Primeval: Season Three, Episode Seven

Jul 13, 2012 21:12

It's possibly helpful to know that Tony Curran, here playing Sir William, also played Vincent van Gogh on Dr Who.

In a medieval church people are hiding out from something that's roaring outside. Vincent Van Gogh, playing a knight called Sir William, is blessed by a priest as he heads out to fight it.

A Lady gives him a favour as he goes.

"Will you take this for your protection? It will keep you from fear."

He rides through a forest until he comes across a dragon-looking thing.

It runs off into the


Abby has realised Rex is missing. Jack tells her he loaned him to a friend. Abby is Not Happy, and she demonstrates by way of flying shoe. She has good aim.

A junkyard worker sees a car door banging. He scrambles across and discovers they're all banging. An Anomaly has opened.

Sarah calls Connor to look at something on the Net. Connor!Hat! She's found a listing of Rex for sale.

Connor blurts out his name and then attempts to cover; he might have managed, if Abby hadn't come to spout off about Jack.

"He lent Rex to a friend."

"Isn't that what you just said?"




"When you looked at the screen, you said 'Rex.'"

"Next. I said 'next' as in, you know, 'We've done that. What else have you got?' "

Connor comes off looking like a complete idiot, but the girls give up and head off. Connor calls Jack, who is completely blasé about the whole thing. And very calm about 'fessing up to Connor, considering how hard he's been trying to hide it from Abby...when did Connor get Jack's number? They don't even like each other.

"Jack, do me a favour. Explain to me why Rex is up for auction on the internet."

"Gambled him at poker."

"You had no right to use Rex to pay off your gambling debt. What d'you think student loans are for?"

The worker's jewellery is getting pulled towards the Anomaly, but that's the least of his problems, because the dragon-thing is coming out.

The ARC has finally coped on to the Anomaly. Sarah puts herself on the field team over Danny's objections.

The worker locks himself in a claw machine thing and starts fighting the Dragon with it.

The ARC team arrive in time to see this. Abby and Danny intervene to keep the worker from killing the Dragon and Becker gets him under control.

Abby thinks the Dragon is injured and goes to help over objections from Danny and Becker, who block Sarah from following. Good call, as it turns out; the Dragon isn't that eager for help, and registers his objection by way of flying car.

The others start yelling and banging metal to keep it away from Abby.

They've almost driven it back to the Anomaly when Sir van Gogh comes through and scares it off.

He tells the group something in Latin and vanishes into the junkyard.

Connor identifies the Dragon as a herbivore and they head out to try and drive it back.

Sir van Gogh is completely overwhelmed by the junkyard.

Danny translates the Latin. Sarah retranslates the Latin. Danny gives up on wandering around aimlessly and sends Abby and Becker to look for the Dragon while he and Connor will look for Sir van Gogh. Sarah's supposed to go with Abby and Becker, but she blags her way off their team and Danny lets her go.

"Danny? I think I'll stay here."

"I thought you said you wanted to get involved."

"I know, but you're right, I'm probably more of a back room girl."

"Look, if you're frightened, you're frightened. It's nothing to be ashamed of."

At least he's nice about it, if a little rushed.

As soon as his back's turned, she hurries into an alley in the junkyard and starts google image searching on her palmtop.

Sir van Gogh is riding through whatever town they're in.

Is it London? He sees an image of himself on a TV in a shop window and re-enacts the fable of the dog with the bone for a while.

Abby and Becker are on the tail of the Dragon.

Sir Van Gogh's horse bolts when faced with a motorcycle. He kills the motorcycle in revenge. Danny and Connor are on his trail.

The Dragon has stopped in a sort of pick your own fruit place. Abby and Becker tussle over weapons before heading after it.

Sarah's busy shopping. She takes her purchases into a shop changing room and tries on various costumes. None are quite right.

That's a very lax shop, letting her try on things she didn't buy there! Finally she settles on one and wanders out.

Sir van Gogh is completely bemused by a talking doll.

Connor and Danny catch up, and for some reason he's now speaking modern English. Oh, they are in London apparently.

They offer to get him home, but he's determined to kill the dragon first. He stands down after some persuasion, but as soon as they're in reach he lays them out and goes on his way.


Abby and Becker pick their way through the fruit farm. The Dragon is rooting at one end.

Connor and Danny find themselves in the middle of a parade. It looks like Mardi Gras, or possibly Carnivale, but this is London, so who knows what it is...

Sarah blags her way through the Anomaly, in her medieval costume. She steps through into a forest and heads away.

Becker is preparing to fire on the Dragon when Abby aims her gun at him. Before he can talk her out of it the Dragon charges; Becker dives through some strawberry crates and draws on it again, but it collapses.

He relaxes and tries a strawberry, sending Abby to check on the Dragon.

Sir van Gogh wanders through the carnival.

Some guy somewhere sees an ARC jeep towing a flat cart with the Dragon on it. He's very astonished.

Sir van Gogh finds a pub called the Green Man. He recognises the sign, a Herne-esque man peering though leaves, and heads inside. I don't know how he saw that sign, he has no peripheral in that helmet...

Abby and Becker reach the junkyard and tow the Dragon into an office of some kind, instead of back through the Anomaly like they said they were going to.

Sarah, in medieval London, passes an older version of the same sign.

Sir van Gogh is confused by a guy with tattoos and starts a bar fight.


"No, his name's Brian, actually."

"The mark of the Beast!"

Being that he's in armour, he wins, but the fleeing customers alert Danny and Connor. One customer stops Connor just to yell at him; it's very funny.

