Episode 21: "Sakura's Long Marathon Race" or "The Long Marathon"

Jan 11, 2009 18:30

Introduction to the Experiment

Episode 20

Episode 21: Sakura's Long Marathon Race (Card Captor Sakura) or The Long Marathon (Cardcaptors)

Sakura's class is preparing for the schoolwide marathon. Tomoyo has sprained her ankle so she is the only one in the class who isn't running. Sakura is really good at running and won the marathon last year. But she's got competition: Li and Meilin are also good runners. Li, in fact, outpaces her as they pass the teacher during gym class. Meilin proudly declares that Li and herself will finish in first and second place and then talks some smack toward Sakura about how much Sakura will lose to them, much to Sakura's confusion. Meilin is in the next group of runners to practice and Meilin dashes quickly at the finish but as time goes by, she gets more and more worn out until she collapses, unable to finish. After that, while refreshing themselves with wet towels, Sakura asks if Meilin is okay. Meilin declares that she just wasn't feeling well and she had never lost a race to anyone by Li. Li interrupts this by pointing out that Meilin has only participated in dashes and marathons are completely different. The Japanese version follows this scene by having Yamazaki tell tiny falsehoods about how to train for a marathon but the core of this advice is sound: marathons have to be trained for. Later that night, the Kinomoto family discuss the path of the marathon and Toya says he and Yukito will be there. Meanwhile, Li and Meilin are finishing up dinner when Meilin decides to go training. Li simply says she shouldn't in the Japanese version while in the English version, Li tells her to give it up. Wei warns her that going running after a meal will cause stomach cramps but Meilin doesn't care and off she goes. Sure enough, later on, she has stomach cramps when Wei finds her. He gives her a towel for warmth and then some advice about running marathons: breathing correctly, pacing yourself, etc. She thanks him but he tells her to thank Li because he was the one who told Wei to go help Meilin. So, with the new advice, off she goes again, this time doing much better. The Japanese version has Meilin daydream about Li and her finishing together with confetti flying and running while holding hands. Finally, it's the day of the race and Meilin is so pumped and tells Sakura that Li and she are so going to win the race. After some words of encouragement from Toya and Yukito, Sakura is ready to go. In the Japanese version, Li goes for some encouragement from Yukito too. Meanwhile, Tomoyo is all ready with her video camera and Kero is flying above the city checking out the route. And they're off with Li and Meilin in the lead with Sakura just behind them. So, they run a lot. The three reach the turning point of the race where Yukito and Toya are waiting. Yukito urges Sakura on causing her to go faster but Li isn't having it so the two of them really pick up the pace, wearing out Meilin, who is now in third place. Tomoyo is there too and she waves at Sakura. More running. Then the three pass by Tomoyo again, much to her bewilderment. Meanwhile, Kero is waiting for Sakura farther down the path but he doesn't see her. Finally, the slowest person in the class (Naoko) followed by the teacher passes Kero's spot and he's really confused. Kero calls Tomoyo and she relates that the three have passed her twice now from the same direction. Meanwhile, Sakura is starting to think that the street is a lot longer than she remembered and shouldn't they be seeing people coming from the other side? Finally, Meilin trips and, in true Land of Fiction fashion, can no longer stand on her foot. Meilin can not finish the race in her condition. When Tomoyo runs up, Sakura suggests that they wait for the teacher so Meilin can ride his bike back but Tomoyo explains that the teacher has come and gone. Then Li and Sakura sense the presence of a Clow Card. After a call to Kero, they find out that it's the Loop Card. To seal Loop, one has to break the loop. But Sakura can't even see where it is so how is she supposed to break it? Luckily, Li has his Lasin Board and does his laser light show to show where the loop is connected. Sakura ends up tripping over the connection and ponders how to break it. Li then takes out his Sword Ball and Sakura realizes that she can use Sword. They strike at the connection with their respective swords at the same time. The Loop Card turns out to look like a red rubber band and Sakura seals it. After wavering between the two, the Card goes to Sakura, much to Meilin's dismay. At the school, Naoko has crossed the finish line and Toya is starting what is taking Sakura and the other two so long. Meanwhile, Meilin is protesting that she can finish but it's clear that she can't. She doesn't even want someone to wait with her, she is going to cross that finish line. So, Li carries her on his back. Together, Sakura and Li carrying Meilin cross the finish line. Li collapses in a heap afterward but Meilin is very happy and hugs Li tightly. As she does so, she tells Sakura that if she hadn't injured herself, she would have won and Li was the one who really sealed that Card. Sakura is dismayed.

Wanna watch it?

Card Captor Sakura Episode 21: Part 1/3

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Card Captor Sakura Episode 21: Part 2/3

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Card Captor Sakura Episode 21: Part 3/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 21: Part 1/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 21: Part 2/3

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Cardcaptors Episode 21: Part 3/3

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The whole time I was watching this episode I just kept thinking about how, at my school, every year we had to run the mile. I hated it with a passion. My best time ever was around 9 minutes and that was only because I was trying to keep pace with a much faster friend because I wanted to talk to her. I nearly collapsed at the end. I usually averaged around 10 minutes every year. I wasn't really too fond of watching Meilin do her training. I don't really care about Meilin so I was, like, "Okay, that's nice. Can we get back to the main plot, please?"

