director comes in and hits the brakes.

and Carter died trying to save him (or possibly just as collateral damage)

I wouldn`t say she died to save him. They all stupidly let their guard down too early. But for most intents and purposes, Carter died in the aftermath of her own storyline.

Reese said something about how she'd been the one to save him and bring him back from the edge by giving him a purpose, which, uhm?I didn`t even notice this so much. There were some callbacks to their initial meeting with him being a bum on a train and all and he referenced that. So I figured his last words were both another reference to that as well as trying to give her something nice in the end ( ... )


amnisias November 21 2013, 21:06:58 UTC
Luckily, I'm watch my TV unspoilered, and I've been enjoying most of season 3. The increase in cast size has added some life to the show, and I enjoy Carter being all skillful and bad-ass and getting stuff done. The current arc is very suspensful and thrilling, though the last ep obviously was painful. But it made sense from a plot pov. From what I've been reading many people had very specific expectations what would happen based on previews, and their reaction seems to be very different to the one from people that have been unspoilered and just 'went with the story'.


rheasilvia November 22 2013, 00:24:34 UTC
I almost always watch unspoilered too, but in this particular case, I made an exception. I'd had such a bad feeling about the season from the start that I thought it would be better to know the worst straight up front.

Of course, I can't actually judge since I haven't seen the ep(s) in question. But now that I am prepared for this event, I think it'll be better if I do watch them at some point.


amnisias November 22 2013, 08:53:44 UTC
But now that I am prepared for this event, I think it'll be better if I do watch them at some point.

That is probably true. But you are spoilered for what actually happened. A lot of folks made a (wrong) assumption based on previews and went in thinking they were spoilered, just for everything playing out completely differently in the end.


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