Primeval: Season Three, Episode Four

Jul 08, 2012 13:19

Evil Christine is studying photos of the Artefact.

Her captain tells her it's in the ARC, unless it was destroyed. Christine will not settle for that and wants it back.

They enter a viewing room. A group of scientists are standing around a Predator which turns out to be rather less unconscious than they thought it was. The scientists pile out and the Predator drunkenly destroys the room.

Christine and the captain both flinch when it tries to break through the glass. The captain electrocutes the Predator, warning Christine that the ARC will pick them up. Christine is confident she can handle them.

Credits! Danny has made it to main cast status.

Connor is gazing vacantly at the Artefact. He looks completely wrung out and may in fact be rocking in a slightly crazy way, it's hard to tell with the camera movement. He remembers Nick telling him to take care of it.

"It's on you now. This matters. I don't know why, but it does - it's on you now."

Sarah sees him crying and comes in to offer her help cleaning it. Connor thinks for a moment before nodding and moving so she can see it. He warns her that it has to be secret and she promises, sending him away.

Jenny stands above the Hub, watching workmen below. Lester approaches and tells her she's in charge until they can find someone else. Jenny does not look happy at this. Lester continues to talk but her attention is on Connor, working busily below on some screens.

"Keep things calm, controlled, and if you can manage it, slightly dull."

Lester goes, leaving her watching.

Abby passes through some plastic sheeted corridors to find Connor. Whatever he's working on isn't working yet and he's angry. Abby tries to get him to stop but he's determined.

"You need to get some rest."

"What I need to do is finish this and then - and then I need to fix the detector."

Abby looks away and he relents, explaining that he's working on the locking mechanism. Lester comes by to point out that locking them is no help if they can't find them. Connor storms off to the detector, followed by Abby; he glares back as Lester continues past.

Jenny attempts to protest on their behalf, but Lester isn't having it.

"Right now, work's the best thing for us."

Jenny wanders through a fairly destroyed section of the ARC, presumably Nick's lab.

Sarah is working on the Artefact on one side of the room, though she hasn't got very far. Jenny suggests putting the Matrix back together, but Sarah wouldn't know where to start.

They share some awkward small talk before Jenny goes and Sarah returns to the Artefact.

Alarms go off - the detector's fixed already! - and the sadly reduced group gather in the Hub. Connor gets the co ordinates and asks to bring the locker; Jenny tells him he can bring it next time, and they head off.

Jenny's clearly not certain about her new role, but she steps up.

Christine's captain tells her the cloak is going back up, but she thinks the ARC will have found them and he should get his men ready.

If the cloak's been down all that time, why weren't his men already ready? How did she know the ARC wouldn't pick them up straight away?

The team pile into cars, Jenny driving Becker and Connor driving Abby, and head out, pulling up at an office building. I saw you clip that kerb, Jenny, don't think I didn't. Abby's got a handheld but Jenny conspicuously leaves hers behind. As they gather another car passes by and idles some distance away.

The soldiers lead them into an apparently empty building; it's all glass and steel. Becker attempts to break them in past the security door and fails miserably;

it opens when he turns away - for some reason he doesn't bother looking until it's open all the way - and he and another soldier advance very carefully on it.

They're met by Christine's captain, identified by Becker as Wilder. Wilder was Becker's training officer at Sandhurst. Wilder boots them back to the foyer, backed up by many men with guns.

Outside, Mick the Sleezy Pap smashes in Jenny's window to take her forgotten handheld. As he runs away he's watched by a mysterious figure sitting mysteriously on a mysterious bike. Of mystery.

Christine turns up. Connor reminds Jenny, for some reason, that they picked up an Anomaly here. Christine assures them there is none, and no matter what they say that's her line and she's sticking to it.

"James Lester has no authority here. Now I suggest you go back to the ARC and do what it is you all do best."

Unsure of herself, Jenny signals them to leave. Christine pauses Becker to suggest that perhaps he and Captain Wilder will be able to work together again someday. Becker does not look pleased at this, but he nods like a good soldier.

As the team leave they can hear Jenny's car alarm going off. Why did they not leave anyone on guard? Always secure your exit, boys and girls!

Jenny realises her handheld is missing and slams the door in frustration.

Back at the ARC she reports to Lester. He, of course, already knew about Christine, as she realises. Lester questions whether it was definitely an Anomaly; Connor can't be sure, but the readings on the detector matched the handheld, so something was definitely there.

Connor and Abby have taken off their earpieces, but Jenny's still wearing hers for some reason...

Jenny wants to know what's in Christine's building; Lester claims ignorance and they agree they need to find out.

"Yes! Thank you for that statement of the blindingly obvious!"

Down in the Hub Connor answers Abby's mobile, as she's nowhere in sight. Why did she leave her phone there? It's not even just fallen out of her pocket, it's on a table!

