Summary: Ficlet set during 2x13. My very angsty take on where Allan was when The Big Event was taking place (because did you see him about? No, neither did I).
Summary: Allan has difficulty dealing with Will and Djaq's relationship, but perhaps Robin understands. Author's Note: Inspired by Allan's actions (or rather, lack of) during the S2 finale.
Summary: Future!fic, speculative end of series. Robin lifted the sword belt and fastened it around his hips, letting it sit higher on the right to keep his balance. If it went well, his latest and last half-baked plan, he'd never have to use it.
Summary: AU from 2x13, which ended very differently, and some time later there is a reunion. According to me, there is also then some Woe and the beginnings of possible Bodice Ripper-y-ness. Title
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