Maxis_taste Dare #28: A Night at the Opera

Apr 08, 2012 11:55

 This is my first entry for the maxis_taste Dare #28.It's a rather basic effort,since I've started working on it way too close to the deadline-I hope I'll be able to put more attention to detail next time around!

Quand je vous aimerai?

Ma foi, je ne sais pas,

Peut-être jamais,

Peut-être demain,

Mais pas aujourd'hui,

C'est certain!

(English translation:When will I love you?/Good Lord, I don't know/Maybe never,/Maybe tomorrow,/But not today,/That's certain!)

Carmen starring Carmen Patch as the eponymous heroine and Joe Carr, Victor Aspir, Adrien Rhome (from the Sims Life Stories game) and John Burb as the soldiers (let's say that I've taken quite a bit of artistic license with their outfits!).

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