Title: Shards
Author/Penname: Kainasilversbane (Me! XD)
Rating: PG-13
Chapters: Chapter 9 (Continued WIP)
Pairings: Fujitaka/Kaho centered
Summary: Sleepy kissy...what??
Warning, Notes: Kinda bloody and sick ways of killing ones diginity. YAY PIKES! XD *Smack*
Link to previous chapter
http://community.livejournal.com/reviewers_inc/8755.html#cutid1 Art Post For those of you who frequent my journal, you may have seen this already, if not...~>
http://www.deviantart.com/deviation/35227219/?qo=1&q=by%3Akainasilversbane+sort%3Atime+-in%3Ascraps Pardon the length of the link, devart is 'tarded right now XD
Disclaimer: I own nothing more than my insane imagination. PROCEED!
Chapter 9
Kaho heard footsteps go by and she opened her eyes to the darkness of the hotel room and asked, “What are you doing up?”
“Seems the sleep spell didn’t work quite like I wanted it to on me,” Fujitaka answered as he paced.
“I warned you that it might not,” Kaho said as she sat up a little and watched him pace back and forth. Her arms stung and she switched on one of the lamps and grimaced at the soon to be blood soaked bandages. “Damn, and they’d been so good for a while.” Her arms hadn’t hurt this bad since she’d gotten them, and she knew it was because she was closer to where the demon had originally resided for so long, it’s power closer and stronger in this region than in Japan.
She got up and headed for the bathroom, pausing only once at her bag to fish out the first-aid kit she’d packed just in case. Fujitaka followed her, knowing it was going to be a two person job.
At first they’d tried to just keep her arms over the sink as they unwrapped them, but soon Fujitaka learned that that wasn’t going to be enough to avoid a giant mess, so they moved over to kneel against the side of the bathtub/shower that was built against the wall.
“I thought they’d been getting a little better,” Fujitaka said as he unwound the bandages from her left arm.
“So had I,” Kaho remarked. “They’d even stopped hurting for the last few days.”
“Do they hurt right now?” Fujitaka asked.
“More so then they did when I received them,” Kaho answered truthfully.
“Why?” He wasn’t sure if she could answer the question, but his natural curiosity pushed him to ask.
“It’s probably because this is where the demon has settled itself. It can move about the world just as easily as you or I can, but there’s a certain place that a demon will chose to make its home. That is where it will be the strongest.” Kaho tried to explain.
“I see,” Fujitaka said as he finished cutting away the remains of the bandages on her left arm and started on her right, listening to the sickening sound of the other bandages hitting the tub with a wet splat. The right arm’s bandages came off quicker then the left’s and soon both of her arms were dripping red fluid steadily into the tub while Fujitaka arranged the things he needed to clean and re-bandage the wounds.
He quickly rinsed the wounds with an antiseptic wash, the part he knew was going to hurt the most, then tried to close them up. He frowned in his work, the minute his fingers broke contact with the healed flesh is tore back open on it’s own accord. He tried twice more to keep them closed, but when he realized that each time the wounds tore open Kaho would flinch and grind her teeth, he knew he was causing her more pain than good and gave up. Instead, he bandaged the wounds as tightly as he could without cutting of circulation to her hands.
He sat back when he was through and looked at her face, surprised to see tears pooling at the corner of her eyes. In all the time she’d been there, and all the time he’d healed or re-bandaged her arms she’d never once complained, or showed she was in pain. He’d never seen her cry either, but he was unaware of the time she’d cried herself to sleep on Christmas night.
Without thinking, the man lifted his hand and brushed away the tears threatening to fall from the corner of her left eye. His touch must have startled her, because she jumped and her head jerk up to look at him.
“I…um…” he found himself lost for words from the look in her eyes. Behind the pain and the fear he could see something more, something directed at only him. It was a look he hadn’t seen in a long time so he had trouble placing it, but when he finally filtered out the other emotions veiling the look, he could finally identify it.