Danny attempts the very practical "look up there! knee" but Sir van Gogh's wearing plate armour, so it doesn't come off too well.

"That's just made you cross, hasn't it?"

Connor tries a bottle to the head, and then a dart, but neither have any impact at all.

Sir van Gogh decides they're not worth his time and wanders off. They lose him again in the parade.

Abby appoints herself head vet, in the absence of any other options. Becker helps by bucking her spirits, holding things and pressing in spots.

Sarah's found the church but doesn't go in. Instead she finds a child in a kind of shanty town nearby and tempts him with chocolate to tell her all about Sir van Gogh. This child also speaks Modern English, unless they're actually speaking Latin, since she's apparently fluent.

"Where are you from?"

"Well, I'm from a place that's very, very far away."

"The Holy Land?"

"Bit further than that."

Sir van Gogh finds a river and enjoys the clean air for a bit. His horse has turned up again. They're at the ruins of the church.

The Anomaly guard opens it back up to let Sarah through. She swears him to secrecy and then starts googling again.

Sir van Gogh's got most of his armour off - pretty impressive on his own. He stops to touch the scrap of cloth his Lady gave him.

Danny suggests splitting up. Connor does not like that idea.

"Split up? I'm not splitting up. Have you not seen horror films?"

Danny's probably about to make him split up anyway, but his phone rings and it's Sarah with information on Sir van Gogh. He'll probably be at the ruined church. Danny tells her to get Becker - oh, he's busy operating on a Dragon. Well, wait for Becker - oh dear, the line's breaking up and she can't hear his order. Darn it.

Connor has taken a coffee break, but on hearing that Abby's busy with the Dragon, he decides he should go help with that. Danny kindly relieves him of the coffee. That was very fast coffee service, he got those two cups in the space of approximately three lines of dialogue...

Sir van Gogh attacks a few plants at the church and does some yelling at the sky.

Connor pelts back through the junkyard - being on an ARC team must be a brilliant work out programme - but stops when his phone rings. It's Jack to say that bidding on Rex has gone up to £2,000. Connor suggests he find the money, but Jack has given up and Connor promises to think of something. After threatening to kill him, of course.

Becker leaves as Connor gets there. Abby thinks the Dragon will be all right, if he makes it through the next hour. Connor offers to help and Abby takes his hand, guiding him to put pressure on the wound.

Sir van Gogh is still wandering around the church. He comes across a tomb and clears some grass to see that it's his own. He collapses by it, mourning his descent into Hell.

"My grave. I am dead and gone to Hell. My own tomb, God help me."

Danny finds him sitting on a piece of wall and offers to explain.

Sir van Gogh thinks he's the Devil's Champion and starts a fight. Danny's a better match for him now that he's out of the armour, and he picks up a piece of fence to use as a sword. Sarah arrives and stops to examine the tomb.

Sir van Gogh's about to kill Danny when Sarah yells him to stop.

She points out the carving on the grave and he reads his age at death and his wife - his Lady.

This completely confuses him, because he's not married. She tells him he will marry her and have three children. Danny tries to stop her but she's on a roll. Unfortunately, she mentions the wounded Dragon and he takes her hostage to find it.

The Dragon's stopped bleeding. Abby thinks it'll be ok.

Sir van Gogh rides out, steering his horse one-handed and hanging onto Sarah with the other. Danny calls Becker for a pickup.

Abby and Connor are tidying up when Sir van Gogh and Sarah arrive. He's determinded to kill the Dragon. Connor attempts to protect it; that lasts until he gets a sword at his throat.

I love how he's absolutely terrified when Abby can see him and completely determined by the time he's turned around...

Sir van Gogh throws Sarah at him to distract him and advances on the Dragon.

Connor distracts him and Abby climbs over the Dragon to get between it and Sir van Gogh, who she promptly kicks in the head. The pair fight for a minute, until Sarah gets between them to talk him down.

It looks like it's working, but he pushes her off and goes after the Dragon again. Abby gets between them while Connor and Sarah shout; Becker and Danny arrive, but Sarah pushes Becker's gun down - by the muzzle, which seems like a stupid place to grip a loaded gun. If Sir van Gogh is killed history will be changed, and we all know how the ARC feels about that.

Danny attempts to edge around them while Connor yells for Becker to do it and Sara stands in the way. Abby's willingness to die for the Dragon gives Sir van Gogh pause and they finally manage to talk him down. He flails around with the sword a bit before collapsing on the floor, and Abby goes down to comfort him.

They bring him back to the Anomaly, where he muses on whether this is heaven or hell. They decide it's neither.

"I thought this might be Hell."

"Yeah, we got that."

"But if it is not...can it be paradise?"

"Well, it's not exactly paradise, no."

"Thank God, for it is an awful place."

He gives Sarah a last message in Latin and heads through the Anomaly.

Sarah translates the message. Danny retranslates the message, and also implies he knows what Sarah did. Although, she can't possibly have found out that stuff about his wife and kids while she was in the past; it hadn't happened yet then. That really did have to be research. All she really got in the past was his name.

Connor and Abby joke about keeping the Dragon.

Connor's phone rings and he runs off.

Sir van Gogh returns to the church in his own time, reporting the Dragon as dead.

His Lady is very pleased to see him.

Connor arrives at a random house and tells the boy who answers to hand over the lizard. The boy sets him up for the best retort ever:

"You and whose army?"


"'d better come in."

primeval: season three, primeval

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