Card Tally

Sakura: Windy, Fly, Shadow, Watery, Rain, Wood, Jump, Illusion, Silence, Thunder, Sword, Flower, Shield, Power, Mist, Float, Erase, Glow, Move, Fight, Loop
Current number: 21

Li: Time, Storm
Current number: 2

Hm, the titles are practically the same this time. However, I hate the whole "Sakura..." titles so the English version is better.

Not much is seriously changed in this episode. There were some cut scenes but their loss didn't seriously hurt the episode.

Yamazaki's lying scene was cut but a moron could figure out that, duh, you have to train for a marathon. I'm no athlete but even I know that much. To be fair to Yamazaki though, his speech wasn't all lies: runners from higher altitudes tend to do much better than those from lower altitudes because they are used to running with less oxygen. When the Olympics are held in areas that are high up, runners from countries that are from lower altitudes are placed at a disadvantage compared to the "home team" since they're not used to it. Of course, the first climber to climb Mount Everest probably wasn't training for a marathon so that's a lie but most of it was somewhat true. In the English version, this was cut but it wasn't that entertaining or insightful so I didn't miss it.

They cut the daydream Meilin has about winning the race, which I was saddened by. It was a pretty amusing moment and I personally saw nothing particularly objectionable about it. It's not like Li declares his undying love during it or anything. Maybe it was a time issue? Then, why did they keep scenes that were ridiculously boring, like the Kinomoto family discuss the marathon path scene? Aidan's voice actor needed his paycheck that week perhaps?

They also cut Li getting some encouragement from Yukito. This made me roll my eyes. Li doesn't even blush during this scene so the American producers are getting seriously paranoid. Of course, it might have a time issue or to make Julian not seem so two-faced ("I'll cheer you on, Sakura! Never mind, I'll cheer you on, Li!") especially since, in the original Japanese version, Yukito doesn't urge Li to go faster but only does so for Sakura but I strongly suspect it was neither of these. Speaking of gay, Tomoyo's moments of lesbianness were toned down in the English as well. Again, her lines were silly or not that important so I didn't mind.

Beyond those scenes, nothing really jumps out at me. And even these scenes aren't exactly show-stoppers so it's not the episode is severely hurt by their loss.

For some bizarre reason, everyone shouts about the Clow Cards in this episode when there are people all around them. Meilin is especially bad at the end. It's amazing no one has figured them out yet with all their not-whisperings about the Clow Cards.

I noticed that near the end of the episode, the English version made Meilin wanting to win more about her wanting to win rather than her wanting to win with Li. A dash of feminism to placate American viewers? An attempt to minimize her crush on Li? Make her lines fit the lip flaps better?

This is a minor change but it was nice that they changed the marathon to after school rather than after lunch, especially since they have a character say that eating a lot of food before running is bad for you.

I could complain about the cheesy "just around the corner" song playing during the race but the original Japanese version was not only cheesy as well but lazy! They just play the opening theme music during the first part of the race.

To bring up my question from last episode: So, I guess Meilin did 1. go to school and 2. with Li. So, what was up with his "this is a school" line from last episode? Well, at least she's not a stereotypical uneducated child bride or anything, right?

I thought it was a nice touch of realism to have Li struggle to finish while carrying Meilin, who is about the same size as he is and pretty much collapse at the end. Too many times this scene has someone carry someone else and they're totally fine while doing so.

Time for some plot holes!

1. Why did Li ask if Meilin has ever run a long race before? He went to school with her and later affirms that she's only run dashes so why ask?

2. Why is Tomoyo allowed to videotape the race?

3. Why the random cameo of the toy store lady?

4. And if Tomoyo is so injured that she can't run then how does she reach both the turning point and the ending point before Sakura, Li, and Meilin get there? Keep in mind that she starts at the school with everyone else!

5. How come the Loop Card didn't affect anyone else? If it activated when Sakura walked by it, then shouldn't everyone behind her have also been trapped?

6. If Mr. Terada was supposed to bike behind the last person, then why doesn't he bike back when he realizes that Sakura, Li, and Meilin aren't there?

7. If the headsets allow Tomoyo and Kero to communicate, then why use the cell phones?

8. I'm glad that the episode even brought this up but I must repeat it: Where is Li keeping the Lasin Board?

9. Speaking of bringing it up, Sakura decides now to notice this strange trend of Li always having the Lasin Board at odd venues? He seriously had it on a school trip miles from home and produced it from nowhere while standing in a test of courage cave and she didn't even bat an eye.

10. Why does Li take so damn long to take out his sword? Did he want to do it with Sakura at the same time to be drama queens with her or something? He has this odd grin on his face. I can't really figure out what his motivation is here.

11. I tried my best to see who actually struck the line first and it looks like it's Li so Li should have gotten the Card.

12. Meilin is seriously strangling Li at the end. Let go of his throat already!

In conclusion, because the cuts made had minimal impact on the episode and there was nothing added that significantly improved it, I judge these episodes to be...


Episode 22
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