It was then he realized his hand was still up, his fingers brushing against her cheekbone. He pulled away and watched as her eyes lost the emotion that had flashed in them for a only a moment. She looked away, down into the tub, frowning at the blood as it made its way down to the drain. Without a second thought she set a confined, white fire onto the blood and bandages. It burned smokeless and odorless, as though it weren’t even there in the first place.
Fujitaka watched warily as the white flames licked at the shower curtain, certain that it would catch fire, but Kaho assured him differently.
“It will only burn what I want it to,” she murmured as she watched the bleached blaze. As it died away she stood up and left the bathroom, Fujitaka watching her leave with a frown still clinging to his face. He waited till the flames were completely extinguished before he stood from the bathroom floor and walked back out into the room. He expected find Kaho asleep once again, but was surprised when he found her sitting hunched over at the foot of her bed, her face buried in her hands.
“Kaho?” Fujitaka called her name as he stepped closer.
“I’m fine,” her voice cracked as she looked up at him. He noticed she didn’t look straight at him though, specifically avoiding his eyes.
Liar, he thought. Everything was coming back to her, emotionally and physically. He was watching every single emotional barrier she had set up begin to crumble, and she was fighting it every step of the way.
Tentatively, he reached out a hand and rested it on her left shoulder, “You’re not fine.” She went to deny him, but he used one finger against her lips to stop her, “Stop fighting it. The more you wait to let this all go, the worse it will be. And it will likely come at the least opportune time, making it even more dangerous.” He watched as long held back tears began to run down her cheeks. “It’s all right to cry.”
Kaho shook her head and clamped her eyes shut. “I’m fine!”
He sat down next to her and pulled her into a fierce hug. He felt her trembling and said, “Let go.” She shuddered once, then he felt her begin to sob, “It’s all right.”
They sat there in silence for a while. No words were passed between them, none were needed. The comfort of his embrace was more soothing than any string of warms words could have ever been for her. She let every fear, worry, all her pain, and even some anger, out in her tears. She made no sound, except for brief intakes of breath every now and again. The woman quieted sometime later, almost dozing off in the warmth and comfort of the man’s arms. Then her rational mind returned and she sat up quickly and scooted a few inches away.
“Sorry…” the woman murmured.
“For what?” Fujitaka asked. “There’s no need to apologize for something so human. You’ve been through a lot, probably more than I realize right now, and have had no time to sit back and just…relax and let yourself react to all of the things that have happened, instead of just being in survival mode.”
“I guess,” Kaho didn’t look at him all the same. “Thank you.”
“You’re welcome,” Fujitaka smiled at her and she again felt her insides flutter. The man wandered back over to his bed and flopped down on his face. “Now if I could only sleep…”
Kaho thought for a moment, “I can get you to sleep,” Kaho said from where she sat on her bed. “But…”
“But what?” Fujitaka asked as he rolled over.
She blushed and cleared her throat, “With the amount of magic I have right now, putting people to sleep the way you need to be takes…a type of intimate contact.”
“Oh,” Fujitaka’s facial coloring began to mirror her own. “How…intimate?”
“Fairly…” Kaho clamped her eyes closed, trying not to blush anymore. “But you won’t remember it…”
“Really?” Fujitaka asked. “Guess it makes sense though, if it works similar to how serious sleep medications work, you don’t remember much from before the injection either.”
“It’s very similar,” Kaho nodded. “If…you want to be put to sleep that way…”
“Are there any other ways?” Fujitaka asked.
“I could hit you,” that was laced with a snigger.
“I think I’d rather have it the other way,” Fujitaka said quickly, knowing a whack to knock him out would be anything but painless.
“You’re serious?” Kaho asked in disbelief.
“I’ve been awake for three hours and I know I’m not going to do myself any good by staying awake much longer,” Fujitaka said. “Just keep you up apparently. So I think we can write this off as an, ‘it needed to be done, nothing more’ kind of thing.”
