Grimm: The entirely biased couple poll

Apr 07, 2013 02:55

So what do I you I think you think about our three main couples? Have a random poll, which will not actually allow you any choices.

Not actually spoilery for 2x17, but just in case. )

random poll, grimm

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Comments 14

killabeez April 7 2013, 00:55:15 UTC
Perfect poll is perfect!


rheasilvia April 7 2013, 01:01:52 UTC
Heee, I am glad you like! I take it you didn't miss any options, then... :-)


geekslave April 7 2013, 02:17:44 UTC
I only voted on the last two because I actually liked Nick and Juliette when they were a couple. The writing for juliette has frustrated me, and this amnesia has gone on for far too long, but I though Nick and Juliette were good together.



rheasilvia April 7 2013, 10:39:52 UTC
I had hopes for them as a couple when they were together, although I always felt that there was a certain spark missing. But, I don't know. It may be the writing or it may be the actress, or most likely it's an unfortunate combination of the two, but somehow, to me Juliette has always remained like a cardboard cut-out of a character. I'm really sorry about that, because I do think Nick needs a stable relationship, and his relationship with Juliette was set up to be exactly what he needed. I just never felt it worked.

I actually liked Juliette best during some of the Juliette/Renard debacle. She seemed less like she was sleepwalking through her day, and more like she actually *felt* something and was actively doing something. There was a spark of life there sometimes, and even a hint of chemistry - with Adalind and Renard, though unfortunately not with Nick.


geekslave April 7 2013, 20:50:18 UTC
I think it's mostly a fault of the writers. I think they've done a really horrible job with the Nick/Juliette relationship this season. Juliette lost her memory and it's something that's supposed to be eating away at Nick, and I'm not getting that or a connection between them and there was one before.

I could usually take or leave Juliette as a character on her own because they haven't given her much to do, but the times that they have written her with a personality, I've mostly enjoyed it and think the actress could do more if they'd let her.



rheasilvia April 7 2013, 21:34:31 UTC
You're probably right! I did think that the actress was far better with some of the Renard-Juliette scenes, and also when she interacted with Adalind. It's a pity that her main plot, and her main role in the series - that of Nick's girlfriend - is so weakly written.

And absolutely, the writers are completely failing to establish any kind of connection, which means that the tension that should be there because of the amnesia storyline (and also because of the "omg how will she react to the Grimm thing" storyline) is just... not there at all. And that makes the entire thing boring and annoying, sadly.


twelve_pastels April 7 2013, 02:30:04 UTC
Personally, I'm beginning to ship Hank and Nick really hard, and there is NOTHING out there for it, which means I'm going to have to write it. Dang it.

Honestly, I'd be more happy with Juliette there as a platonically awesome person, but I don't see her being able to bring anything to the group at this point. If she got turned into a Hexenbiest, that'd be another story.


killabeez April 7 2013, 03:49:59 UTC
psst you are not alone. :D


twelve_pastels April 7 2013, 16:34:35 UTC
Excellent! That means when I write some of this stuff someone will be reading it.


rheasilvia April 7 2013, 10:45:32 UTC
there is NOTHING out there for it, which means I'm going to have to write it

*g* Oh, I know how that goes!

I would absolutely read Nick/Hank - I love Hank, and there is definitely love between him and Nick. In canon, I see it as a "partners" or "chosen brothers" kind of love, but hey, I would definitely be willing to take the turn into romance if someone were writing it! :-)

Juliette actually has the professional skills to bring a lot to the group - she's a vet, after all. They could have used her in the last ep, and in pretty much every other ep too. But I wouldn't mind even if she were a tax consultant and had absolutely no professional skills that apply to the Grimm work - just so long as she had an actual personality, and real chemistry with Nick.


imkalena April 7 2013, 03:09:49 UTC
So sad that "Nick and Juliette" didn't have a specific choice for "all of the above." My mouse button is sticky, yanno.

Hell, I want to have Monroe and Rosalee's babies. Surely it can be arranged!


rheasilvia April 7 2013, 10:49:18 UTC
And if you had Monroe's and Rosalee's babies, then they would be hanging around your place all the time, being adorable! I am all for it! But only if I could come hang out too. ;-)


astri13 April 7 2013, 11:30:25 UTC
Hee. I`ve probably had more patience with Juliette`s character than most but this amnesia thing gets dragged out too.damn.long.

Actually not a big fan of Adalind either, something about her always puts me off.

Rosalee on the other hand kicks ass and her romance with Monroe is adorable.

What I love most is the "group", though, they were like a little conman crew last episode. Just bring in Renard (it automatically upgrades your badass points) and Wu (wicked smart) and I will watch a show about them sticking it to the Royals. :D


rheasilvia April 7 2013, 13:13:30 UTC
Yeah, the amnesia storyline isn't original and simply doesn't provide that many plot opportunities. They really shouldn't have dragged it out for this long. :-/

I can't say I'm a fan of Adalind either, but I do think she's an interesting character! Fortunately, that doesn't mean I have to like her as a person, which I certainly don't. *g*

Yes! I loved how they all worked together like that. I also loved that the Wesen of the Week was really just a lawyer - morally indisputably in the wrong, of course, but he was just doing what any lawyer without morals does. He wasn't a murderer, he wasn't actually a violent person (despite the attack of rage at the end), and when he lost his mojo he went to get help - he saw himself as the victim, and from his perspective, he was.

I wish they hadn't made the murdering husband and his wife a predator/prey Wesen pair. It seemed entirely unnecessary to me, and it really weakened the domestic violence theme IMO.


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