[Fanfic] How can something so wrong, be so right?

Aug 17, 2007 14:04

Title: How can something so wrong, be so right?
Pairing: TegoMass, KoYa (koki x yuya)
Summary: When there's a man and his boyfriend, there's always another man in between
Ratings: PG - 13 for now..
Author's Notes: Rara!!!! this is it!!!! *though this is not solely KoYa but still!!!!!*
this un-beta'ed so please bear with me..and this is the first time to write KoYa and TegoMass, so this might be OOC. and its quite short ^_^

Chapter One: The sudden turn of events

How come when you’re running late, all of the people go out on the streets!

Tegoshi thought as he made his through the sea of people separating him from his school.

“ Tesshi!”

Screamed someone from amongst the crowd; Tegoshi looked around to see who was calling him, and before he knew it someone already hugged him from the back and gave him a peck on the cheek. Instantly he knew who it was.

“Hi baby.” Said Tegoshi as he turned around to face his boyfriend and gave him a peck on the lips.

“Baby, what are you doing here? Don’t you have work?”

“I do. But I just couldn’t resist not seeing you.”  Said Massu as tighten his huh on Tegoshi

“But we’ve just seen each other this morning, and besides I’M LATE.”

Massu leaned forward and planted a kiss on Tegoshi’s lips before letting him go and saying goodbye. After seeing his boyfriend off, he remembered being late and dashed to the school gates before they close. He almost didn’t make it in time for his first class, so he immediately sat himself beside Shige.

“You’re late again.” Whispered Shige

“Sorry.” Tegoshi whispered back and settled himself on his seat. Then their professor entered the room and started the class.3 excruciating hours later the class ended. Shige came up to Tegoshi and said.

“So why are you late THIS time?”

“There were a lot of people on the streets and they we’re blocking my way and Massu came up to me and~” before Tegoshi could finish his sentence, Shige held his palm in front of Tegoshi’s face telling him to stop.

“Okay I get it. Once your dear Massu is there, you’re always late.”

Tegoshi just pouted at Shige knowing he’s right. When it comes to Massu, Massu should come first even if he’s late for his class. He loves Massu that way.

Once his classes are done for the day, he decided to take the longer route home, hoping he’ll find something to bring to Massu later. On his way home it started to rain, and it rained hard. Tegoshi ran for cover but failed to do so, because there were just too many people running around. So he decided to just let himself soak under the rain. So he walked leisurely under the rain until he stopped when his path was blocked by a group of men who were drunk. Then one of them said.

“Hey lady, what‘s a pretty thing like you walking under this rain?”

Tegoshi ignored what the man said and instantly turned the other way trying not to panic. But he was stopped by another person, the next thing he knew he was surrounded. He could smell alcohol emitting form the people surrounding him. Tegoshi tried to get away, but his soaked clothes wouldn’t let him. All his thoughts of keeping calm were shattered, when he was deliberately lifted on the ground and was brought to the near-by alley. He kicked, wailed and everything else just to free himself from his captor, it showed no success until he was abruptly thrown to the ground and had hit his butt first. He scrambled to stand up and tried to again escape but failed miserably. Someone had picked him up by the collar and pinned him to the wall; he was scared to death knowing he’ll be violated. He gasped when he felt a hand rubbing his crotch and another hand opening his shirt, he closed his eyes hoping that the things that were happening were all but nightmares.

Why did I even think of going the long way? Why did it rained? How will I tell Massu if I ever live through this?

He was losing hope until he heard someone yelling at someone and the one who held him against the wall suddenly let him go. So he slowly opened his eyes and saw that his captors were but unconscious bodies scattered on the alley. Then a man appeared and went closer to him and said.

“Are you alright?”

Tegoshi just nodded and looked at the man closely; the man looked like he’s a member of a gang and a voice to match. The man offered his hand to help Tegoshi up and Tegoshi accepted it then asked.

“Are you the one who did this?” pointing to the unconscious bodies.

The man just nodded and looked directly to Tegoshi’s eyes that made Tegoshi blush a little and the man offered his jacket.

“I think you should get out of this rain and out of those clothes.” Tegoshi looked at himself and saw that his clothes were disheveled and is almost see through, so he accepted the man offered and finally he asked for his name.

“May I know who you are?”

“Tanaka, Tanaka Koki.”

so what do guys think??? suggestions and commnets are always welcome!!!!

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