beast (wip dump)

Aug 08, 2010 14:36

Title: Untitled
Focus: BEAST
Word Count: 314
Notes: AU, apocalypse fic; started 05/03/10.

They'd all thought that if anyone would go, it would be Hyunseung, but when Doojoon wakes up one morning to discover an empty bed and a note on the pillow, it's not Hyunseung after all - it's Junhyung. Don't try to find me, the note reads. It's easier this way. And safer for you. I'll miss you. There is no signature.

That day, Doojoon moves a sleeping bag to the couch and installs a makeshift lock on the outside of each bedroom door. Starting that night, Doojoon sleeps on the couch and locks his bandmates into their rooms at bedtime. He'll keep safe what little family he has left.


Gikwang is the most hopeful. He watches the news every day and won't stop relaying what the anchors report, won't stop babbling about possible cures and new drug trials that crop up by the day.

Hyunseung tells him to stop, tells him that possible and new and trial aren't good enough, and that if he's going to die anyway, he'd rather die not knowing. Gikwang's face crumples - just a little, but enough for Doojoon to intervene.

“It's not such a bad thing to have hope,” Doojoon says. “We don't have to assume that any of us are going to die. None of us are even sick.”

The room is quiet, but the tension begins to trickle out through the gaps when Hyunseung shrugs and says, “I guess. Sorry.”

Gikwang smiles and tells them about an advancement in cloning humans.


It starts out slowly, only a few words here and there, barely noticeable and therefore largely unnoticed. They've all got a lot on their minds.

Maybe they don't notice it because Yoseob substitutes words he still remembers for those that he doesn't, or maybe they don't notice it because they don't want to. The first step is always denial.


Title: five times hyunseung tried being so-1 but failed
Focus: Hyunseung
Word Count: 127
Notes: Fic meme, prompted by envoler. Started 12/15/09.

Your facial expressions...
Are awkward, unnatural. Make me feel uncomfortable.

Hyunseung practices faces in the mirror, practices them over and over until his teeth hurt and his cheeks are sore. By the end, even his regular smile looks strained and somehow plastic; Hyunseung feels as though he could peel the smile off like a cartoon sticker, like all it would take is a firm tug to the corner of his mouth and the smile would slide off with sickening ease, leaving his face (natural) blank and expressionless.

He practices his part in front of the music video director before the shoot.

"The singing and dancing are both good," he says, "But your facial expressions need more work. It's really just acting, Hyunseung-ah."

Hyunseung can't act worth shit.

Title: Untitled
Focus: Hyunseung/ BEAST
Word Count: 215
Notes: Split personality AU, started 11/20/09.

Hyunseung is aware that his heart-rate is all over the place and that a cold fury has seeped into his veins, but he can't place this silent anger, can't remember where it stems from. He spends all morning holding back scathing words and biting remarks before finally excusing himself to the spare bedroom under the pretense of a headache.

(There are good days and there are bad days, but it all depends on perspective, really. Your better days are the ones when you feel alive and Hyunseung is the one who has to scrabble for purchase; your best days are the ones Hyunseung considers to be his worst. Today, for example, you exist almost enough to - )

The door bumps across the cheap linoleum floor as it opens and Hyunseung looks up, startled, to see Gikwang peering at him from the foot of the bed.

“Didn't you sleep?” Gikwang asks, frowning. “You're not going to get better unless you rest.”

“I was just about to lie down.”

Gikwang's frown deepens. “What were you doing for the past five hours, then? Seriously, take a break.”

“Five what,” Hyunseung snaps, irritated that Gikwang is trying to play a trick on him even though he's feeling ill. “It's been five minutes.”

Title: Untitled
Focus: Hyunseung/ Junhyung/Dongwoon
Word Count: 143
Notes: Three snippets that were supposed to make one fic eventually. Started 11/15/09.

Junhyung threads his fingers through Hyunseung's hair and pulls him close; so close that Hyunseung is no longer sure if he's breathing air or breathing Junhyung (or really, breathing at all).

Hyunseung lies with his head on Junhyung's chest, feeling Junhyung's heartbeat pound a steady tattoo into his skull.

Junhyung's heartbeat stays with Hyunseung for the rest of the day; he wants to keep it with him forever. It's not memorisation, nor is it hallucination. Junhyung's heartbeat has simply become a part of Hyunseung, throbbing from the back of his head through to his ears and down to his neck, pulsing from his fingers to his toes and back again.

Dongwoon begins before Hyunseung even realises that Junhyung has ended. It happens in a completely different way - whereas Junhyung was knowing smirks and calculated actions, Dongwoon is shared smiles and encouraging words.

character: hyunseung, focus: beast

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