Sarah Connor Chronicles 2x04: Allison from Palmdale

Feb 18, 2013 00:51

So, I am finally watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, only about 50 years after everyone else in the world, and just got to ep 2x04.

Before this, I was mildly interested, and rather liked some aspects of the series. Now?

Why did nobody tell me about this SHOW??? Beware: Here be massive spoilers up to ep 2x04... )

sarah connor chronicles, episode commentary

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Comments 11

pashoshi February 18 2013, 02:58:12 UTC
I really loved that show, even though it ended on a horrible cliffhanger. The characters are so interesting and so messed up, just the way I like them. XD I'm not sure how much I remember since it's been a while since my last rewatch, but I'd be happy to talk about it anyway.


rheasilvia February 18 2013, 20:21:26 UTC
Ack, yes, I was thinking that the ending will probably be horrible, since the show was cancelled fairly abruptly. But forewarned is forearmed, right? At least that's what I try to tell myself. (Waaaah. But there's always fanfic, I hope...)

Yes! Interesting and messed-up is such a lovely look for fictional characters. In RL interesting and well-adjusted is so much more pleasant, but for fictional characters, bring on the massive issues!

I am all about Cameron right now, and her relationship to John especially. So many fascinating possibilities! I just watched the ep where they all go to a psychologist, and wow, do they all need it - but it would probably be more helpful if they could actually tell the man what was going on with them. :-)


pashoshi February 19 2013, 04:43:47 UTC
It's an interesting ending, but they made no concessions to the fact that it was probably going to get cancelled and it makes me so curious about what would have happened if they'd continued. On the other hand, it's probably better to be cancelled while still awesome than to drag the show out until it starts to suck.

John is my favorite character because it's basically like they went "Here, let us give you your favorite character tropes on a silver platter!" but his relationship with Cameron is really interesting. I liked that psychologist episode because it makes it clear how massively screwed up they are, and how impossible it is to fix them under the circumstances.

I never really got around to reading much fic, but I think I have some saved in my memories that I liked or that is written by authors I like. Most of it was written after the show ended and therefore is probably spoilery, but I can give you links when you're done.


rheasilvia February 20 2013, 00:11:59 UTC
You have an excellent point - I've seen so many shows I loved on the first seasons go down the drain. It would have been great to have another season or so, but hey, going out on a note of awesome is definitely a good way to go out. And considering how the story is set up, there really is no way to find a satisfying conclusion... maybe it's better to just close in medias res.

"Here, let us give you your favorite character tropes on a silver platter!"

What favorite character tropes would that be? *curious*

Thank you, I will definitely get back to you regarding the offer of fic :-)


killabeez February 18 2013, 03:57:11 UTC
There is definitely Cameron/John fic! Definitely, definitely. :)


rheasilvia February 18 2013, 20:22:37 UTC
YES! Yes, I am so glad to hear it! Something to look forward to when the eps run out on a horrible cliffhanger and leave me high and dry.

And I need a SCC icon, too...


killabeez February 19 2013, 03:44:02 UTC
Without spoiling it, I absolutely loved the way this show ended. I think of it as a perfect example of why I don't mind AT ALL when my shows get canceled after two years. Perfect amount of time to tell a good bit of story, then gone before anyone has a chance to ruin it. :)


rheasilvia February 20 2013, 00:14:04 UTC
This is a very good way to look at it! :-) And so, so true... when I think of all the shows I used to love that have gone terribly bad, I really do think that cancellation after 2 seasons would have been the more merciful fate.

I mean, X-Files (okay, maybe more than 2 seasons, but, yeah). Smallville. Supernatural. Merlin. It goes on...


krysyuy February 18 2013, 07:06:20 UTC
I was completely obsessed with this show while it was airing (and subsequently devastated when it was cancelled). The season 2 premiere is still one of my favorite episodes.


rheasilvia February 18 2013, 20:26:22 UTC
I've heard so much about this show over the years, but never quite got around to it before. But it really, really is that interesting...

I thought 2x01 had some issues because (IMO) part of this ep should by rights have been aired as part of the last ep of Season 1, in order to make for a better cliffhanger and more effective story arcs for both eps. But that issue aside, YES, I loved it! And I love it even more now, when I have the background from 2x04 to give it more depth in terms of the Cameron/John relationship.

Can't wait to see where that goes!


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