The reason I've not been posting all sorts of pics of things I've made on the 3D printer is that, other than the initial teapot, I haven't gotten anything successful
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Have you read the pile of tutorials I posted on the Thingiverse Blog? They contain the whole of my limited knowledge on Skeinforge's zany interface.
Blender: is not CSG, and acts very very very badly if you use it remotely like CSG. I've basically given up boolean operations entirely with it. As long as you only extrude, slice, and face-merge, it's pretty easy to avoid creating holes. But naturally, this makes the tool next to useless for a wide class of problems, which is why I'm so excited about OpenSCAD.
Oil: The MakerBot guys are using 3-in-1 oil, I understand.
I'd made the mistake of getting the latest Skeinforge, instead of the Skeinforge that the Makerbot folks were working with and distributing. Which appear to have drastically changed the options available and what they are named. The upshot being that when I was going through your posts, the settings just didn't match up with the settings available in the copy of Skeinforge I had.
I've since fixed this problem by getting the skeinforge that the Makerbot folks suggested in their blog. Now I'm futzing with things like enabling Towers and tweaking the size of the raft. My last three failures appear to have been because my raft was too small at the base of the skull build. The build got knocked over halfway up, when the small raft peeled up.
BTW, the latest skeinforge seems much faster than the one suggested by the Makerbot folks.
For oil, there's an old workshop staple I recall being called 3-and-1 or 3-in-1 oil. Lemme see... Aha, Wikipedia has the article and it's 3-in-1. Light-weight, very little drag on parts, it sounds like what you need.
ABS is pretty temperature-resistant. It might not hold boiling water, but a brief skim of propeties gives it a working temperature of 60-100 C (140-210 F), depending on composition. Absolute melting point is above the boiling point of water, but the glass transition temperature is lower (so it'll weaken somewhere around 80 C if I remember correctly).
Was the acetone trick useful for making it watertight, by the way?
Comments 7
Blender: is not CSG, and acts very very very badly if you use it remotely like CSG. I've basically given up boolean operations entirely with it. As long as you only extrude, slice, and face-merge, it's pretty easy to avoid creating holes. But naturally, this makes the tool next to useless for a wide class of problems, which is why I'm so excited about OpenSCAD.
Oil: The MakerBot guys are using 3-in-1 oil, I understand.
I've since fixed this problem by getting the skeinforge that the Makerbot folks suggested in their blog. Now I'm futzing with things like enabling Towers and tweaking the size of the raft. My last three failures appear to have been because my raft was too small at the base of the skull build. The build got knocked over halfway up, when the small raft peeled up.
BTW, the latest skeinforge seems much faster than the one suggested by the Makerbot folks.
Was the acetone trick useful for making it watertight, by the way?
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