Feb 10, 2008 11:48
My LJ homepage made me feel guilty by pointing out that I hadn't posted in 2 weeks. So here goes.
I am giving a solo performance at a major temple in S'pore, during one of their culture fests. This fest happens once in 12 years, so when it does come around, it's a big deal. They have about 2 months where they fly in international artistes and provide opportunties for the local ones to showcase their talents. This year, I'm to be one of the local talents. I'm singing for 40 minutes, solo, and goddammit!, I haven't done this sort of thing in a VERY long time. So between juggling work, going for extra music lessons, and practising at home regularly, my life leaves no time for anything else. The concert is on the 21st, so at least the end is in sight, and I'm keeping it there firmly.
In other news, I have gained a lot of weight, somehow, over the last 3 weeks. It sucks, it blows, it depresses the shit out of me, and I need to start putting on my running shoes again. It's not that I have been bingeing (sp?), it's not that I have been slinging back cold ones everyday, it's just shit like having oily food for lunch AND having unhealthy dinners (even if small) everyday, and then going out with friends for dinner after 9.30pm. That last used to not happen when was in Philly, but here... the lifestyle is different. The people I hang around all get off work rather late, so when making dinner plans, things invariably get pushed to the 8.30-9pm range. Well, guess this just means I'll still mee these people, but just not indulge in food with them at that time. I also need to figure out how to stop from hunching over my desk after work everyday. A colleague, a very fit one, recommended saving all my research and library work for right after lunch. That way, I won't be at my desk and instead, will be scampering around trying to find my material. But ultimately, nothing beats exercise. Especially in my case, since I don't overeat. So running wll somehow have to be crammed into my schedule. Starting the 22nd of Feb.
Aside from that, work has slowed down slightly, but I have a feeling the next 2 weeks are going to be a bt stressful, work-wise. I'm a little afraid to think of adding my music to that time-table... but it's just got to be done.
Oh I just found out the other day that defamation laws here are a heckuva lot simpler than in the US. Now why can't they have THOSE laws for the Bar?!?
Also, Othello and I broke up over the weekend. The distance is just too great for him to handle. This is hard for me, and I really don't want to dwell on it.
my music,