DVD/Comic Recs, as of 2/20/11

Feb 20, 2011 18:19


The Middleman: Oh, there are so many reasons to love this show, which was over too soon for its own good ( Read more... )

comics, fannish babblery, links, tv shows: the middleman, my phobia let me show you it

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Comments 7

Dubby! anagramofbrat February 21 2011, 03:21:24 UTC
Oh good, someone else who liked/has heard of that series. I was dubious when a friend lent it to me last fall, ended up loving it.


orichalcum February 21 2011, 04:39:02 UTC
I'm so glad you finally got into Middleman; now you see why I have been pestering you for so long about it ( ... )


retsuko February 21 2011, 06:01:47 UTC
Didn't I recommend Leverage to you? ;) It's our go-to show for silly caper fun. (You should also see "Hustle" if you haven't already--although the same lines, but very British and a little more slick.)

Whoa, NPR? Damn. I really am late to this party. I did pick up Vol. 3 of the comic today (which was... a surprise?! I didn't think it would go that route.) but will search out the YouTube recording.


ladybird97 February 21 2011, 13:50:20 UTC
I second this! Even though I am not caffeinated enough yet to make any intelligent commentary, I say YAY for more Middlefans! :)


psychoe February 21 2011, 06:02:28 UTC
Love love LOVE Lackadaisy and Gunnerkrigg Court. If you haven't already, do check out The Meek and Hanna is not a Boy's Name, too. <3


innostrantsa February 21 2011, 06:51:54 UTC
You may also enjoy The Less Than Epic Adventure of TJ and Amal, speaking of further gorgeous artwork. Oh, and Subnormality is also a good read-- lots of words, some very thinky pieces, and fun art with the occasional recurring characters.


caprine February 21 2011, 21:26:50 UTC
I also cannot recommend Gunnerkrigg Court highly enough; it's like Lost went on a date with The Dresden Files, with a twist of British Boarding School adventure story.

That is an awesome description, and I think quite accurate.


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