Fic: To Be That Man...

Oct 13, 2009 21:31

Title: To Be That Man (Who Falls Down At Your Door)
Characters/Pairings: Little John, Djaq
Mentions: Much, Queen Eleanor
Rating: G
Genre: Gen
Spoilers: 2x11
Words: 500
Disclaimer: Robin Hood is copyright to Tiger Aspect and the BBC. All Rights Reserved. No copyright infringement is intended and no money is being made - the outlaws gave it all away to the poor.
Summary: Djaq and John are heading back to camp shortly after the events of 2x11, "Treasure of the Nation", when John drops something...

A/N: This was written for the 500 word song prompt challenge onhoodland. The song chosen was "I'm Gonna Be (500 Miles)" by The Proclaimers.


To Be That Man...
by wastingyourgum

The gang had taken the opportunity of the Feast of Saints Peter and Paul to distribute the last of Queen Eleanor's money to the villages and were looking forward to a small feast of their own which Much had promised. The late evening sun cast long shadows through the trees as Djaq and John made their way back from Nettlestone, eager to see what miracles Much had worked for them on the Saints behalf.

They walked in amiable silence until Djaq stumbled slightly, falling against John's chest as he steadied her. She looked down as she heard something fall from his jacket. "What was that?"

"Um, nothing," John said as he looked round.

"No, I definitely heard something... There!" She pointed to a flash of red in the leaves and quickly picked it up. "Oh - it's Queen Eleanor's purse!" she exclaimed. "I thought we gave that away."

John muttered "Must have forgotten I had it on me..." but the blush that spread across his cheeks gave the lie to his words. Djaq stifled her initial reaction to giggle and solemnly handed it back to him. He hurriedly stuffed it back into his jacket and loudly cleared his throat. "Shall we get on then?" He strode off through the trees and Djaq scampered after him to keep up. "You...won't tell the others, will you?" he asked, shame-faced.

"No, John, of course not," she promised.

"I just thought I might keep something to remember her by."

"Maybe you can return it to her one day?" Djaq suggested.

John chuckled softly and shook his head. "No, I don't think so, Djaq. Aquitaine is very far away and knowing my luck, by the time I got there she'd have forgotten all about me and have me thrown in her dungeons!"

"I don't think the Queen will forget you in a hurry, John. You're very memorable."

He looked up in surprise at the compliment.

"And Aquitaine isn't that far away. It's about 150 miles to Portsmouth. A boat to Le Havre would be another 100 and from Le Havre to Poitiers is about it's only about 500 miles."

"Only!" he scoffed. "You won't catch me going one mile in a boat, never mind a hundred!"

"Not even in pursuit of a beautiful woman, pining for you to come rescue her?"

"I'm no knight in shining armour, Djaq. And what could I possibly rescue her from? She owns half of Christendom!"

"She is lonely. As are you."

John was so surprised by her words he stopped walking. "I'm not lonely. I have you and Will...and Much and Robin."

"Of course you do, John," Djaq said, straight-faced. "Why would you go 500 miles to be a Queen's plaything, eating and drinking only the finest food and wine, when you can stay right here, getting shot at by Sheriff's guards and eating Much's squirrel stew?"

John laughed. "Exactly! I'd be mad to give up all this to go on some foolish jaunt overseas..."

2x11, djaq, queen eleanor, fic, little john

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