ST: TNG ReWatch, "The Last Outpost" & "Where No One Has Gone Before"

Jan 31, 2015 12:49

Before I begin, a brief side note: last time I posted, foreverinasmile and I were talking and she graciously listed her 5 favorite episodes, and then asked me the same question. I suddenly realized that aside from "The Inner Light" (which is one of my top 5 science fiction stories EVER, which is why I know the name), I had almost completely forgotten the actual ( Read more... )

poison, tv shows: star trek: the next generation, fannish babblery, rewatch

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Comments 10

anagramofbrat February 1 2015, 06:38:43 UTC
lol FEEEEEEmailz. It's pretty common among young black boys/men to refer disparaging to girls/women as females, which drives me absolutely bugshit. I've been trying to break my nephews of the habit by pointing out that they sound like Ferengi and then mock them into shame by calling them "HEW-monz" whenever they do it. It seems to work, at least for a while ( ... )


retsuko February 1 2015, 17:15:27 UTC
I'd love to read your DS9 season recaps, and I'd completely forgotten that Q made an appearance on that show. I agree with you that the first season or so, the writers weren't sure what was going to happen. Fortunately, once they got their sea legs... er, space legs, it gets pretty dang awesome pretty quickly. :)

And props to you for trying to get your nephews to quit that annoying habit.


digitalemur February 1 2015, 11:50:26 UTC
Yay! We've both been watching TNG! Friday night I went to a friend's house to hang out and she's been rewatching while she's laid up with a broken leg. So we ended up watching "Cause and Effect" just because it's Groundhog Day before there was Groundhog Day, and it's still amazing.

She pointed out that Frakes (who was directing that episode) has a terribly bad back, and that's why Riker did all those weird, vaguely pompous positions where he stands one leg on the base of the conn and helm chairs or whatever and then leans on his knee: he could hold those for many takes without hurting his back.

Then we watched "Darmok," which believe it or not I had NEVER SEEN, and it was just as awesome as I was gathering from everyone else. Then we watched "Time's Arrow" because Data repeatedly claiming to be a Frenchman is always a riot, and Star Trek's love affair with San Francisco on display is always fun.


retsuko February 1 2015, 17:16:52 UTC
Oh wow! I didn't know that about Frakes--ugh, ouch, that must have been annoying AND painful to deal with.

I cannot wait to get to these episodes. They sound awesome, and I think I've seen them before, but I can't remember, exactly.


foreverinasmile February 1 2015, 15:09:51 UTC
Yuck, the Ferengi. Did not like them on TNG, and I could never like Quark on DS9. Something about them is slimy and ugh and I could never get into the episodes they were in.

I know that I'm in the minority, but I actually liked Wesley. Hey, I was a preteen watching a show that had one character close to my age. Watching TNG now, I see that he is problematic, and that there are many, many valid reasons why people don't like him. I did. Oh well.

I agree with all the fun things that you said that you were looking forward to, and there are so many other episodes that I really enjoy. It's tough to have a top 5 with this show, and that really speaks to how good it is and how well it holds up over time.


retsuko February 1 2015, 17:21:37 UTC
I like Wesley, too, and when I was in JHS, I nursed a serious crush on Wil Wheaton, telling no one. Uhm, don't tell anyone! *shifty eyes*

That said, I do think the writers are being overly ham-handed with making him this Chosen One type character, but they aren't giving him the narrative opportunities to show himself to be awesome, and instead just telling us, over and over again. Poor kid.

I can't wait to make the final top fives! I'm so looking forward to some stuff coming up. :D


littleowl February 8 2015, 03:59:33 UTC
While I found the game itself to be annoying to look at, I really liked Ashley Judd as Ensign Lefler in that episode and the one or two others she did. I thought the back and forth between Robin and Wesley was amusing.


retsuko February 10 2015, 15:24:47 UTC
OMG, I forgot it was her! Well, perhaps it will be better now that I'm seeing it from a different perspective... and, I think I have a long time to get there, too. ;)


pointytilly February 13 2015, 14:46:08 UTC
...I know all the episodes you mean with those, pff. And they're some of my favorites too. I got tired of the Borg later on, but in TNG (especially the part where Picard gets captured) they were really good sometimes and I forget that and then watch those episodes again and ah, yes ( ... )


Cellular Peptide Cake retsuko February 15 2015, 05:50:17 UTC
I remember being scared of that episode, too, but I think it was a good type of scare. Around the time I saw it, I had just discovered surrealism, and interpreted the episode heavily through that lens. So I'm really curious how/if it will hold up!

Can't wait for Inner Light. Still have to get through 1st/2nd season stuff first.


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