ITPE Letter

Oct 05, 2015 20:32

I'm new to ITPE for reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, so bear with me. It's been forever since I've participated in a podfic gift exchange at all, so I'm incredibly excited that you'll be recording something for me! I'm going to try and give you an idea of what I like without boxing you in. It's probably going to be way more information than you actually need. At the end of the day, as long as you have an enjoyable time recording it, I will adore whatever you choose. :)

Sadly I'm not nearly so organized as to have a page of my own bookmarks that I can just point you to, so I've tossed in a few links to things that I've enjoyed here and there. Don't feel obligated to use one of them though. It's a practice I find handy in fanwork gift exchanges like this though so throwing it out there just in case you do too. I might periodically amend this post with recs as time goes on so if you're having trouble finding something that'll work, feel free to check back in.

ETA: I lied. I decided it's high time I actually started a bookmarking page of my own. It's here, but it'll probably be a while before I get it up to speed, FYI.

The Raven Cycle
This is very much the fandom of my heart at the moment. I'm all about Ronan Lynch and, to that end, I'm definitely here for Adam/Ronan. Ronan/Kavinsky is not my jam, but not a squick either, so if it's mentioned in a story as an aside or background thing, that's not a problem. I just prefer it not be the main ship. I do also very much enjoy Blue/Gansey/(Noah)/Adam/Ronan, of which there are a handful of stories out there. And I'm weak to gen fic about Blue and Ronan being bros. I'm very fond of katilara (aka momebie, aka charmingpplincardigans) and musesfool's fic. I pretty much adored everything on this rec list.

The Musketeers
My main ships are Porthos/Aramis and Porthos/Aramis/Athos, but I do also enjoy a well written Athos/Porthos or Athos/Aramis too. Hands down my favorite author in the fandom is akathecentimetre and I'd love anything she's written. Here are some fics that I recced not too long ago, but I think they're all on the long and/or unfinished side.

Miss Fisher's Murder Mysteries
I'm all about Phyrne/Jack in Miss Fisher. The more build up of UST before the payoff the better. I loved everything that was written for last year's Yuletide in that fandom. Literally everything. (Particularly this one.)

Harry Potter
My corner of Harry Potter fandom is 110% Marauders specific and Remus/Sirius-centric. Definitely doesn't need to be Hogwarts era though. Bonus points for Bring Back Black, Sirius gets custody and raises Harry, and/or everyone makes good decisions and is happy AUs. I've been working my way through this rec list lately and it's all been great although it is mostly depressing.

Captain America/MCU
Similarly, my MCU fandom is Captain America specific. I ship Steve/literally anyone who can make him happy. That includes Steve/Sam, Steve/Bucky, Steve/Peggy, Steve/Natasha, or any combination of those people plus Steve, really. Steeeeeeeeeeve. Request to steer clear of any Steve/Tony though.

In general, I love fake married/dating, destined to be, telepathic connection, and kidfic tropes. If you're willing to record Explicit rated fic, I'm positively delighted to receive it. ETA: I should say though that I'm equally as delighted to receive something gen or teen and up or what have you if that's more your speed.

My only squicks are mpreg and A/B/O, so please avoid those. Nothing non-con preferred as well.

Thank you so much! If you need to peruse my social media accounts to get a better idea of my taste, have at. I'm revolutionaryjo here as well as on tumblr, twitter, and AO3.

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itpe, podfic

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