Title: Passing Time {2/6}
Pairing: HaeHyuk (Donghae/Hyukjae)
Rating: PG-13, later chapters R
Genre: AU, Angst, Romance
Word Count: 1021
Summary: There was something about Hyukjae that was different- charming to a degree- though Donghae wasn't sure what exactly made him that way.
Note: Boop boop. \o/ Another chapter for you, friends~ Sorry it's so short~ OTL
Warning: Mentions of drug usage.
Disclaimer: Not mine. :/ No money for this.
Chapter One-----
The next time Donghae saw Hyukjae the man was laying on Sungmin's apartment couch. Giggling. Then silent. Then back to giggling again. Donghae squatted beside the couch and poked Hyukjae's side, noting his large pupils.
“He's high, isn't he?”
“Higher than the moon,” Sungmin fussed with his hair in the mirror. “You ready to go?” There was a party in a nearby apartment they were planning on attending. They were invited short notice, but they were free and bored on a Saturday evening, so anything sounded good in the moment.
“We can't just leave him here,” Donghae frowned as Hyukjae stared wide-eyed at the ceiling.
“Yeah we can,” Sungmin looked confused. “Better than him wandering around town. Which is what he was doing before I ran into him.”
“Do you know what he's on?”
“Probably weed,” Sungmin shrugged, 'So, I mean, he won't die so he'll be fine.”
“Yeah until he jumps out of the window because he forgets how to use the stairs. Or he chugs a bottle of cleaner. I think both have happened before,” Donghae fiddled with an end of Hyukjae's wine colored hair. “Not to Hyukjae though. Some randoms on the news.”
“I could've guessed that,” Sungmin snorted. “You can stay here if you want. I'll just go hang out with Kyuhyun.”
“You're just going to leave me here?” Donghae's eyes widened and he sat down on the floor.
Sungmin sighed dramatically, “What do you want from me?” When Donghae shrugged, Sungmin continued, “Because I'm fine with skipping a party, but I refuse to babysit Hyukjae.”
Donghae bit his lip, wondering if it was worth missing a party over. “Can I eat what's in your fridge?”
“If you can find anything edible,” Sungmin opened the front door. “Don't molest Hyuk, alright? I know you have that fetish for him.”
Once Sungmin had left, Donghae turned to the man who had grasped Donghae's hand and was examining his fingers delicately with awe.
“You are so incredibly out of it,” Donghae laughed to himself and Hyukjae continued his ministrations.
A few moments passed of Donghae observing Hyukjae laughing, touching his face and staring at the ceiling, because while regular Hyukjae was spacey and quiet, high Hyukjae was finding interest in everything and babbling occasionally.
A glance to his right and Donghae saw a backpack lying on the floor. Sungmin never said anything about not going through his things. And Donghae could admit it, he was getting bored and he was a snoop. Leaning over, he grabbed the bag and shuffled through the contents. Pulling out a notebook, Donghae realized that it wasn't Sungmin's bag.
If the notebook proved correct, the name on the front read 'Lee Hyukjae' in careful lettering. Flipping it open hesitantly, Donghae also discovered that it wasn't a notebook at all. It was a sketch book. Leafing through the pages, Donghae found detailed landscapes and towering trees; realistic portraits and impeccable buildings.
They were fantastic. Phenomenal, if Donghae could be considered a critic. Each line was precise and held direction; the shadows and highlights placed correctly, adding a depth of realism.
Donghae looked at the giggling mess of a man on the couch and tried to picture him- Lee Hyukjae who had tired features, drank, swore and smoked legal and illegal substances and who knows what else- tried to picture him sitting off to the side in a park, sketching the photo-like drawing of two children with balloons, the city perched on the horizon and sun setting in the distance. It had to happen at some point, Donghae realized. That, or Hyukjae had a great memory because Donghae couldn't remember Hyukjae ever pulling out a pen during their dinner, much less a sketch book.
But there it was, the last marked page and Donghae found himself staring at a reflection of himself on paper. Wisps of hair and soft, sparkling eyes staring at him made Donghae gently close the book and replace it in the bag.
Donghae felt almost as if he had violated some sort of secret air around Hyukjae.
Maybe Hyukjae was more perceptive than he led on.
Feeling slightly awkward, Donghae tried to keep his distance from Hyukjae in the following days.
“Why don't you just ask him out? Sungmin asked one day over lunch.
“I don't know... it just seems kind of weird.”
“Weird as in you molested him while he was high or weird as in you don't really like him?” Sungmin chewed on a french fry as Donghae sputtered.
“I did not molest him! And I do like him, it's just-”
“Great, I'll set you up then,” and with that, Donghae knew there was no point in further arguing.
“Hey, what do you keep looking at?” Donghae reached over their pad thai and cashew chicken to nudge Hyukjae.
“Huh? Oh...” Hyukjae trailed, a blush evident across his face. Donghae looked at him encouragingly because he was genuinely curious. The walls of the small, local restaurant were decorated with oriental touches, but nothing that would cause Hyukjae's eyes to dart around so quickly.
“It'll sound stupid...”
“I won't laugh, I promise,” Donghae took the opportunity to grab Hyukjae's soft hands, rubbing them soothingly. Hyukjae's demeanor changed quickly when personal matters were brought up, it seemed. It was endearing, Donghae thought, the way Hyukjae's tough exterior disappeared with a deep blush over his features.
Hyukjae stuttered slightly, “I-I feel like... we're being watched,” he bit his lower lip and looked up, as if to judge Donghae's reaction.
“Oh, like Sungmin is stalking us?” Donghae turned around and surveyed the other diners. “Because he said something about following us...”
Hyukjae laughed nervously and nodded, “Yeah, something like that.”
The pair finished their dinner amicably with laughter and plans to meet up again. Even though it went so well, Donghae could sense the extreme anxiety sifting through Hyukjae and grimaced when Hyukjae lit up a cigarette the moment they left the restaurant.
Chapter Three