Introduction to the Experiment Episode 28 Episode 29: Sakura's Sweet Cooking (Card Captor Sakura) or How Sweet It Is (Cardcaptors)
Sakura and her father are baking a cake. The smell of it perks up Kero's attention in Sakura's room who causes a ruckus as a result. When Sakura goes to investigate, Kero's under a bunch of cake baking books. Sakura explains that they're going to be baking a cake in home economics so she wanted to practice. Sakura's father calls her back down. In the Japanese version, the pair decorate the cake and her father suggests giving some of it away to her friends and Yukito, which gets Sakura all gushy. Sakura asks her father how she can get better at baking and he answers that perhaps baking for someone she really likes will help. This makes Sakura all gushy again. The English version jumps straight to the next scene, where Sakura and her posse are eating the cake. The girls love her cake and they discuss how Rika is really good at baking cakes (in the English version, Chelsea gets to be good as well). In class, Li and Yamazaki are trying to decide what cake to make; Li suggests custard cream because it looks easy. Meilin suggests a wedding cake. In the Japanese version, she starts to daydream about how Li and her will have a wedding one day but the English version just has Meilin rapture about how if they manage a wedding cake, they'll get the best grade in the class. Li ignores this and restates that they should do custard cream. Meanwhile, Sakura's friends decide on a strawberry shortcake. Even more meanwhile, Sakura and Tomoyo are looking over the options. Sakura stops on a chocolate cake and Mizuki comes over and asks if she likes chocolate cake. Sakura does and she remarks that she likes chocolate cake too. She wishes them luck and Sakura promises to give her some. Li glares at Mizuki as she leaves the room. After school, Li is staring at some bakers making cakes. Sakura and Tomoyo see him and they talk about what cakes they are going to make. Yukito comes by and asks if the three plan on buying cakes there. Sakura explains that the three will be making cakes in class. She then asks what kinds of cakes Yukito likes. He rattles off a list before Sakura and Li interrupt by asking whether he likes the types of cakes they are making. Yukito says that he likes both. In the Japanese version, Sakura and Li ask at the same time whether he will try a piece of theirs if they do it right. Yukito says he will. In the English version, Julian asks if they agree that all cakes are good. Sakura and Li answer in unison and then glare at each other. Meanwhile, Meilin is baking a cake at home but it's taking too long so she cranks up the heat until smoke comes out. At that moment, Li comes home and sees the smoke. Meilin tries to play it down as nothing but eventually he sees the burnt cake behind her back. Meilin wanted to surprise Li with a cake. Li is very unimpressed. Meilin gets mad and storms out, vowing to get more ingredients and make another one, leaving Li behind with the burnt cake and a dirty kitchen. The next day, the students make their cakes. After that, in the Japanese version, the girls discuss how Rika's father loves cakes, which is why she is good at it since she makes them a lot. It turns out that Rika's father is overseas a lot for business and apparently he is a lot like Mr. Terada. Sakura and Tomoyo suggest giving Mr. Terada some of Rika's cake. She agrees. This scene is cut in the English version and they jump straight to the cakes being done and decorated. Now it's time to eat! But the cakes are... too sweet! And every kid there is dismayed about this. Yeah, it doesn't make any sense to me either. At home, Sakura relates that all the cakes were too sweet. Kero thinks that Sakura just added too much sugar but that can't be it. Besides, everyone's cake was too sweet. Then everyone messed up, Kero says. Regardless, because everyone messed up, the class has to do it all over again next week. Meanwhile, Meilin is reading up on cakes. Li calls her for dinner and Meilin acknowledges him before lamenting to herself that she didn't understand why she couldn't bake cakes and wondering if some sort of magic could make her a good baker. Li comes back and says that it wasn't her fault that their cake was messed up before leaving again. Meilin thinks that Li is very sweet. The next day or so, Sakura and Tomoyo are back at the bakery, staring at the cakes. They run into Li again, who is staring at the bakers at their craft, and after discussing the bakers, Sakura asks if Li thinks it's weird that everyone's cake was too sweet. Li is shocked: didn't Sakura sense anything? Before Sakura can answer, Mizuki is there. Mizuki asks what the children are doing there and then relates that she had been craving something sweet before remarking on how the children have to bake the cakes again. The next day, Chiharu tells the girls that the other class had the same problem with their cakes being too sweet. Sakura and Li share a Meaningful Look. Then