Kaho blinked a few times as she thought a few things through, then stood slowly from here seat at the edge of her bed. She walked over and sat next to him, avoiding eye contact for a moment, “You do realize that this feels really awkward.”
“Well I knew it wasn’t just me who felt that way,” Fujitaka said.
Kaho finally looked over at him with a sympathetic smile, “How is it that you and I always seem to get stuck in these situations?”
“Well, I think most of it is their fault,” Fujitaka said as he pointed to the wall of Sakura and Tomoyo’s room. “Like the mistletoe and us in the same room, but this one…I think was inevitable…” Kaho glared at one of the buttons on his pajama top, “What are you doing?”
“I can still think of a way that this would be their fault,” Kaho answered and Fujitaka laughed, breaking the ice on the situation. Kaho shook her head, trying to get her eyes to stay open a bit longer.
“May as well get this over with so you don’t fall asleep on top of me,” Fujitaka said. “And you know they’d find us.”
“Oh yeah, like I really need that image in Tomoyo’s video collection…” Kaho murmured as she settled her gaze square with his, “You sure you want me to do this?”
“You ask for a lot of permission and assurance for someone so adept in magic,” Fujitaka said.
“It’s only when I’m working magic on someone else,” Kaho said. “I need to make sure they fully accept what they’re getting into, because there could be side affects that are inevitable, and they need to deal with them whether they like it or not. It’s so they understand that it was their choice and they agreed to it.”
“Dealing with the consequences of their actions?” He asked.
“Right,” Kaho answered a nod.
“I say as long as our reputations stay intact, then it’s fine,” Fujitaka said.
Kaho stared at him, a stupid look etched into her face, “Fujitaka the minute you and I entered this room by ourselves our reputations were impaled with long wooden pikes and stuck in the ground for all to see.”
He chewed on those words for a minute, then his face took on the same stupid look, “Guess you’re right…”
Stealing herself, Kaho leaned up quickly and let her lips brush against his, starting the spell she needed to send him to sleep.
Feeling as though his lips had just been zapped by electricity, Fujitaka sat there stunned for a moment, trying to set his senses straight as to exactly what was happening. It had all started so quickly, he hadn’t even had time to brace himself, and now he found himself being kissed by the woman almost sitting in his lap. He kept fighting with his unconscious mind and body to hold still even though he wanted to at least wrap his arms around her. His fight become almost impossible when he felt her deepen the kiss and the magic begin to take hold.
She hated to admit it, but somewhere a part of her was selfishly enjoying this, even though she had a distinct feeling Fujitaka might not have been. Kaho was shocked though when she felt his arms wrap around her waist. She checked on his mental condition and realized that most of it was natural reaction due to his state of mind, being in and out of sleep. When a body is on the threshold of sleep and wakefulness, ones natural reaction is to hold onto something, be it a person or a pillow, or for young children, a doll or other toy. It was the minds unconscious way of feeling safe when going off alone into the world of sleep.
When she finally felt the spell take hold she pulled away and watched his eyes fall closed and he fell back onto his pillow. Much to her disappointment though, his hold around her waist didn’t waver and she was locked in his grip, stuck on the same bed. Trying to reach around to prying his hands open would only have made her fall on top of him, possibly breaking the delicate spell she’d set in place.
This isn’t going to go over well… Kaho thought to herself as she tried to wriggle free from his grasp, with no success. By then though she was too tired to care, “Tomorrow morning is going to be fun…” she murmured sarcastically as she managed to get herself at least to Fujitaka’s right side so she could lay comfortably before slipping into sleep herself, dreading what the morning sunlight would bring.
Teehee, sorry, this was a chapter where my fangirlly self insisted on inserting itself. I tried I swear to contain myself...but...but...THEY'RE JUST SO CUTE!!! *giggles*
Short and sweet, and kinda fuzzy. Next chapter has *gasp* MORE PLOT MOVEMENT! It's spiraling to the big even people! Hope you can keep up! XD
Shred it