The Other Son: Chapter Twenty-Three

Jun 20, 2009 10:47

Title: The Other Son
Author: revenant_scribe

Chapter Twenty-Three: IRREVERSIBLE
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Warnings: AU, wincest, semi-spoilers for 1.18 'Something Wicked'. Violence!
A/N: There is no new Winchester being added into the mix here. This is definitely not one of those fics. Please leave a review! It keeps my muse happy and makes my day!!
Summary: ( Read more... )

category: slash, fic: other son, character: bobby, character: john, pairing: sam/dean, character: dean, character: sam

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Comments 47

kuhekabir June 20 2009, 15:14:06 UTC
excellent, hope they can rescue dean too and i am curious to see how the family revelation is going to work out :)


revenant_scribe June 21 2009, 21:10:21 UTC
Thank-you indeed. It is weird to find that this fic is quickly winding down. Revelation next chappie!


(The comment has been removed)

revenant_scribe June 21 2009, 21:11:06 UTC
Yes, at the last minute I had to throw yet another curve ball. The reveal is in the next chapter though ... as well as, just, well, chaos and death. Yippee!


dreamers_dh June 20 2009, 16:26:18 UTC
Mean chapter!

I would have thought that Dean and John would finally met but no! You must send them demons... and a good explanation for Deans invitation a deman.

Very good!


revenant_scribe June 21 2009, 21:12:27 UTC
Well, Dean and John have me before, remember, and Dean requested that John never touch him again. But I get what you mean, John finally has figured things out, and things are really rolling. I promise you angst and family reunions in the next chapter!


mangacat201 June 20 2009, 17:56:05 UTC
Oh my oh my oh my... that's just... ACK, what the heck is real here?? I for sure don't know!! CRAP... save 'em, SAVE'EM


revenant_scribe June 21 2009, 21:40:04 UTC
LOL Well, it's going to get worse before it gets better, but I promise it will have a smile-worthy conclusion... Lots of angst next chapter first! and then ... hm. more angst, actually but hey - it's all about the ending, right?


leenys June 20 2009, 19:28:41 UTC
OH!!!! YOU....YOU JUST...OH!!!! Don't you DARE leave it there!!


revenant_scribe June 21 2009, 21:43:18 UTC
Whoops. My bad. lol. Don't worry, I'm working on the next chapter. Come to think of it, I think that might have a brutal ending as well. Huh. I've just discovered that apparently I am a bad person. ...I love you? *hugs*


leenys June 22 2009, 01:19:09 UTC
Well, if you love me you can't be all bad, but I'll hold out judgment until I read the next chapter. *winks*

Don't be cruel. Well, be cruel, but don't torture me.

Ah, hell. Torture me. :D


revenant_scribe June 22 2009, 14:30:45 UTC
Mwaahaahaa. hem. Sorry, my evil was showing.

One thing you can pretty much always count on is that, despite my love of torturing the boys, I usually deliver a happy(ish) ending. ^_- I know, I sound so reassuring, right? But that's speaking in a broad way about my writing in general, if I promise that this fic will end happy, that makes me less evil, right? It balances my karma? So there, something to hang onto while I torture you (and Dean ... and Sam and ... you get my point). Right? Right. (I am just going to pretend that you totally agreed with me ... I feel better already).


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