it's on to baking the cakes again. While this is happening, Li glares at Mizuki who is staring at the class from the doorway. At home, Kero is reading something about cakes and remarks how sweet they must be, which gives him an idea. After everyone leaves for lunch, Sakura and Li stay behind because they both sense a Clow Card's presence. Kero calls Sakura on her cell phone and tells her that it's the Sweet Card. It's attracted to sweet things and makes things sweet. So, the pair search for it and then notice that it's in one of the ovens, sprinkling something on the cake inside. Li opens the door and it flies out. They give chase. As the Sweet Card runs around, it makes everything sweet from low-gluten flour to chairs to the chalkboard. At first, Li suggests using his group's cake to bait it but Sakura's got a better idea. She grabs some salt and throws some salt on it. Getting covered in salt upsets it but it shakes it off. Li dumping a whole lot of salt on Sweet does the trick and Sakura seals it. Everything turns back to normal. After that, everyone tries their cake, which taste fine... except Li's group. It turns out that Meilin mixed it too much and now it's hard/bad (Japanese/English). In the Japanese version, this scene is followed by a boring scene where Rika gives Mr. Terada some of her cake and he loves it. Later on, in both versions, Yukito and Toya are eating Sakura's cake. They praise Sakura for her efforts and Sakura gets all gushy and giggly in the Japanese version. In both version, Li looks on, his fingers gripping the chainlink fence. Meilin does the whole "guess who?" thing but Li is not in the mood for her right then. Li storms off but Meilin catches up to him, rattling on about how they should go home and bake another cake since Meilin knows what to do now and she then prattles on about the proper technique as the episode ends.
Wanna see?
Card Captor Sakura Episode 29: Part 1/3
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Card Captor Sakura Episode 29: Part 2/3
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Card Captor Sakura Episode 29: Part 3/3
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Cardcaptors Episode 29: Part 1/3
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Cardcaptors Episode 29: Part 2/3
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Cardcaptors Episode 29: Part 3/3
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This is not the episode to watch during Lent. I want cake! Sad to say, this episode is kind of boring. What kind of useless Card is the Sweet Card anyway? Did Clow Reed have to battle a diabetic person or something? And I'm a dirty person because every time I wrote "Blank eats Blank's cake", I started giggling as if it's some sort of sexual metaphor. If you write anything enough times, it turns dirty, I think.
Card Tally
Sakura: Windy, Fly, Shadow, Watery, Rain, Wood, Jump, Illusion, Silence, Thunder, Sword, Flower, Shield, Power, Mist, Float, Erase, Glow, Move, Fight, Loop, Sleep, Song, Little, Mirror, Maze, Shot, Sweet
Current number: 28
Li: Time, Storm, Return
Current number: 3
Hm, the titles. Both are kind of lame but I like the allusion for the English title so it wins.
There were pretty much only four scenes that got majorly cut:
1. Sakura's gushing over Yukito during the opening.
2. Rika talking about her daddy issues.
3. Sakura and Li asking Yukito to eat their cakes.
4. Rika giving her cake to her daddy-stand-in-lover.
The first scene was another "Yukito is so pretty and whee!" scene which, really, I'm losing patience for. Can Sakura do things for her own edification once in awhile? Does it have to go back to her crush on Yukito?
The third scene was clearly an attempt to tone down Li's gayness and Sakura's crush on Yukito. Luckily, it worked even though Li still wound up being gay because the two glare at each other when they answer him in unison. It's been a while, English Li, welcome back to the Pride parade, we've missed you. Actually, I take that back: most of his scenes with Yukito have been lame and were cut for merciful reasons. Still, I thought the original making of the request in unison was cute and I was sad to see it go.
Actually, the "Li is gay, in case you forgot" scenes remained. I was pretty surprised that Li's whole "always on the outside, looking in" moment was kept in addition to Li being a little more ticked off at Meilin in the English version than in the Japanese version. Of course, maybe he was all "lost little puppy, sitting out in the rain" about Sakura having a jolly good time without him in the English version but it wouldn't make much sense. Well, unless you want to place more meaning on Li zoning out during the first attempt at baking the cake (he was looking in Sakura's direction). So, we could argue either way. I'm voting for that scene showing that Li is gay, despite the censors. Regardless, that scene really tugged at the heartstrings for me. Aw, poor little Li's cake got messed up and now no one but Meilin will ever love him, d'aaawww.
