Serious Fangirl Squeeeeeee-ing

Apr 21, 2012 13:39

The ever-amazing iulia-linnea was foolish enough to ask for prompts for Harry Potter Fanfic, and was also kind enough to accept some of mine.

Her whole list of fics for the month are here, and the ones she wrote from my prompts are:

Relative Solitude (G; Lucius, Marge, Petunia; 325 words) Prompts: Lucius Malfoy and Petunia Dursley: Apple blossom, carpet, aching.

Songbird (G; Harry/Luna; 100 words) Prompts: arry/Luna: Thrush, transformer, lassitude.

Christmas Queer (NC-17; Remus/Heathcote; 1163 words) Prompts: Remus/Heathcote Barbary: crupper, anonymity, sleigh

Just Between Girls (R; Lily Luna/Minerva, implied other pairings; 2000 words) Prompts: Lily Luna/Minerva: blackboard, tram, oily.

Caveat Smeltonia (PG-13; Vernon Dursley/Vincent Crabbe, Sr; 350 words) Prompts: Vernon Dursley/Crabbe: pipes, toasted tea-cakes, adoration

A Marmalade Man (PG; Horace, Marjorie, Ripper; 1650 words) Prompts: Aunt Marge, Horace Slughorn: drop bears, marmalade, breathlessness

I hereby declare iulia-linnea to be an utter pairing whore of the very best kind! (And 'amazing', too) (And did I forget to mention 'talented'?) (how about 'dedicated'?)
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