Jan 15, 2009 19:33


Am.... Yeah, my webhost doesn't like absence. AT ALL AT ALL AT ALL. But I fixed it? Now all my brush sets are safely on Deviant Art, where they don't care if you're dead.

So yay!

Looking through all these set posts, I've noticed that emmy_roo has converted plenty of my older stuff into .gimp file! Thank you, so much! Even though I really have no idea.... who or what you are....


No mass el gimpo.

(Yes indeed, I have no qualms over using LJ to practice my mangled spanese.)

It's all gone, all those extra files and the like.

So... um. LOL? (sorry!)

Ah, well, That's one last thing to worry about.

Now I just have to work on new stuff. ;_;

One day! I promise!

... I just find it hard to work on a laptop...
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