Connor offers to take a message and Jack tells him he's going to show Abby a right good time. Connor is Not Happy about that.

I love the way Connor says 'take'. I think I've said this before, and I'm a sucker for most accents, but I do like that.

Connor continues trying to talk to Jack even though he's hung up.

A plane taxis in along a runway. An Anomaly, much larger than we're used to, opens in the hanger.

Mick the Sleezy Pap shows off his new detector to his boss. She is still not very impressed and he's skating getting fired when it starts going off.

Connor's also picking up the Anomaly. Jenny hurries him along; when he asks about Abby she says that she left to meet someone. Connor's really not enjoying this.

Jenny does let him bring the Locker, though.

Mick the Sleezy Pap and team pull up in the hanger. There's an awful lot of them. How did they even get into the hanger? Aren't those restricted all the time anyway?

Connor packs the last part of the Locker and gives it to Becker to load, for some reason.

Jenny is not sure about this.

"This is actually going to work?"

"It'll work. I know this is going to work, it's..."

"I hope it's going to work."

"It's ok, just asking."

They head off.

Mick the Sleezy Pap is getting antsy. They have some kind of professional with them who is getting on the boss's nerves. Just as she's about to rip him a new one, a cry echoes through the hanger.

Connor and Jenny are within half a mile of the Anomaly - Connor is attempting to pump Jenny for information on Jack and not getting very far - when they run over Mick the Sleezy Pap. No, seriously.

He gets back up, though, and starts babbling about a light and a big Creature. Connor and Jenny load up and follow him.

It's a trap. He locks them into a warehousy type place. But on the plus side, there was a nice Connor/Jenny moment in there.

Even if Becker's busy carrying Connor's equipment, why don't they have any other guards? Really, he seems a bit crap at his job.

Nothing has happened back with the Anomaly, but as Mick arrives back there is more noise.

Connor has not found any way out. Jenny calls Becker, who is stuck in road works - funny how they didn't hit any road works - while Connor attempts to kick the solid steel door down. Poor old Connor.

A baby Velociraptor has wandered through the Anomaly. The professional is some kind of palaeontologist; he identifies it for the camera.

He's very excited by the whole thing, even when the 'Raptor nearly bites him before taking off back into the Anomaly.

He's rather less excited when a much, much larger dinosaur starts coming through.

The team driver takes off, as do most of the team. The professional gets himself eaten - Jenny and Connor hear screams and roars from their prison - and Mick and his boss lock themselves in the remaining car, which the dinosaur promptly knocks over. The film crew are still filming, until they get eaten.

Something bangs on the door of Jenny and Connor's prison, but it's actually Danny with a crowbar. He is smug about helping them.

They head over to the hanger while Danny and Jenny bicker. Connor's all for ignoring the issues and dealing with the Anomaly; Danny wants to help out.

"Look, just give me the gun and I'll go in first."

"Take one more step and I will shoot you."

"All right. Absolutely."

But of course he doesn't listen, following them.

Mick the Sleezy Pap starts yelling for help and the action music kicks in while the boys pull on doors! and run around the car!

"The door's jammed. Get round the other side."

"Oi. I give the orders around here. ...Connor, get round the other side."

Jenny doesn't realise until they're almost saved that it's Mick the Sleezy Pap.

At the ARC, Lester makes a video call to Christine's headquarters, where he is vaguely rude to a mostly blameless receptionist.

"I don't care if she's in a meeting, on holidays, or just been struck by lightning. Get her for me now!"

Becker and his men have finally arrived; Connor gets them started unloading the Locker before going back to try and get details about the Creature. Mick the Sleezy Pap is possibly in shock, although he's more helpful than his boss, who is enthusing over her new fantastic story. Becker looms while Jenny tells her that there'll be no story.

Danny has the magical ability to pick up a silver box but actually be holding a canvas bag, apparently. He offers some advice, which Jenny doesn't take well.

"There is no 'we'. This has got nothing to do with you. This is a secure zone, and you don't have authorisation to even be here. Leave, now!"


"So, where'd you want the rest of this stuff? Over here?"


Nobody actually tries to make him leave, though.

Christine and Lester smarm at each other; he doesn't like her suggestions for Nick's replacements, all soldiers, and they both know she's doing something she shouldn't in that building.

Connor's very complicated Locker is very complicated. When he tries it for the first time it shoots sparks at him, burning his hand, and everyone rolls their eyes while he tries again.

Danny has a suggestion;

"It's just a little thing, but did anyone think about closing the doors?"

Jenny tells Becker to arrest him but before he can, the dinosaur reappears, charging the line. Everyone ducks while it heads outside and runs off.

Mick the Sleezy Pap and his boss, locked in the warehouse, see it running past and start trying to break out.

