Picking straight up from the last episode. Also, this is the only ep that has a Previously on: on my DVDs. It leads straight into the
The team screech into the garage that holds the future anomaly. Becker shows off his stun grenades, specifically chosen for fighting Predators.
They also poke some fun at Connor.
"If you don't want your eardrums to burst, I suggest you keep your mouth open."
"That won't be difficult for Connor."
"Don't be too close when you throw them."
Just as they're about to go through the ADDs go off. Christine's Anomaly has reopened. Danny splits the team, sending Becker and Sarah to the new Anomaly. Apparently Sarah likes Danny; that's new.
"Danny, I want to go with you."
"Look, I need you to do this for me."
"Yeah, but what if you don't..."
"No one is saying goodbye here. We're all coming back."
Becker gives Danny his favourite gun and gives the grenades to Connor. The three head through the Anomaly, which locks behind them.
Becker urges Sarah off to their own Anomaly.
The future is still depressing. Danny leads them to where he saw Helen and Wilder. Nothing happens, and it's immensely creepy.
Abby jinxes them by asking where all the Predators are. Almost at once, Giant Bug Things attack.
Connor busts through a door with an Anomaly on the other side; the Bug Things fly through.
Sarah and Becker arrive at Christine's building. Becker jinxes them by hoping it's easy.
Danny figures that the Anomaly they've just sent the bugs through is probably Christine's. That means they've sent the bugs on top of Becker and Sarah. They absorb this for a moment before heading off into one of the buildings.
A Predator follows them.
Becker's gun leads them through corridors. Sarah is jumpy. Something flutters overhead. Also, there's a dead body. Have I mentioned I hate horror movies?
A Giant Bug Thing attacks. Becker fights it off and they run. Correction - it's a Giant Ant Thing; I was confused because we didn't see them flying before.
Becker throws Sarah over the edge of a walkway onto hastily positioned bags of something soft. What are they, exactly? Other than handy? He follows and they run deeper into the building.
Danny's team explore by torchlight, discussing Helen's sanity or lack thereof.
"Why would Helen come here? If it was me I would find some nice little Jurassic beach somewhere."
"However crazy she was, everything she does makes some kind of sense."
Abby sees a Predator and there's fighting and yelling for a few minutes. Eventually they wedge a door closed; they're now safe, but trapped.
Danny's lost Becker's gun.
"Becker is really not going to be happy with you."
"That was his favourite gun."
"We've got to get him a girlfriend."
Abby sees the ARC symbol on the wall.
Also, although it's hard to make out, they are in fact in the Cutter Building.
"We're in the ARC."
"Maybe some kind of future version of it."
Danny and Sarah sneak back towards the Jeep. A Giant Ant Thing gets there just ahead of them, and they race back into the building.
Becker sticks himself and Sarah into a cage type area - maintenance, possibly? - and Macguyvers an electrical shock to kill the Giant Ant Things. He and Sarah collapse in relief. For all of three seconds.
The Anomaly has closed. Becker agrees they should leave.
Danny finds an Anomaly Control computer thing. Connor plays with it absently. They hear a clattering noise and keep going into a sort of basement. Helen's working on a computer there. Danny hand gestures the other two to hide and goes to confront her.
Helen is supremely uncowed by his gun, largely because of her taser.
Also, she knows Connor and Abby are there.
"Come out of the dark, Connor. That's it. Good boy. You too, Abby."
Helen uses the Artefact to plan a journey through the Anomalies. Despite the fact that she isn't watching them, no one jumps her or anything.
"Nick knew this was important, but he didn't know why."
"Yeah. But he would have done. If you hadn't murdered him!"
"I've spent every day since his death working it out, preparing for this moment. I know he would have understood."
"You keep telling yourself that, Helen. One day you may believe it."
The Artefact bursts into life. Connor is fascinated.
"It's a time map. Of every Anomaly there has ever been or ever will be....with this we will never have to wait for Anomalies to open again. We'll just know where they are."
"Such a sweet, clever boy - what a shame you ever met Cutter."
Helen programmes some more and the display fades. She uses her handheld to open an Anomaly and then, over Connor's yells, smashes the Artefact before stepping through.
Becker and Sarah arrive back at the garage and reopen the Anomaly. Nothing happens.
The computer's dead. Danny uses the torch batteries to power it briefly, hoping to reconstruct the journey.
Abby mentions 333 and Connor figures it out. In Africa, thirteen early humans died mysteriously all at once. Helen's gone to wipe out the early humans.
