Capa's last post made me wonder, what exactly is... religion like where you're from? It sounds like people have pretty different ideas about it, and it's just where I'm from, we've got spirits and beings that kind of make it impossible not to believe that there's something out there.
My world has several religions, almost all based around the worship of and obedience to powerful spirits or deities - every race has their own pantheon. Some, like the Kaldorei, are very specific in their worship of a single, concrete Goddess, while others are more general voodoo and animism and revolve around societal codes of behavior and harmony with loa.
Oh, certainly. Most if not all of the beings paid tribute to are in reality tangible beings that can be spoken to, called upon for tangible benefits, or even killed.
The most dominant religion where I'm from is Wayism. It's a combination of Earth religions, representing the Divine- the ideal of love and interconnectivity in the universe.
I'm not religious, however. But the monk we had aboard found a considerable amount of peace in his beliefs.
Many of them. A creator. Deified or angelic subordinates. Primary human figures that promoted the spread of that religion.
I'm not from Earth, though. I've not spent much time there. Wayism was formed when a Magog infested a monk. The monk taught the Magog his religion, and the Magog and his offspring became the first founders of the movement.
Usually Magog in monk's clothing are deeply disciplined and not prone to abusing sentient life to feed.
WHAT'S GOOD IS CLICKING THE RIGHT TAB WHEN I REPLY god so much failchampionoftimeSeptember 8 2011, 07:43:45 UTC
Ancient Gallifrey had Gods. But they were abstract concepts, manifested by our own collected belief in them. We created them, as much as they were creators. Likewise, there were Gods left over from the universe before. Dark Elder ones.
In any case, I don't see the harm in making a complex concept more identifyable and relatable, if it helps you understand it.
It wasn't so much an agreement. But rather, you know how many people fear death? If another people fear death, that fear can take form. And then become death, and then death can choose her own form.
A combined, collective mindset is a powerful thing. Time had a face as well. And Love.
Comments 139
I'm not religious, however. But the monk we had aboard found a considerable amount of peace in his beliefs.
I'm not from Earth, though. I've not spent much time there. Wayism was formed when a Magog infested a monk. The monk taught the Magog his religion, and the Magog and his offspring became the first founders of the movement.
Usually Magog in monk's clothing are deeply disciplined and not prone to abusing sentient life to feed.
In any case, I don't see the harm in making a complex concept more identifyable and relatable, if it helps you understand it.
A combined, collective mindset is a powerful thing. Time had a face as well. And Love.
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