Feb 23, 2011 01:26

Oh god, none of you will ever understand how badly I wanted to open this post with 'hey dudettes and dudes!'

Anyway, hi, Nam here.

edit: also typos!


The original plan was that I was going to save these for a massive art dump, but Zarla posted That Thing Which I Am Not Thinking About, because I don't feel like catching the sobbity-bug again. I got the feeling that I might as well go ahead and post these as the happy prep for said art dump (still planning to do it somedaaaaay) and maybe drop some smiles into our laps after watching our lady friends....

....not. thinking. about it. D:

Which I will attempt to keep short and to the point ish.

First Image - The Girls

I actually began on this...maybe a few months ago, and have been picking at it ever since then. I'm a terrible procrastinator like that. A lot of things were changed over that time, but generally it's just a quick doodle so I wasn't exactly trying for anything super. A lot of errors cropped up in this picture early on though. I forgot Charger's scar until literally the last minute, which was weird because that was one of the physical traits I adored about her most. I also had a few issues with her early neck being too thin, and Jockey coming out too short.

But the queen of problems was Smoker's face. THAT NOSE. DX
Don't get me wrong, I love her nose. I think it makes for great profile and you almost never see female characters with a feature that is commonly considered unattractive without it being treated as though it's a joke or it's just part of the style. Sorry world, some people just aren't conventionally pretty.

But ranting. I just had a lot of trouble giving her an interesting nose shape in my style because for the longest time I had only a few nose shapes that I repeated over and over. =D Which I have to give Zarla a lot of thanks for; looking through her art helped me with giving another look at created different character facial features. And about fifty pieces of scrap paper simply covering in noses.

Explaining that to my coworkers? Priceless.

But mostly this was just an early study as to how the characters would look in the style I am favoring for light drawing. Almost a character sheet, but not really defined enough for that name.


Second Image

I got the idea for this picture...riiiiight about that sketchpost with the little shot of Jordan in it (who is just adorable somehow and needs to show up more). I got the motivation to actually work on the sketch right about two weeks ago, and after Zarla posted That Thing, I felt motivated to finish the image so that I got blind myself with Alternate Universe Happy Endings! =D

So here they are! Because I wanted to!

I could explain the decisions behind the designs I gave them (AND I DON'T KNOW IF THEY'RE RIGHT SO SORRY IF YOU KNOW THEY AREN'T D: )  but I'm shreepy and this will go on FOREVER AND A DAY AND THEN SOME if I do.

GREAT! See you later bye!

art, survivors

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