But the second and fourth scenes are no-brainers. At least this time the Rika/Terada love arc was not presented as creepily as usual but seriously, the girl has classic daddy issues. Father's never around, her lover is just like him, it's a textbook case. And the fourth scene is just boring and pointless. Terada likes the cake, we got it, can we go now? Yes, I support these scenes going. Oh, and that scene where they first talk about how awesome Rika is at baking cakes. I was surprised that the Japanese producers resisted the urge to make some creepy comment about Rika will make a good bride someday.
Beyond that, very little is changed.
I like how the English version tends to make Meilin more egotistical than her Japanese counterpart. She still has a crush on Li but it's not her sole motivation for doing anything. I also like Meilin's little monologue while she's watching her cake bake. It makes the scene a lot funnier. But the changes they made to Meilin are starting to bite the English dubbers in the butt. For example, remember how Meilin is there because her father got transferred? This implies that she doesn't live with Li but yet, she's there baking a cake without Li being present and she's just reading a book in the bedroom. So, she essentially broke into Li's apartment to bake a cake in the English version! And then apparently never goes home either.
Oh, and on a general note: I like the explanation for why Meilin can't bake when she's shown culinary skills before. She just can't bake cakes very well, which is normal. My grandmother was the opposite: she was great at sweet stuff but apparently her actual meals were horrible.
All right, time for plot holes.
1. Why do all these cakes cool so fast? Whenever I make a cake, I nearly have to wait all day for it to cool enough to frost and sometimes, it still doesn't frost correctly!
2. Where was Wei in this episode? Why wasn't he stopping Meilin from messing up the kitchen and burning the place down?
3. Wasn't Li horribly injured
last episode? Man, I want his doctor! He seems fine now!
4. Okay, so Meilin burns the cake and is holding the pan in her gloved hands, right? Li comes home shortly after and they squabble. When Meilin storms off, she hands over the cake pan to Li, whose hands are completely unprotected and Li does not drop the pan, screaming from the burns he should have received by taking the cake pan. There is no way that pan was cool enough for him to hold it and not burn himself.
5. Speaking of burning himself, does Li not feel heat? Li frequently opens the piping hot ovens and sticks his face right up to them without so much as reacting!
6. I just don't get the problem with the cakes. The cakes are too sweet? IT'S CAKE! CAKES ARE SWEET! I mean, if they had been making pot roast or something, that would make sense, but cake? Maybe it's a Japanese thing. I mean, I'd understand being taken aback by the sheer sweet overload but not the whole "EW! It's too sweet! It's ruined!" At least the English version tried to make it make sense to an American audience by having Sakura say that they were disgustingly sweet. Why wasn't there at least one kid who was, like, "What's wrong, guys? I think this is the best cake I've ever eaten!" Okay, maybe I'm just biased because I have a very high threshold for sweetness (I seriously add sugar to hot chocolate. I gave that up for Lent, as well, by the way) but I just found it so odd.
7. Why doesn't Li ever explain himself? It's great that he tried to console Meilin and all but would it have killed him to add "Because I think it was a Clow Card" to his speech about how the cakes being so-called ruined wasn't her fault? The reason she got all freaky about mixing was because she thought it was her fault.
8. Speaking of mixing, why didn't Li watch her? He knows she had trouble the last time with mixing and he watched her then. I know the Clow Card and glaring at Mizuki is really important but his prospects with Yukito were on the line here so he could have spared a glance in her direction.
9. Actually, Li wasn't doing much of anything during the second attempt at the cake baking. Why wasn't he stirring it since Meilin had problems last time?
10. Why does the teacher leave the room completely unattended both times? Shouldn't someone be around to make sure no one fiddles with the hot ovens and the school doesn't catch on fire?
11. Where does all that flour go after Li is covered in it? One minute, he's covered in "sweet" flour and then next, ta da!, perfectly clean! Does he have a shower ofuda in there somewhere?
12. Why doesn't the teacher notice that the room is covered in flour and there is salt all over the floor? I mean, wouldn't that make you suspicious?
13. Okay, Meilin and Li are in the same group, right? So, they're making the same cake, right? Then why does Meilin tell Li to try "her" cake when he already has a slice of his own? In fact, Li has already taken a bite of his and seemed to think it was fine. So why is Meilin's slice suddenly disgusting?
In short, very little was changed or cut but those scenes that were cut brought the episode down slightly and their removal improved the episode slightly so I judge these episodes to be...
Different, with the English Cardcaptors being the superior.
Episode 30