"333, it's where they found the remains of the so-called first family of hominids, a group of thirteen early humans who all died at the same time. No one ever knew how."
"So Helen's gone to visit the ape man."
"No. She's gone to kill the first human and stop our evolution in its tracks."
Ok, time. Helen kills those thirteen; ok. But they died anyway and humanity still evolved. Was she going to wander around and kill all the pre-humans? Her plans are weird.
Connor and Danny fiddle with the computer, while Abby roams suspiciously around. The computer powers up and Connor hastily starts work. He pulls out the handheld and plugs it in.
Abby's hearing noises. Connor keep working, remembering the numbers Sarah found on the Artefact, he types them in and the handheld starts working. It's slow, though, and the ominous noises are getting closer. Connor gets the Anomaly open in the nick of time and they burst through just ahead of the Predators.
They're in a forest, somewhen. Abby finds Helen's tracks. Connor checks the surroundings and decides they're in the Jurassic or Cretaceous. He lists off some of the dinosaurs they could be facing for Danny.
Three Raptors are nearby. Danny isn't impressed, until they start chasing them.
Abby gets separated from the boys and sprints through the forest until she hears them yelling. The boys fish her up into a tree just in time.
Looking on the bright side, Connor decides they're in the Cretaceous. On the other hand, the handheld's just died.
"We don't know the route."
"We can't open the Anomalies."
"We can't get home."
Danny spots Helen running in the distance. Danny pulls a stun grenade and drops it; Connor starts to worry they're too close, and is knocked off his branch by the blast.
Now, if he'd covered his ears and left his mouth open like he was supposed to, would he not have been affected? He was only closer to the blast by a matter of inches.
Helen hears the blast.
Danny and Abby, deafened by the blast, find Connor alive but unconscious below the tree with the Raptors.
Helen's almost at wherever she's going. And her handheld's working. She dives for the Anomaly but is knocked off course by a pterosaur. Her handheld goes flying.
Abby forces Danny to go after Helen, overriding his protests about leaving them.
Danny pelts off.
Abby leans over Connor, who is still unconscious.
Danny runs past the handheld without noticing it and jumps through the Anomaly. A Raptor follows him.
Danny emerges in presumably Africa. He hikes around for a bit.
Abby, for some reason, has moved Connor. Nice going, there, that's exactly what you do for someone with a possible spine injury. He's now leaning up against a tree.
One of the Raptors wakes up. Abby shifts carefully away from Connor, trying to draw its attention. It's working, until Connor throws a stone at it. The pair bicker while the Raptor stares from one to the other of them.
"I'm gonna save you this time."
"It's really sweet of you, Abby. But I think I've got it covered."
"I'm sure I'll think of something."
"You're not really in a position to do anything right now."
"Abby, can you just..."
"Can we argue about it later?"
Eventually Connor picks up a big stick and hits it. That seems to work, and with Abby's help he's on his feet and they head away.
In presumably Africa, Danny's still wandering around. The Raptor's still on his tail. Helen is ahead of them both. She finds the tribe of hominids and laces the water they're drinking.
She pours a tiny bit in, several hundred feet from them. Will that really work?
Apparently some time has passed before Danny gets there, because by the time he does the hominids are all dead or dying.
Danny heads off again, but Helen is watching from up on a slope and monologues at him.
"Humanity is a stain on the face of the planet. And when we're gone, other species will be able to develop in peace. There'll be no wars, no pollution. No Predators."
Suddenly, Raptor! It dives at Helen from above and knocks them both over the cliff. Helen is dead from Raptor and the Raptor is dead from fall.
In the Cretaceous, Connor and Abby have climbed into a large tree. Abby distracts him by talking about nice things for a while before settling into sleep.
"You're on a beautiful beach. And the sun is shining."
"Are you there too?"
"Yeah. If you like."
"Are you wearing a bikini?"
"...yes. If you like."
"The water's really warm. It's lovely...Abby? Can I move back into the flat please?"
Becker and Sarah are still waiting in the garage.
"What are we going to do?"
"They'll be back."
"I've got an idea."
Danny hikes back to the Anomaly. Along the way he sees a large family of hominids. Helen has failed.
He finds his way back to the Anomaly, which closes just as he gets there.
So! To recap:
Connor and Abby: up a tree in the Cretaceous.
Becker and Sarah: With 'a plan'.
Danny: In the Rift Valley.
Lester: Presumably completely out of the loop on the whole thing.
Roll on Season Four...