Title: Omega [2/2]
revengeandpietyPairing: Ray/Frank
Rating: R
POV: Third; Frank centered
Summary: Frank and Ray deal with tragedy.
Disclaimer: I make love to don’t own the MCR boys.
Author Note : Completely for Sika -
mrshcaulfield because she can always make me smile, no matter what. You rock, kmao. Thanks to my beta
Alpha (
Omega )
I... It's... You... I worship you, even if I am still clinging to my chair.
I kinda knew all alone that they wouldn't make it, but I still had some sort of hope - up until Heather that is. It was just down hill from then.
Ray leans down, cupping Frankie’s face in his hands and kisses him desperately. Slowly, their tongues curl around the other and it’s soft but powerful. When Ray pulls away, Frank’s eyes are shining and his breath is shallow - That better not have been a good-bye kiss
I bit my finger while reading that just so I couldn't cry out. I managed to just whimper, which I'm fairly proud of.
Dammit, this was just so amazing! I feel like re-reading it, but I have to go shower and then go to bed.
Thank you for writing something different. I needed that!
Ahh I want to do that. I bet Gerard would be standing over Ray's shoulder like, OKAY GIRL THAT IS ENOUGH STOP TOUCHING HIS HAIR. and He'd be all jealous and pouty [Gerard that is] afterwards. hahah
OMG, yes he would. Pouty!Gerard would be super cute too, though.
Hmmm... I would like to touch his hair too. Just see how much I could mess it up.
Pouty Gerard would own my heart. All sulking and Ray following him around like, Gerard come on, it was nothing. You know I only like your orgasm face.
Ahaha, messing up gerard's hair. I wanna mess up Bob's. But he'd probably like...pick me up and slam me on the ground. Not that I'd mind.
Hahahahahaha, getting slammed to the ground by Bob almost sounds fun!
*Wiggles eyebrows*
But yeah, with that new Trump hair of his, it's hard not to wanna mess it up.
It definitely sounds fun, to me, lol. HAHA AWWWWW Trump hair. No, I think it's cutie. But i still wanna mess it up. You know Frank made Bob grow it that way.
Don't get me wrong, I think it's super cute too. But there is a little Trump over it:P
I'm sure he did. Yay for Frank/Bob!
Hahaha the reason it's funny is cause he kinda does have a trump-esque vibe. but just barely, you know. The cuteness of it overwhelms the hilarity of it. :]] AWW BOB. *cuddles Bob*
I <3 Frank/Bob
Sounds like something I wouldn't mind spending my evening on.
I don't understand those people who write him as the evil, homophobic, hating guy of the story either. I mean, it's BOB, the coolest guy on the planet! Bob, the muscle. Bob, who takes no shit. Bob, who makes us all smile. Super Bob!
And how the hell would he have managed hanging out with The Used is he was homophobic in any way!? I mean, Bert McCracken will hump anything.
Sometimes, people have no sense.
No wonder Gerard dumped him, he just couldn't keep up with all that humping and shit.
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