Danny has vanished somewhere but Jenny's more worried about the T Rex running around.

"That wasn't a T Rex. That was a Giganotasaurus. A G Rex, if you like. That thing is bigger, it's faster, it's even more dangerous."

"Get the locking mechanism working and seal that Anomaly."

Becker leaves a soldier with him and goes with Jenny after the G Rex. It's currently challenging a plane on the runway.

Ok; hold on. This plane has pilots and ground crew, and from the pilot's dialogue it's clear it just landed. Why, exactly, is this runway, which is not very far from the hanger, not part of the secure zone? It wasn't an emergency landing. Why are they here at all? It makes no sense. Bah.

Ok, back to the episode. Becker's car is racing the G Rex along the runway, trying to hit its' thin little ankles. Well, relatively thin ankles.

The ground crew are busily unloading, completely unaware of anything going on until one steps into the hold door and sees them.

Becker overtakes the G Rex and pulls up by the plane, where Jenny yells until the workers duck back into the hold. Becker shoots the G Rex in the head, which mostly just makes it angry.

Becker goes to the hold, to get the crew out even though they were just told to get back in, while Jenny gets back in the car on the driver's side. It won't start. She climbs out the other side just in time as the G Rex starts attacking the car. Unlike the journalist's car, which went over in one shove, this one just dents a bit. Built strong for Creature attacks?

Danny finds an unattended helicopter and starts it going. Can you just start up a helicopter like that?

Jenny reappears on the other side of the now smoking car. Becker is very relieved for a second before gathering the crew.

"Change of plan. You stay here. You'll be safer where you are."

Make up your mind, Becker!

Mick the Skeezy Pap's boss is tired of slamming into the door. Mick refuses to take over until he gets twenty percent of the merchandising rights. She reluctantly agrees.

Connor's Locker works. He is brilliantly astounded.

Abby, behind him, is a little less enthused, but does say that she never doubted him. He asks where she's been, but before she can answer Jenny comes through on the radio, asking for help. The two load up and head out towards the runway in Abby's car. Connor orders his guard to stay behind for some reason.

Abby loops her car off the runway and around to the rear of the plane, where Connor hops into a luggage train. It slowly gets away from the plane, and the G Rex abandons the food that's right there to chase Connor for some reason. Maybe it's a big fan.

Abby tells the others Connor's creating a diversion, so instead of doing anything useful they all stand around and watch him be chased.

The G Rex knocks all the carriages off Connor's train. Suddenly realising he can't outrun it, he does the next best thing and stands on the breaks, smashing into its leg.

It goes down and Connor cracks his head off the back of the seat. Possibly concussed, he gets out and wanders away, leaving his gun on the seat and tripping over his own shadow. His head's bleeding.

The G Rex is back on its feet and pins Connor to the runway.

He's about to get et when Danny flies in, buzzing it annoyingly until it chases him. Connor runs back to the others, who are not at all concerned about his bleeding head wound.

Jenny demands an id from the pilot and is not impressed to hear from Danny, who is making the plan up as he goes. They pile into Abby's car - Connor ends up on Becker's lap - and head back to the hanger. Connor abruptly realises that his locked Anomaly is now a hazard.

Mick the Sleezy Pap and his boss break out and head for the hanger.

At the hanger Connor's guard has morphed into three guards, who abandon the hanger when they hear the G Rex. Mick's boss wants her camera back; they arrive just as everyone else, including lots of soldiers, pile in. Connor unlocks the Anomaly and Danny flies straight through. The G Rex follows; Mick and boss, in position to get a shot, are either stomped or eaten.

There is a lot of tension while they wait to hear from Danny. Becker's pushing for the Anomaly to be closed, to the point of rudeness - "Well, I think you're making a big mistake." Although he manages to say it without moving his lips, which is cool. Jenny wants to give Danny a chance, but she's just about given up when he staggers through and collapses. Connor locks the Anomaly just ahead of a G Rex herd.

Connor attempts to ask Abby about Jack, but she puts him off until later.

Jenny thanks Danny for his help and then tells him she's going to have him arrested.

"Well, we all have our own unique way of showing appreciation."

She heads over to Becker, who apologises for getting at her earlier. By the time she turns around Danny is gone.

Jenny gives up and asks Connor how his head is - the only person who does, by the way - and tells him Nick would be proud of him. She may be crap at action, but she knows how to handle people.

Connor gets home and finds a half naked guy in the flat. This is Jack, Abby's brother. Connor is so relieved to hear that they're siblings that he doesn't argue when Abby asks him to move out to make room for Jack. Connor agrees but is not happy.

Jenny debriefs with Lester, who is grateful for her efforts. He tells her that he spoke to Christine and she's definitely up to something.

In Christine's lair she's watching an Anomaly. She smiles evil-y.

primeval: season three, primeval

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